Department of German Language and Literature

December 21, 2024

Makhmudov Alisher Yuldoshevich

Head of the Department of German Language and Literature,
Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Phone: +998 93 422-31-11
Reception days: Every day from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Since 1997, he has been working at the Department of German Language and Literature as a teacher, senior lecturer, head of the department, deputy dean of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology, and since May 2023 he has been working as the head of the department.

History of the department

In 1965, the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute began accepting students for courses in English and German philology in order to train high qualified  specialists in foreign languages. The aim was to  provide them with  high level of education as well as increasing and developing the scientific potential of foreign languages in the South of the Republic. 
In 1967, on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of German Philology was allocated as a separate independent department. From 1970 to 1972, the department was headed by senior lecturer Sh.Abdunazarov, from 1973 to 1975 by senior lecturer L.Kozhenkova, from 1976 to 1990 candidate of philological sciences, associate professor N.Elmurodov. From 1990 to 2009, the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G. Khodzhaev, from 2009 to 2013 - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer K. Markaev, from 2015 to 2021 - Senior Lecturer A. Makhmudov, from 2021 to 2022 Candidate philological sciences, associate professor K. Markaev. Since 2023 to present days, the Head of the department is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor A. Makhmudov.

Main tasks

Training personnel in the field of Educational areas (BA) 60230100 - Philology and teaching languages (German) and (MA) Specialty 70230101-Linguistics (German).

Taught subjects

  • Linguistics
  • Literary criticism
  • Theoretical grammar
  • Lexicology and stylistics
  • History of the language of studied countries (Europe and Germany)
  • Literature of the studied countries (Europe and Germany)
  • Methods and techniques of language teaching
  • Comparative typology
  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Modern literature of studied countries (Europe and Germany)
  • Reading and writing practice
  • Practice of oral speech
  • Practice of language aspects
  • Integration of language skills
  • Independent study skills
  • Integrated language skills
  • Intercultural competence
  • Press language
  • Practical Grammar
  • Practical Phonetics

Scientific works

Monograph of associate professor A.Yu. Makhmudov “Interpretation of Eastern culture in the work of G.E. Lessing" and the manual "German-Uzbek thematic dictionary", monograph by Associate Professor A. Akhmedov "Study of linguistic problems of updating the vocabulary of the language", "Introduction to German Philology", textbook "Praktische Phonetik der deutschen Sprache" and "Fertigkeiten der selbständigen Arbeit" , a trilingual textbook "Sprichwörter, Proverbs, Proverbs" by associate professor N. Makhmudova, a textbook "Deutsch kreativ" co-authored by Yu. Rakhimova, a textbook "Deutsch für alle" by N. Makhmudova, D. Mukimova was published.


Associate Professor of the Department, (PhD) Mahmudov Alisher Yuldoshevich, under the scientific guidance of the head of the Department of Literary Studies of Karshi State University, Doctor of Philology, Professor N. Shodmonov, conducts a scientific study on the topic “Eastern tolerance and motives of humanism in German literature of the 18th-19th centuries. (based on comparison and translations of G.E.Lessing, Y.V.Goethe, H.Hayne’s dramas), Berdymurodov Adkham Musurmonovich, under the guidance of Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences M. Begmatov (SamGIIA), is conducting a study on the topic “Linguistic-semantic features of negative words in the German and Uzbek languages”, under the scientific guidance of Associate Professor Tajieva G., Doctor of Philology of Karshi State University Dilfuza Toshmurodovna Atamurodova is conducting a study on the topic “Linguistic and cultural interpretation of the concept friend in German and Uzbek languages”, as well as under the scientific guidance of Professor SamGIIA , doctor of philological sciences B.Rizaev, Khasanov Ramish Samatovich is conducting a study on the topic "German perfect specific situations and their equivalents in the Uzbek language."


Professors and teachers of the department conduct scientific and educational cooperation with foreign countries. In 2009, Associate Professor A. Makhmudov graduated from the Mugelsee Educational Center in Germany, in 2019 at the Humboldt University in Berlin, in August and September 2024 at the Center for Education and Technology in Leipzig, Germany, in November 2024 at Gazi University in Ankara, A.Akhmedov in 2011 - from the Berlin Institute. Goethe, N. Makhmudova in 2013 - Berlin Institute. Goethe, A. Akhmedov in 2015 - Bremerhaven University of Practical Sciences in Germany. The department has established cooperation relations with the German Embassy, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) at the German Embassy, the Institute. Goethe, National University of Uzbekistan, UzJTU, SamDChTI, BukhSU. Students of the direction of philology and teaching languages (German) - Kahorova Zabarzhad, Nosirova Zarina and Suyunov Sardor became participants in the educational student exchange program for summer courses "Sommerkurs - 2022" DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) in major cities of Germany.

Teachers of the department

  • Makhmudov Alisher Yuldoshevich - Head of Depart, Doctor of Philology, Assoc.
  • Akhmedov Anvar Botirovich - Doctor of Philology, Assoc.
  • Makhmudova Nigora Bakhromovna - Doctor of Philosophy
  • Rakhimova Muyiba Temirovna - teacher
  • Rakhimova Yulduz Ganiyevna - teacher
  • Yangiboyeva Anorxol Koraboyevna - teacher
  • Ruziyeva  Djuletta  Elmurodovna - teacher 
  • Eshmurodov Ural Xujanovich - teacher 
  • Omonov Shukhrat Ganiyevich - teacher
  • Yuldoshev Abror Shernazar ugli - teacher