The Center for Working with Women and Psychological Counseling

July 5, 2023

Gulrukhbegim Ravshanova

Head of the center for Working with Women and Psychological Counseling,
doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor
Phone: +998 97 229-69-27
Reception days: Even days of the week from 09:00 to 17:00

Labor activity

2018-2020 - teacher of the Department of Literature of Karshi State University
2020-2022 - senior lecturer of the Department of Literature of Karshi State University
2022-2023 - Chairman of the Women's Advisory Council of Karshi State University
2023  - head of the Center for Work with Women and Psychological Counseling of Karshi State University

History of the department

Until March 6, 2023, the university held a women's council. From March 7, 2023, the Center for Working with Women and Psychological Counseling started working according to the order of the Rector of Karshi State University No. 111 X.

Main tasks

- to increase the moral and aesthetic culture, socio-political activity of students, to direct them to the profession and meaningful organization of their free time;
- Taking measures to organize and improve the effectiveness of spiritual and moral, educational work among women in student residences;
- To further strengthen the activity of creative, professional, artistic circles-clubs aimed at meaningful spending of free time of students in TTJs;
- Identifying the problems of women working in the faculties in a timely manner, creating address lists of women in need of help and in a serious social situation, including women with disabilities, providing them with socio-legal, psychological and material assistance assistance, provision of rehabilitation means;
- Conducting questionnaires to determine harassment and violence against women and girls, analyzing the results;
- To pay special attention to students and girls living in troubled families, to ensure meaningful spending of their free time;
- Visiting the addresses of students living on rent in order to get information about the situation of female students living on rent, to study the conditions created for them, to talk with tenants and owners of private apartments;
- Formation of political consciousness, political values, political behavior, attitude towards state symbols in order to educate the basics of political culture in students;