Uzbek linguistics department

March 3, 2025

Yuldosheva Nilufar Ergashevna

Head of the department of Uzbek linguistics,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate professor
Phone: +998 91 638 75 23 
Reception days: Tuesday-Thursday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

1992-1997 - Student at Karshi State University

1997-2000 - Teacher of the 1st secondary school named after Kh. Olimjon, Karshi district, Kashkadarya region.

2000-2007 - Teacher of the 1st Academic Lyceum of Karshi State University.

2002-2005 - postgraduate student at Karshi State University

2007-2011 - Teacher at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University.

2011-2018 - Senior teacher at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University.

2018-2023. - Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Karshi State University

2023-current - Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Karshi State University, Head of the Department, etc.

History of the department

The Department of Uzbek Linguistics was established in 1956. T.S. Yadikhanova, Candidate of Philological Sciences and Associate Professor, became the first head of the department. She led the department for 25 years (1954-1979). In 1963-1964, the Department of Uzbek Literature was incorporated into the department, and it was renamed the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature. Since 1988, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics has been functioning as an independent department. As of September 4, 2023, the department is headed by N. Yuldosheva, Doctor of Philological Sciences and Professor.

Main tasks

being a structural unit of a higher education institution or faculty, it carries out educational, methodological, scientific-methodical, scientific-research works in one or more related disciplines, as well as scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training, qualification improvement and retraining training and organizational, spiritual-educational and educational works are carried out.

Taught subjects

For bachelor's degree programs:

 1. Theory of Linguistics

2. Record keeping in the state language

3. Modern Uzbek Literary Language

4. History of the Uzbek Language

5. Introduction to Linguistics

6. Uzbek Dialectology

7. Uzbek Language Teaching Methodology

8. History of Uzbek Linguistics

9. General Linguistics

10. Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages.

11. Sociolinguistics

12. Fundamentals of linguistic analysis

13. Fundamentals of Scientific Work

14. Practical Lexicography

15. Text Editing Practice

16. Computational Linguistics

17. Corpus Linguistics

18. Practical Uzbek Language

19. Interpersonal and intercultural communication

20. Linguocriminalistics and Expertise

21. Grading in Uzbek

22. Old Uzbek script

23. Theory of Linguistic Expertise

24. Text Translation Theory and Practice

25. Applied Dialectology

26. Fundamentals of Assessing Philological and Speech Competencies

27. Theory and Practice of Text Creation

28. Applied Psycholinguistics

29. Computational Lexicography

30. Socio-Pragmalinguistics

31. Handwriting expertise

32. Applied Philology and Management

33. Psychological analysis of the text

34. Academic letter

35. Uzbek terminology

Master's Degree Specializations:

1. Pragmalinguistics

2. Psycholinguistics

3. Linguoculturology

4. Theoretical Linguistics

5. Text Linguistics

6. Areal Linguistics

7. Development of Uzbek Language Vocabulary

8. Semantics

9. Associative Linguistics

10. Foreign Sociolinguistics

Scientific works

In recent years, professors and instructors of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics have produced 10 monographs, 3 treatises, 12 textbooks, over 10 methodological manuals, and 6 coursebooks. They have also published scientific articles on various topics in foreign and national scientific and popular science journals. Notably, in the 2023-2024 academic year alone, the department's faculty published 3 coursebooks, 5 monographs, and 4 educational and methodological manuals. Since 2018, a scientific council has been operating at the university to confer the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. By November 2024, approximately 150 researchers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city, and other regions successfully defended their dissertations and received academic degrees of Doctor of Philological Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences. During 2020-2024, 6 members of the department successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), and 7 members for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. Currently, the senior lecturer of the department V.Nafasova is conducting research on “Linguistic features of hydronyms of Southern Uzbekistan”, associate professor Z.Rajabova is researching “Phraseological picture of the world: principles of interpretation, linguocultural features and lexicographical foundations” for the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc). Trainee instructors are also conducting research: M.Khudoyberdiyeva on “Representation of literary terms in the explanatory dictionaries of the Uzbek language”, Y.Djurayeva on “Linguistic features of female anthroponymy in the Uzbek language”, and Z.Kenjayeva on “Homogeneous and heterogeneous aspects of the tense category in the Uzbek language” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences.


In recent years, significant work has been done to enhance the scientific potential of the department. Specifically, in 2020, department member B. Bahriddinova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), and V. Nafasova for Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). In 2021, G. Tojiyeva became a Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), while Z. Rakhmatova, B. Sulaymonov, and Z. Rajabova became Doctors of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). In 2022, O. Shukurov obtained the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), and F. Mahmudova and M. Nabieva became Doctors of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). In 2023, N. Yuldosheva and Kh. Yuldosheva became Doctors of Philological Sciences (DSc), and Kh. Karimova became a Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD). In 2024, Kh. Narkhodzhaeva defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), while D. Abatov and O. Khujamurodova successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences. Since the 2020 academic year, doctoral and basic doctoral programs have been operating in the specialty 10.00.01 – Uzbek language. Currently, 11 doctoral students are studying in the department.

Doctoral students:

1. F. Khamraev

2. R. Nabieva

3. Sh. Nabieva

4. Sh. Ismatova

5. S. Chorieva

6. M. Ashurova

7. Sh. Rustamova

8. Sh. Khozhieva

9. G. Salomova

10. Kh. Ruzieva

11. M. Ibodova


The Department of Uzbek Linguistics has established partnerships with the Department of Turkology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State Linguistic University, Chelyabinsk State University (Russia), the Department of Turkology at the Turkish Academy of Sciences (Ankara), Turkish universities including Atatürk University, Hacettepe University, Bartın University, as well as the Alisher Navoi Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National University of Uzbekistan, Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Bukhara State University, Samarkand State University, Fergana State University, Termez State University, Urgench State University, Namangan State University, and Kokand State Pedagogical Institute.

Teachers of the department

1. Yuldosheva Nilufar Ergashevna - Head of the Department, Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Professor

2. Bakhriddinova Bashorat Madievna - Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Professor

3. Jabbarov Khojamurot - Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Professor

4. Tadjiyeva Gulbakhor Nomozovna - Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Professor

5. Urinova Olima Togayevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

6. Yuldasheva Khalida Kuzievna - Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor

7. Nabieva Munira Khamrokulovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

8. Kenjayeva Sabohat Eshmamatovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

9. Radjabova Ziyodakhon Ibodullo kizi - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

10. Nafasova Vazira Turayevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

11. Makhmudova Farangiz Muzaffar kizi - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

12. Karimova Khurriyat Sharipovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

13. Rakhmatova Zoira Khaknazarovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

14. Djurayeva Yulduz Gaybullayevna - Lecturer

15. Khudoyberdiyeva Makhbuba Murodovna - Trainee Lecturer

16. Buriyeva Lobar Abdullayevna - Trainee Lecturer

17. Kenjayeva Zakhro Suyunovna - Trainee Lecturer