Tukhtaev Soyib SafarovichDean of the FacultyPhone: +998 90 288 99 66Email:Reception days: Every day 15.00-17.00 (except Monday and Saturday) |
2015-2018 y: Head of "Optimal Dial" Private Enterprise
2018-2021 y: Head of Qarshi "Servis Dizayn" LLC
2021 y: Teacher at Koson Agro-Technologies Technical School
2021-2022 y: Tutor at the Faculty of Art Studies, Qarshi State University
2022-2025 y: Present: Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Work at the Faculty of Art Studies, Qarshi State University
2025 y - Present: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Art Studies, Qarshi State University
The faculty was established as the Faculty of Art Studies in 2019 after being separated from the Faculty of Pedagogy. By the order of the university rector No. 651-X dated December 20, 2019, the faculty was officially named the Faculty of Art Studies.
The faculty team carries out its activities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education."
60210400 - Design (Clothing and fabrics)
60111200 - Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics
60110600 - Music Education
60210500 - Painting (Easel)
60210800 - Applied Arts (Artistic pottery)
60211400 - Vocal Art (Traditional Singing)
60211500 - Instrumental Performance (Folk Instruments)
60730100 - Architecture (by types)
Currently, the faculty has more than 10 talented students. They have state scholarship holders, participants of the "Zakovat" intellectual game, participants and winners of international and republican competitions. Among them, the following talented students of the faculty can be cited:
Utaev Khurshid Sherzod ugli
Makhamadiyeva Marjona Najmiddin kizi
Eshimova Marjona Sahib kizi
Hamroyev Asrorbek Bakhtiyar ugli
Kakhramonova Gulrukh Shukhrat kizi