Office and Archive

February 3, 2025

Gafiatulina Guzal Anvarovna

Head of the section of Office and archive
Phone: +998 90 733 47 33
Reception days: Every day of the  from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Since 2013, head of the registry office

History of the section

The registry office of the Karshi State University is included in the organizational structure approved by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 28, 1992 and is directly under the authority of the rector of the university.

Main tasks

 Ensuring the correct formalization of documents issued by the  university;                                                                          

-  Immediate delivery of incoming documents from (EDO.IJRO.UZ) to executors through the interdepartmental electronic system of executive discipline;            - In accordance with the instructions of the rector, to deliver the documents to those responsible for timely execution;                                                                  - Checking whether the documents to be sent with the signature of the rector (vice-rector) are recorded and properly formalized;                                                - To improve one's qualifications and experience in the work process and to ensure the introduction of new directions in work activities;                                      - Providing information to the rector of the university about all the work done related to the service of the office;       

- Registration of written appeals received by individuals and legal entities to the registry office, immediate delivery to the management and the sending of appropriate responses based on the provisions of the law;                                     

- Taking measures to improve the skills of the employees of the department;                                                                           

- Stitching the executed documents into bundles;                 

- Preparing and submitting the documents for submission to the departmental archive within the specified period;