General physics

February 24, 2025

Kuyliev Bakhrom Tuhlievich

Head of the department of General physics,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Phone: +998 97 72370 31
Email: om
Reception days: everyday of the  15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Kuyliev Bahrom - scientist in the field of molecular spectroscopy, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. He conducts scientific research in the field of optics, molecular optics and Raman scattering spectroscopy. He has published more than 90 scientific papers in this field, including the textbook ‘Optics’ and several textbooks, also articles 7 in journals included in Scopus base. Since 2023, he has been working as Head of the Department of General Physics at Karshi State University.

History of the department

The Department of General Physics was established in 2021. There are 2 professors, 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 2 assistants and 3 doctoral students working at the department. The scientific potential of the chair is 50%. The department “General Physics” is a profiling one, i.e. it graduates specialists of Bachelor's degree “60530500 – Physics” and Master's degree of speciality “70530501 - Physics (in directions: optics, magneto-optics, molecular optics)”.

Main tasks

For all disciplines taught at the department, educational technologies based on modern pedagogical and information technologies have been created. The department has two lecture halls equipped with modern information and communication and multimedia equipment. At present the chair is headed by Bahrom Kuyliev. In order to increase the scientific potential of the department, young staff are attached to experienced teachers. 5 teachers are working on PhD doctoral theses. There is a scientific seminar at the chair. The department carries out its activities in co-operation with the Institute of Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of “Optics and Spectroscopy” of the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University, the Department of “Photonics” of the National University of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies and many higher educational institutions of our republic. In addition, the department has co-operation agreements with higher educational institutions of CIS countries. The Department of General Physics has a co-operation agreement with St. Petersburg University, Kiev State University.  The teaching staff of the chair publishes articles and conducts travelling classes together with professors of St. Petersburg University and Kyiv National University. In the 2024-2025 academic year, Professor I.Y. Doroshenko of Kyiv National University and Associate Professors A.P. Naumenko, V.S. Kudrya gave online lectures to students and young scientists through the ZOOM platform.

Taught subjects

Mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic physics, laser physics, molecular spectroscopy, molecular optics, energy physics, fundamentals of spectroscopy and modern research methods in physics

Scientific works

molecular spectroscopy


Saida Umarova, Zhamila Khuzhamberdieva, Umid Salomov, Askar Nekboev, Hayot Botirov, Nafisa Kurbanova


• Institute of ion-plasma and laser technologies named after U.A. Arifov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-plasma and Laser Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

- St. Petersburg University

- Kiev National University

- National University of Uzbekistan

- Samarkand State University

- Kashkadarya Regional Department of Preschool and School Education

- JSC Talimarjon Thermal Power Plant

- JSC Mubarak Gas Processing Plant

- Dekhkanabad Potash Plant JSC

Teachers of the department

Kuyliev Bahrom

Khairiddinov Botir

Uzokova Gulnoza

Umarova Saida

Khuzhamberdiyeva Zhamila

Botirov Khayot

Dilmurodov Shavkat

Meyliev Laziz

Turdiyev Urol

Salomov Umid

Nekboev Askar

Erkinova Dinora

Kurbanova Nafisa

 Teaching, methodological and research work carried out by the faculty of the department in 2024:

Published 13 scientific articles in international scientific journals of VAK, 18 scientific articles in republican scientific journals of VAK, 5 scientific articles in scientific journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, 1 textbook and 2 manuals. One patent and 5 copyright certificates of DSU were obtained. On the basis of economic contract 16 million soums were received.  Three foreign foreign professors were involved in the educational process. One of the members of the department received the scientific title of associate professor. One professor-teacher underwent advanced training abroad. The department has a scientific circle for gifted students. Gifted undergraduate students applied for a state grant. Among gifted students Allanazarova Sarvinoz and Kholiyorova Ezoza became winners of the Mirzo Ulugbek State Scholarship. In 2025, the department has one doctoral student scheduled to defend a PhD research paper.