Innovative ideas in modern geography: Digital economy and GIS technologies

August 28, 2024




International scientific and practical conference

 We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative ideas in modern geography: Digital economy and GIS technologies", which will be held on October 25-26, 2024 at Karshi State University on the basis of Order No. 16 of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 18, 2024.

The purpose of the conference: to get acquainted with the results of research by leading republican and foreign experts in the field of geographical science and education on issues of geographical ecology, landscape theory, geoecological assessment and zoning of territories, climate change, the development of economic and social geography, geodetic cartography and GIS technologies based on modern research, the development of tourism, geographical education. A wider acquaintance of the scientific community, problems in this area, their solutions and tasks for the future consist in the implementation of scientific achievements and the exchange of experience, highlighting modern scientific approaches related to their solutions.

Main directions of the conference:

1. Innovative ideas, scientific, theoretical and practical issues of natural geography, geoecology and environmental management.

2. Digital economy in economic and social geography: problems and prospects.

3. Scientific, theoretical and practical issues of hydrology and hydrometeorology in the context of global and regional climate change.

4. Modern research in the field of geodesy and cartography, GIS technology.

5. Geographical problems and opportunities for the development of tourism and recreation.

6. Modern geographical education. Problems and future tasks of toponymy and geographical terminology.

Official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian, English

Deadline for accepting articles: until 15.10.2024.

Requirements for the format of articles

1. Article length – up to 7 pages.

2. Text format: MS Word (*.doc, *.docx). Page format: A4 (210x297 mm). The margins on all sides of the page are 2.5 cm. The text is typed only in Times New Roman font, 12 point, line spacing – 1.0, paragraph – 1.25 cm.

3. The text of the article is formatted as follows (Appendix 1):

- the title of the article, written in capital letters (point size 12, bold), is placed in the middle of the page;

- last name, first name, patronymic of the author (co-authors) are placed in the middle of the page (size 12, regular);

- the name of the organization, city and state is placed in the middle of the page (point size 12, regular);

The above paragraphs are posted sequentially in Russian and English for articles in Russian. In English-language articles, these paragraphs are written only in English.

 - text of the article (font size 12);

 - the names of figures and tables are numbered in Arabic numerals (Fig. 1, Table 1, etc.) with reference to them in the text of the article;

The font of the text in the tables should not be smaller than 11 point;

 - formulas must be written in the formula editor MS Word and numbered in brackets (1) with Arabic numerals;

 - the bibliographic sources used are given at the end of the article in the form of a list, numbered in alphabetical order under the heading “Bibliography” (font size 12); bibliographic references in the text of the article should be numbered in square brackets [1].

4. After the list of references, information about the author (co-authors) is indicated (full name, place of work, position, academic degree and title, telephone number and email address) in Russian and English (font size 12).

5. The article file is named after the last name of the first author and the conference section number (B.T. Eshboev 1.docx).

The deadline for submitting an application (in free form) and submitting an article is October 15, 2024.

To cover the costs of publishing the collection, authors are charged a fee of 125 thousand soums for each article.

For publication in the conference proceedings, please send articles designed in accordance with the above requirements to the following email address: ,

The authors are responsible for the accuracy and content of scientific information in the articles contained in the collection.

Conference venue: Karshi city, 180183, Kuchabog Street, 17. Karshi State University.

Articles can be sent to the following email or

Information about the conference can be found on the website

Phone numbers for information:   +99891 214-01-56 (Dzhumaev Khairulla),

                                                          +99890 667-48-59 (Navotova Dilnoza),

                                                          +99893 423-71-72 (Safarov isoq),

                                                          +99890 667-48-59 (Eshboyev Bekzod),

                                                          +99891 459-14-15 (Xushmurodov Farrux).