Faculty of Geography and Agronomy

February 14, 2025

Khayriddinov Akmal Botirovich

Dean of the Faculty, PhD in Agriculture, associate  professor
Phone: +998 90 607-44-33
Email: akmal.xayriddinov75@mail.ru
Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday

Labor activity

1992-1997 - Student of Karshi State University
1998-2000 - Post-graduate student of the Cotton Research Institute of Uzbekistan
2000-2006 - Engineer-pedagogue of Karshi Agricultural College
2006-2009 - Head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of Karshi Agricultural College
2009-2012 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology of Karshi State University
2012-2013 - Head of the graduate department of Karshi State University
2013-2014 - Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology of Karshi State University, etc
2014-2018 - Head of the Department of Soil Science and Ecology of Karshi State University
2018-2020 - Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of Karshi State University
2020-2021 - Assistant Professor of Agrochemistry and Soil Science Department of Karshi State University
2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology of Karshi State University (based on 0.25 st substitute)
2021 year present time. Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Agronomy of Karshi State University

History of the faculty

The faculty team conducts its activities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the "National Program of Personnel Training". The activity of the faculty is aimed at training highly qualified specialists needed for higher education, vocational and secondary special education, general education institutions. As a result of changes in the structural structure of Karshi State University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was separated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences on September 23, 2021, and the Faculty of Geography and Agronomy was established.

Main tasks

Study of modern systems, processes, devices and new technologies in agriculture.  Maintaining and increasing soil fertility.
 Analysis of environmental protection activities and rational use of natural resources.
 Application of modern technologies in the organization and strategic development of horticulture and policing farms.

Direction of bachelor's degree

60810700 –Agrochemistry and Agro Soil science
60811800 –Fruit and grape growing
60811900 –Vegetable growing, polishing and potato growing
60812000 – Organization and management of a greenhouse
60710400 – Ecology and environmental protection (by sectors and industries)

Master's direction

70530402 –Geography (by subject
70811801 – Fruit and grape growing
70530701 – Soil science (by type of research)
70811901 – Vegetable growing, polishing and potato growing
70710402 – Ecology (by networks and sectors

Talented Faculty Students

1. Kholmurodova Marjona Khurshid girl
2. Khushvaktova Gulinur Bahrom girl
3. Egamberdieva Sarvinoz Qalandar girl
4. Khairullaeva Fatima Hasan girl
5. Islamova Gulsevar Khahramon girl
6. Tishayeva Shaxnoza Boxodir qizir
7. Suvonova Yulduz
8. Abdiyeva Gulschoda
9. Umarova Sadokat
10.Narzullayeva Asal
11. Bukhorov Iskhoq
12. Samatov Abror


Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology

Department of Geography