Faculty of medicine

March 13, 2025


Alikulova Mukhabbat Mannonovna

Dean of the Faculty,
Phone: +998 93 525 33 00
Email: muhabbat.amore@gmail.com
Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

2021 y. Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of Medical faculty of Karshi state univercity.
2023 y. Dean  of Medical faculty of Karshi state univercity.

History of the faculty

The faculty of medicine was established as the Faculty of Medicine in 2021 based on Decree No. PF-6110 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 12, 2020

Main tasks

The main task of the faculty is to train family doctors.

Direction of bachelor's degree

General Medicine, Pediatric work

Talented Faculty Students

Winners of scientific olympiads - 2 students, сhampions - 1 student


Nodirov Tulkin Saidovich

Radjabov Ulugbek Abdigapparovich

Mustafoyev Mukhammad Olim ugli

Mukhammadiyeva Mashkhura Mustafaqulovna

Saidova Maftuna Kurbonaliyevna

Kayimov Mirzohid Normurotovich

Kholmuradov Askar Bekmurovich

Rizvonov Jasur Kurbonovich

Amirqulova Gulkhayo Murodullayevna

Akhmedov Bakhtiyor Elmurodovich

Murtozayev Dilkhush Mahmasharif ugli

Turayeva Khonzoda Gofur qizi

Namozov Begali Shoymardonovich

Rajabov Sherzodjon Nurmakhmad ugli

Department of General Medicine, Pediatrics