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Yuldosheva Nilufar ErgashevnaHead of the department of Uzbek linguistics,
1992-1997 - Student at Karshi State University
1997-2000 - Teacher of the 1st secondary school named after Kh. Olimjon, Karshi district, Kashkadarya region.
2000-2007 - Teacher of the 1st Academic Lyceum of Karshi State University.
2002-2005 - postgraduate student at Karshi State University
2007-2011 - Teacher at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University.
2011-2018 - Senior teacher at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University.
2018-2023. - Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Karshi State University
2023-current - Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University, Head of the Department, etc.
The Department of Uzbek Linguistics was established in 1956. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assoc. TS Yadikhanova was the first head of the department. He headed the department for 25 years (1954-1979). In 1963-1964, the Department of Uzbek Literature was added to the department and renamed as the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature.
being a structural unit of a higher education institution or faculty, it carries out educational, methodological, scientific-methodical, scientific-research works in one or more related disciplines, as well as scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training, qualification improvement and retraining training and organizational, spiritual-educational and educational works are carried out.
Current Uzbek literary language, History of Uzbek language, Linguistic theory, Introduction to linguistics, Uzbek dialectology, Uzbek language teaching methodology, History of Uzbek linguistics, General linguistics, Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages, Sociolinguistics, Foundations of scientific work, Applied lexicography, Speech culture, State working in the language, practice of text editing, methodology of teaching specialized subjects (master's degree), theoretical linguistics issues (master's degree), associative linguistics (master's degree), Linguistics (master's degree), Anthropolinguistics (master's degree), linguistic research methodology and methods (master's degree)
The Department of Uzbek Linguistics annually publishes a scientific collection entitled "Current Issues of Uzbek Linguistics".
A. Mamatkulov, T. Orinov, B. Egamberdiev, A. Hazratkulov, T. Nafasov, E. Shodmonov, K. Usmonov, H. Hamroev, N. Mirzaev, B. Choriev, T. Kudratov, T. Jumaev, I. Khudoinazarov .B. Bahriddinova, Sh. Bobojonov, O. Shukurovlar, O. Orinova, N. Musulmonova, Yo. Hamraeva, N. Yoldosheva, H. Jabborov, E. Jabborov, G. Tojieva, T. Valievlar
Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Department of Turkology under the FA of Russia, Chelyabinsk State University (Russia), Department of Turkology (Ankara) of the FA of the Republic of Turkey, as well as Alisher Navoi Institute of Language and Literature of the UzR FA, UzMU, TDPU named after Nizomi, BuxDU, SamDU, FarDU, TerDU , has established cooperation relations with UrDU, NamDU, QDPIs.
Ph.D., Professor Bashorat Madiyevna Bakhriddinova, Ph.D., Professor Jabbarov Khojamurod, Ph.D. Jabbarov Eshpolat, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jumayev Tursunali, Ph.D. Associate Professor Shukurov Otabek Ulashovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Orinova Olima Togayevna, Ph.D. Nafasova Vazira Torayevna, associate professor Tajiyeva Gulbahor Nomozovna, associate professor Yuldosheva Khalida Kuziyevna, associate professor Narkhodjayeva Khurshida Sharipovna, associate professor Sulaymanov Bobir Nadir Ugli, associate professor Nabiyeva Munira Hamrokulovna, associate professor Mahmudova Farangiz , associate professor Rakhmatova Zoira Haqnazarovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kenjayeva Sabo Eshmamatovna, f.f.f.d Radjabova Ziyodakhan Ibodullo's daughter, Khudoyberdiyeva Mahbuba Murodovna, Kenjayeva Zahro Suyunovna