Dear student!
You have stepped into the realm of knowledge.
Never forget that the only true path to progress is through knowledge. For this reason, your ancestors endured great hardships, traveling to distant lands and living as strangers to acquire education and master their crafts. You are spared many of those hardships because you are a child of an independent, free, and proud nation—Uzbekistan. Your homeland shoulders much of the burden to ensure you receive an education and succeed in life. Even if these efforts required much greater toil, your country, parents, and teachers would never falter. For you are their hope, the representative of a generation entrusted with the flourishing future of our beloved and incomparable nation's independence.
Never succumb to despair. There is always a way to overcome any difficulty. The key lies in analyzing the reasons behind the challenges you face. First and foremost, learn to draw strength from within, to rely on yourself, and to inspire yourself.
Strive to maintain your health. Remember, your body is sacred, and no one has the right to harm it. Keep it pure and honorable. Always bear in mind that you are the continuation of a noble lineage and will pass on the legacy of purity to future generations.
Be determined and demanding, both with yourself and others. Without discipline and accountability, no task can be completed successfully, and no quality can be achieved.
Learn to listen to others. Embrace the advice of wise individuals and your mentors. Their words are not mere poetic expressions; they carry the essence of life, passion, sincerity, and hope. Strive to be a source of inspiration within the scholarly environment where you are studying. Your journey toward human greatness and independence begins here.
Independent reading, along with an appreciation for art and literature, enriches one’s spirit. It teaches you to find joy in life and to cherish it. Books are the most selfless companions on this journey, a never-ending source of enlightenment.
Trust in the feelings inherited from your ancestors, passed down through the generations. Be thorough and cautious in all your endeavors. Remember, the sacred word “Motherland” has resonated countless times within the humble walls of the room where you study and will continue to do so. Consider this place your sanctuary. To defile it with careless actions, impure thoughts, or disrespectful words is utterly unacceptable.
As you dedicate yourself to learning and mastering a craft, begin by strengthening your willpower. Only those with strong willpower can achieve success.
Never deceive yourself. Learn to assess your strengths and weaknesses honestly. A simple daily habit of reflecting on your actions, words, and deeds from an outside perspective will suffice.
Use your time wisely. Each day, every lesson, and every moment is irreplaceable. If you fail to value time, these golden years may turn into a period of uncertainty, loss, and regret.
Consider it a duty to master at least two foreign languages besides your mother tongue. Knowing multiple languages opens doors to understanding other cultures, solving complex problems, and even deepening your knowledge of your own language. Strive to stay attuned to global developments and recognize your shared responsibility for the transformative events unfolding in your homeland.
Whether spoken at the beginning or the end, good words are always worth repeating. Be a source of kindness and positivity. Protect Mother Nature and all her creatures. Doing so will bring you even greater beauty and fulfillment. It is also your duty, for the orchards you enjoy today must yield abundant harvests for your children and grandchildren tomorrow.
Dear young!
The thoughts you’ve read above are not foreign to you. If you embrace them as your own, revisit them often, and truly internalize them, they will inspire you to explore, create, and leave behind meaningful contributions. They will guide you toward a fulfilling life.
If these words ignite within you a sense of purpose and encourage you to do good, then it is a sign that:
You are someone in whom trust can be placed, someone who inspires hope, and someone from whom great things are expected.
May success always be with you!
1. Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Abu Ali Ibn Sino)
2. Abu Muin Nasafi (Abu Muin Nasafiy)
3. Abu Rayhan Biruni (Abu Rayxon Beruniy)
4. Ahmad Fergani (Ahmad Farg‘oniy)
5. Alisher Navoi (Alisher Navoiy)
6. Bahauddin Naqshband (Bahouddin Naqshband)
7. Imam Bukhari (Imom Buxoriy)
8. Imam Maturidi 1 (Imom Moturidiy 1)
9. Imam Maturidi 2 (Imom Moturidiy 2)
10. Imam Tirmidhi (Imom Termiziy)
11. Mirzo Ulugh Beg (Mirzo Ulug‘bek)
12. Muhammad Khwarizmi (Muhammad Xorazmiy)
1. Groups Angered by Allah (Alloh g‘azablangan toifalar)
3. Threats on the Internet (Internetdagi tahdidlar)
4. Be Aware of Internet Threats (Internetdagi tahdidlaridan ogoh bo‘ling)
5. What is Missionary Work? (Missionerlik nima?)
6. The Dangers of False Salafism (Soxta salafiylar xatarlari)
7. Beware of the Hizb ut-Tahrir Conspiracy (Hizbut-tahrir fitnasidan ogoh bo‘laylik)
1. Imam Tirmidhi 1 (Imom Termiziy 1)
2. Imam Tirmidhi 2 (Imom Termiziy 2)
3. Hakim Tirmidhi (Hakim Termiziy)
4. Knowledge and Ethics: Keys to Success (Ilm va odob saodat kalitidir)
5. Raising Children in the Family (Oilada farzand tarbiyasi)
6. Kindness to Parents and Their Rights (Ota-onaga yaxshilik va ularning huquqlari)
7. Preparing Youth for Family Life (Yoshlarni oilaga tayyorlash)
8. Etiquette of Pilgrimage (Ziyorat odoblari)
9. The 10 Rules of Internet Etiquette (Internet madaniyatining 10 qoidasi)
10. Peace in Islam (Islom dinida tinchlik)
11. Popular Commentary on “Sahih Bukhari” Hadiths (Sahihi Buxoriy hadislariga xalqchil sharhlar)
12. Sound Belief: A Guarantee of Stability (Sog‘lom e’tiqod – barqarorlik garovi)
13. Gems of Hadith from the “Sunan al-Darimi” (Sunani Dorimiy kitobidan durdona hadislar)