The Department of “Mathematical analysis and differential equations”

March 12, 2025

Nodirov Shohruh Dilmurodovich

Head of the department of The Department of “Mathematical analysis and differential equations” ,
Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences associate professor
Phone: +998 90 167-92-34
Reception days: Monday to Friday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

2010-2014 - student of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (bachelor)
2014-2016 - student of Kazan Federal University (Privolzhsky) (master's degree)
2017-2018 - Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Karshi State University
2018-2020. - Basic doctoral student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karshi State University
2021-2022 - Lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations, Karshi State University
2022 - present – Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations, Karshi State University

History of the department

The Department of "Mathematical analysis" was founded in 1982, and associate professor E.Eshdavlatov headed it. From 1988 to 1992 the department was headed by associate professor N.Dilmurodov. In 1992, associate professor J.Toshev worked as the head of this department. That year the chair was divided into three departments: "Mathematical analysis", "Algebra and geometry" and "Differential equations". The department of "Mathematical analysis" was headed by associate professor J.Toshev, the department of "Algebra and geometry" was headed by associate professor S.Uzokov and associate professor J.Oromov became the head of the department of "Differential equations". 
In 1995, the departments of "Mathematical analysis" and "Differential equations" were merged and renamed as the department of "Mathematical analysis". Associate professor J.Toshev managed this department until 1998. From 1998 to 2001, the department of "Mathematical analysis" was headed by associate professor J.Oromov. In 2001 associate professor E.Eshdavlatov was appointed as the head of the department. In 2005, the departments "Mathematical analysis" and "Algebra and geometry" were merged and the department  “Mathematical analysis and algebra " was established. Associate professor N. Sharipov began to head. From 2008 to June 2010, candidate of physics and mathematics M.Abulov worked as an acting head of this department. From 2010 to 2014 candidate of physics and mathematics  A.Imomov worked in the position of head of the department. In 2014, the departments "Mathematical analysis and algebra" and "General Mathematics" were merged and the department "Mathematics" was created. From September 2014 candidate of physics and mathematics E. Alikulov was elected as the head of the department.
The Department of "Mathematics" was divided into the departments of "Mathematical analysis and differential equations" and "Algebra and geometry" in November, 2018. Candidate of physics and mathematics E.Alikulov was appointed as the head of the department "Mathematical analysis and differential equations". From 2020 to 2022, the department "Mathematical analysis and differential equations" was headed by doctor of philosophy in physical and mathematical sciences (Ph.D) M.S.Rustamova. This department has been headed by the doctor of philosophy in physical and mathematical sciences (PhD) Nodirov Shohruh Dilmurodovich since September of 2022 year.

Main tasks

ensure the exact implementation of the Charter of the University, Regulations on the Department; ensure the implementation of the functions and achievement of the tasks of the department in accordance with the Regulations on the department; to manage and manage the activities of the department in accordance with applicable law;

develop a strategy for the development of the department's activities in the areas of training, and ensure the implementation of a long-term plan for the development of the department, including issues of educational and scientific development, methodological and logistical support and the creation of a personnel reserve;

ensure the drawing up of conclusions on textbooks, educational and teaching aids. Organize the work and take a direct part in the preparation of textbooks, visual aids and teaching materials of the department;

prepare conclusions on the curricula and disciplines of the department, on the curricula of other departments of the faculty and the University;

submit for approval to the dean of the faculty (director of the institute) the work plans of the department and individual work plans of the teachers of the department;

to organize the educational process at the department, the training of highly qualified specialists, the continuous improvement of the quality of training specialists, taking into account the requirements of modern science and technology;

organize the exact implementation by the staff of the department of the Regulations on the ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students, other local acts regulating the organization of the educational process at the university;

ensure the achievement of indicators in the section "Research work of the department", necessary for attestation of the department without comments;

ensure the implementation of the state educational standard; participate in the work on the creation and implementation in practice of educational and professional programs, curricula, training course programs;

develop and submit for approval in the prescribed manner working curricula in the disciplines of the department, ensure that working curricula comply with the requirements of state educational standards;

ensure the implementation of intermediate certification, ongoing monitoring of progress, final certification of students in accordance with established requirements, analyze their results and report on them at department meetings;

organize and exercise control over familiarization, training and production and other types of term papers and diploma papers;

Taught subjects

The list of subjects taught for bachelor students:
Mathematical analysis;
Differential equations;
Theory of complex variable functions;
Functional analysis;
Differential equations and mathematical physics;
Mathematical physics equations;
Theory of operators;
Selected chapters of the analysis;
Geometrical principles of TCF;
Selected chapters of mathematical physics equations;
Mathematical physics methods;
Higher mathematics;
Olympiad problems for secondary schools;
Elementary mathematics;
Gibbs measures.

Master's degree
70540101-Mathematics (by directions) 18 masters are studying in the fields of mathematical analysis and differential equations.
The list of subjects taught at the master's degree:
Theory of measures and integrals;
Theory of operators;
Modern methods of mathematical physics;
Theory of functions with many complex variables;
Theory of harmonic analysis;
Analysis across decades;
Discrete dynamical systems;
Theory of stochastic analysis;
Theory of integral equations;
Loaded differential equations and their applications;
Modern methods of mathematical physics;
Problems for equations of mixed type;
Inverse problems of mathematical physics;
Spectral view of differential operator.

Scientific works

Scientific directions:
Integral formulas and multidimensional residuals in complex analysis.
Continuous and discrete time dynamic systems.
Correct and inverse problems for mathematical physics equations.
Gibbs measures and fixed points of nonlinear operators.


The department has 3 basic doctoral students studying in the specialty "01.01.01 Mathematical Analysis":
1. Dzh.N.Dzhumaev (Scientific Supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor U.A.Rozikov), 2. Khalilov A.Z. (Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor F.H. Haydarov), 3. Sh.S. Bobozhnov (Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, N.M. Dzhabbarov), in addition, 2 basic doctoral students are studying in the specialty "01.01.02 Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics": 1. A.Kh. Mukumov (Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kh.Imomnazarov), 2. D.A. Erkinova (Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Kh.Imomnazarov).


The department has established scientific cooperation with the relevant departments of Siberian Federal University of Russia, Novosibirsk State University, Kazan Federal University, as well as the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after V.I.Romanovsky, National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Bukhara State University.

Teachers of the department

14 professors and teachers work in the classroom. Iz nix 1 - doctor's degree, 1 - candidate's degree, 2 - doctor of philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences. Department of professors and professors:
Eshkabilov Yusup Khalbaevich- Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor  
Nodirov Shohruh Dilmurodovich - Ph.D,docent      
Khamraev Akhror Yusupovich - Can.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), docent  
Yangiboev Zoyir Shoberdievich - Ph.D, docent    
Boratov Bohodir Soyibovich - teacher
Istamov Djakhongir Ziyodullaevich - intern-teacher
Tashkulova Dilshoda Adkhamovna - intern-teacher
Daminova Mukarram Sultanovna - intern-teacher
Utaev Azizbek Toirovich - intern-teacher
Makhmatgobilov Nurbek Polatovich - intern-teacher
Abdimurodova Shokhsanam Anvarovna - intern-teacher
Safarov Rasul Chariyorovich - intern-teacher
Doniyorov Abror Rakhmiddinovich - intern-teacher
Rahimov Abror Makhmudovich - intern-teacher
The head of the cabinet is Urakova Dilnoza Klychovna.