Practical English

May 30, 2024

Mokhinur Nizomova  Baratboevna

Head of the Department of Practical English,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, docent

Phone: +998 91 962-72-22
Reception days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 15:00 to 18:00.

Labor activity

In 2011-2015 she graduated from the Uzbek State University of World Languages with a degree in English Philology, in 2019 she graduated from Termiz State University with a degree in 5A11401 - “Foreign language and literature (English)”.

Since 2020, she has been working as a teacher at the department of interfaculty foreign language (in social and humanitarian areas) of this university.

Since 2022, she has worked as a senior lecturer at the department of interfaculty English at this university.

From 2023 to the present, she has been working as the head of the department of applied English, associate professor.

History of the department

In 1965,  Karshi State Pedagogical Institute began enrolling students for courses in English and German philology with the aim of training qualified specialists in foreign languages. The Department of Foreign Languages (English and German) was created in 1967 with the aim of providing a high-quality and high level of education and increasing the potential of foreign language teachers in the south of our republic. In 1967-1992, the department was headed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Bakhodir Samadov. In 1992, the Department of English Language and Literature was created, headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bobonazar Oralov, and in 1993-1995 - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yuldosh Temirov. In 1995-2013, he was appointed head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kiyomov Ro’zi Elboboevich. Later this department was founded by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor S. Egamberdiev, Candidate of Philological Sciences A. Alikulov, A. Nazarov, P. Kurbanov. Since 2020, the head of the Department of Linguistics has been senior lecturer (Ph.D.) Omonova M.K. According to the new structural structure of Karshi State University, from August 29, 2023, the department of “Practical English” was created, doctor of Philosophy and philology (PhD), docent M.B. Nizomova has been working as the head of it. 

Main tasks

60230100 – Philology and language teaching (English) department and

70230101 –  Linguistics (English) speciality.

Taught subjects

Methods and technologies of language teaching

Theory and practice of translation

Modern literature of language learning countries

Reading and writing practice

Oral practice

Integrated Language Skills

Self-study learning skills

Intercultural competence

Media language

Practical Grammar

Practical Phonetics

Scientific works

A monography “Evaluation of pedagogical terms in English and Uzbek languages”, teaching aids “Practical English”, “Language for Economics” and the dictionary “Dictionary for Pedagogy” were published by the head of the department Nizomova M.N. senior teachers: N. Shakurova’s textbook “Introduction to Roman-Germanic Philology”; The monography “The Semantics of World Combination in English Language” by S. Namozova, the textbook “Literature of the Countries Where the Language is Studied”, and the textbook “Intercultural Competence” by S. Jumanova have been published.


Independent researcher of the department Namozova S.A., Ph.D., “Shakespeare studies in Uzbekistan: stages and principles of development” under the guidance of prof. B. Yo’ldoshev, N. Shakurova. “Conceptual-cognitive analysis of the frame “mother” in the English and Uzbek languages” under the guidance of professor of UzSWLU Tokhtaeva (Ph.D.), “Linguocultural interpretation and lexicographic study of clothing names in the Uzbek and English languages” S.Jumanova under the guidance of prof. G Tojieva (PhD), Elmirzaeva M., “Structural-semantic, lexicographical features and problems of translation of terms related to social protection” (using the example of English and Uzbek languages )”, under the guidance of docent of KarSU, Doctor of Philosophy Nizomova M., I. Karimova on the topic “Structural-semantic, functional and pragmatic features of numbers in English and Uzbek languages” under the guidance of  prof. M.Danieva, she conducts research to obtain an academic degree (PhD).


"Lund" University of Sweden, BelSU, UzSWLU, UzNU, SamSFLI, BuxSU, FerSU, AndSFLI, NamSFLI, TerSU, JSPU.

Teachers of the department

Nizomova Mohinur - head of the department, Ph.D. (PhD), docent.

Shakurova Nargiza is a senior teacher                                                                                             

Kurbanova Surayyo – teacher                                                                                                         

Chorieva Zebiniso – teacher                                                                                                               

Eshkobilova Feruza – teacher                                                                                                           

Jumanova Sevara – teacher                                                                                                             

Xidirova Gulnoza – teacher                                                                                                             

Namozova Saodat is a teacher                                                                                                         

Amirov Kamoliddin – teacher                                                                                                           

 Karimova Iroda – teacher                                                                                                                 

 Nusratov Javohir – teacher                                                                                                 

Uzokova Shakhnoza – teacher                                                                                                           

Elmirzaeva Maftuna – teacher                                                                                                     

Kayumova Mohichehra – teacher                                                                                                     

Ashurova Maftuna – teacher                                                                                                           

Ilyas Suvanov is a teacher                                                                                                               

 Mahmudova Fotima – teacher