Ibrokhimov Shahidjakhan
Position: Specialist in working with talented students of the department of development of scientific research and innovation activities
Phone: +998 99 666-43-14
Email: mr.shohfizik@gmail.com

Nurbek Farmonov
Position: Expert in International Publications
Phone: +99897 950 06 20

Ramazon Nurmamatov
Position: Expert in commercialization and business contracts
Phone: +998 97 744-03-92
E-mail: romazannurmamatov@gmail.com

Murodova Shakhnoza
Position: Scientific research engineer of the department of development of scientific research and innovative activities
Phone: +998 91 469-11-09
E-mail: murodovasahnoza048@gmail.com

Toshev Nurbek
Position: Manager of the department of development of scientific research and innovation activities
Phone: +998 91 961-97-47

Erkin Khakberdiev
Position: Executive vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations Telephone:+99888-020-00-98

Mukhammadieva Durdona
Position: Executive vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations
Phone: +99899-123-75-59
E-mail: muxammadiyeva.durdona@mail.ru

Ruzimurodova Lobar
Position: Scientific research engineer of the department of development of scientific research and innovative activities
Phone: +998 88 990-28-88
E-mail: ruzimurodovalobar1997@gmail.com

Muratov Azam
Position: Manager of the department of development of scientific research and innovation activities
Phone: +998 93 155-88-82
E-mail: azammuratov1606@gmail.com
Aminov Farrukh
Position: Specialist on International Rankings
Phone: +998 90 905-36-75