Academic Policy

October 14, 2024




  KARSHI- 2024


















Academic policy - the list of rules and procedures that should help to increase the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process, the quality of education, and create favorable conditions for the personal development of students.

1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education. Adopted by the Legislative Chamber on May 19, 2020, and approved by the Senate on August 7, 2020.

2. Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On the approval of the regulation on the system of monitoring and evaluating student knowledge in higher education institutions

[Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 26, 2018, list number 3069]

3. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. 344 of July 3, 2021 on the approval of the regulation on granting academic leave to students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

4. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. 824 of December 31, 2020 on the procedure for introducing the credit-module system into the educational process in higher education institutions.

5. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on additional measures to ensure academic and organizational-management independence of state higher education institutions December 24, 2021, No. 60.

6. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to provide financial independence to state higher education institutions December 24, 2021, No. 61.

7. Order of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the introduction of monitoring of the quality of education based on risk analysis in higher education institutions. September 14, 2023 No. 415.

8. Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. About the approval of the regulation on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. May 22, 2009 No. 160.

9. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Regulation on the procedure for organizing part-time (special part-time) education at a higher educational institution No. 930 of November 21, 2017.

10. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. 606 of September 24, 2021, on the approval of the regulation on the procedure for obtaining the 2nd and subsequent higher education at the higher educational institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


1. HEI-Higher Educational Institution

2. HESIM-Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ministry

3. KSU-Karshi State University

4. IRC-Information Resource Center

5. CDET-Center for Digital Education Technologies

6. SR-Student Residence

7. FSCT-Final State Certification Tests

8. GPA- Grade Point Average

9. MT-Master Thesis

10. CW-Course Work

11. CP-Course Project

12. GT-Graduate Thesis

13. FC- Final Control

14. MC- Mid-term Control

15. DC-Daily Control

16. EP-Education program

17. QR-Qualification Requirements

18. GP-Graduate Practice

19. IE-Independent Education

20. SESHE-State Educational Standard of Higher Education


3.1 Academic policy includes the following directions:

1. university admission policy;

2. quality education policy;

3. academic integrity policy;

4. policy of development and approval of educational programs;

5. policy of planning and organizing the educational process;

6. student assessment policy;

7. the policy of transfer, reinstatement, expulsion and academic leave of students;

8. policy of professional orientation, employment and career growth of graduates;

9. openness and transparency policy;

10. academic mobility and international relations policy;

11. policy of implementation of elements of dual education.

3.2 The goal of the academic policy is to direct the educational process to the preparation of competitive graduates who can solve complex problems in various fields of knowledge, thereby achieving a high level of quality in higher education that meets and matches the needs of the labor market and the individual.

3.3 The university provides equal opportunities for all students to receive high-quality and affordable education.

3.4 Taking into account the feedback of all interested parties involved in the development of educational programs, work on improving educational programs is carried out systematically and discusses the developed competences and content of university graduates.

3.5 The educational process is carried out by highly qualified professors and teachers. Local and foreign scientists from universities and scientific organizations are invited to give lectures on a number of subjects.

3.6 Due to the fact that the university is oriented to the harmonization of educational and scientific activities, the development of priority scientific directions and the support of creative young people, all the necessary conditions have been created - the use of information sources is provided, organizational and legal support is provided, material-technical resources allocated. Almost all teachers, masters and doctoral students are involved in scientific research.

3.7 The development of international relations of the university is carried out in accordance with the rules of international cooperation and provides for the following:

3.7.1 Participation in international educational programs;

3.7.2 Development of scientific and academic cooperation with educational and scientific institutions on the basis of agreements and cooperation agreements.

3.8 The international activity of the university is aimed at internationalization of education in order to fully integrate the university as an equal partner in the world educational space, to improve the quality of education and to increase the scientific training of personnel. The implementation of Erasmus+ program projects by the university will greatly help the internationalization of education.

3.9 Great attention is being paid to organizing sports and wellness activities and promoting mass sports in university life, with all necessary conditions in place. Students have access to 4 sports halls, 6 stadiums, and 5 sports complexes. The university's football team, “Lochin” has been established.

3.10 The following activities are carried out by the department of organization of spiritual and educational work at the university:

Implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at educating students in the spirit of respect for national and universal human values ​​and loyalty to the Motherland;

Broadly engaging students in culture, arts, physical education, and sports, developing their skills in using information technologies, promoting reading among them, and supporting students in need of social protection, including those with disabilities, those raised in orphanages, orphans, those who have lost their caregivers, and students deprived of parental care;

Expanding the opportunities of female students, increasing their position in society;

Increasing the social activity of students, supporting youth public organizations and volunteer activities.


When the admission process begins at the university, all information is provided on the official website to help citizens obtain information and prevent unnecessary hassle. The university's official website is, its Telegram channel is, and information can be obtained via the Facebook page qarshi.du. A call center also operates to provide information. The following details related to admissions are provided on the official website:

1. Joint educational programs;

2. Admission of foreign students;

3. Professional (creative) examination program and assessment criteria;

4. Professional (creative) examination program and assessment criteria (for the blind);

5. Date, time and address of professional (creative) exams;

6. Professional (creative) exam results;

7. Admission to the second specialty;

8. Distribution of admission parameters by language for the 2024-2025 academic year;

9. For graduates who have successfully completed technical school;

10. Contract amount of joint educational programs;

11. Schedule of professional (creative) exams for transfer of studies from foreign and non-state HEIs;

12. Interview results of technical college graduates;

13. Results of professional (creative) exams held for transfer of studies from foreign and non-state HEIs;

14. Masters Results 2024;

15. Information of personnel responsible for transfer and restoration of studies.


A quality policy covering all areas of university activity has been developed at Karshi State University. The quality of education is an integrated system that covers educational, teaching-methodical, scientific-research and other parts of the university's activities. It was also determined that the quality depends on the conditions that ensure the quality of education, that is, on the provision of the necessary material and technical base, modern literature, as well as pedagogical personnel.

All organizational and legal measures have been implemented at the university to ensure the quality of internal education. All educational regulatory documents at the university, specifically the State Educational Standards, qualification requirements, curricula, and subject programs, have been developed in collaboration with personnel ordering parties and consumers. The requirements that future specialists must know have been established by personnel ordering parties and consumers, and these requirements are reflected and approved in the educational regulatory documents. To provide students with a good education, the university has 9 educational buildings, 272 classrooms, 25 laboratories, and 25 computer rooms. Currently, all educational buildings, classrooms, and laboratory rooms are equipped with modern necessary equipment. In order to improve the quality of education and to continuously monitor the quality of educational activities, all classrooms are equipped with surveillance cameras. The quality of lessons is analyzed through these surveillance cameras. An automated system called 'AKBT' has been established in the information-resource center to provide users with fast and high-quality information-library services. Through this system, subscriptions to the library can be established using an ID card, and the processes of borrowing and returning books are conducted electronically. In addition to printed publications, students have access to electronic books and literature in audio format. For this purpose, QR-coded book stands have been set up in various areas of the university, in building halls, and in places with a high concentration of students.


The main principles of academic integrity of students in the educational process are as follows:

- conscientiousness - honest and decent performance of work that is evaluated and not evaluated by students;

- Ensuring and protecting the rights of the author of a scientific work and their heirs, as well as other rights in the field of intellectual property—recognition and protection of authorship, that is, information about the estimated work;

- openness, mutual trust, open exchange of educational and scientific information and ideas between students, professors and university staff;

- respecting the rights and freedoms of students - the right of students to freely express their views and ideas;

- equality - the duty of every student, faculty and administrative staff to observe the rules of academic integrity and responsibility for their violation.

     Based on the Order No. 284 of August 22, 2022, from the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regarding the procedure for preparing educational literature and establishing requirements for creating and using educational literature in higher education institutions, as well as the Order No. 24 of January 31, 2024, from the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regarding the further improvement of scientific publishing activities and the system for detecting plagiarism in dissertations, all activities at the university are being carried out accordingly. The university operates 2 scientific journals and 8 Scientific Councils. Activities have been organized based on the aforementioned orders.         

         Due to the fact that Karsi State University is financially independent, the textbooks prepared by professors and teachers undergo a special anti-plagiarism program before publishing the textbooks, and publication is allowed if the originality exceeds 60%. plagiarism software is used in cooperation with the Polish company in order to further improve the system of plagiarism detection in scientific publishing and master's theses.

The department of control and monitoring of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities of Karshi State University carries out its activities in accordance with the regulatory legal documents..

The department conducts its activities in cooperation with academic lyceum, faculties, departments and departments of the university.

In order to review appeals, the department of permanent activity of the rector of the university, which reviews the appeals of individuals and legal entities, in certain situations, on the instructions of the rector of the university, special working groups are formed from among the authorized officials on the issue under consideration. The results of the review are mainly drawn up in the form of a letter addressed to the person who applied to the university administration. In some cases, a document is drawn up on the review of the appeal.


In accordance with the tasks set forth in the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated June 15, 2022, No. PQ-279, regarding the organization of the admission process to state higher education institutions, the staff of the Career Center at Karshi State University provides information on admission proposals and the demand for personnel based on the needs received from state and non-state organizations and enterprises to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations.


8.1 General rules for planning and organizing the educational process:

8.1.1 The organization, planning, and implementation of the educational process at the university are carried out in accordance with the following documents: the order No. 35-2021 of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 19, 2021, titled 'State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Basic Rules,' the order No. 259 of June 9, 2023, from the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding 'Improving the Process of Developing Regulatory and Methodological Documents for Higher Education,' the decision No. 393 from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017, regarding 'The Procedure for Transferring, Reinstating, and Expelling Students of Higher Education Institutions,' the decision No. 824 dated December 31, 2020, regarding 'The Procedure for Implementing the Credit-Module System in Higher Education Institutions,' the decision No. 344 dated June 3, 2021, regarding 'Granting Academic Leave to Students of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan,' and the order No. 19-2018 dated August 9, 2018, regarding 'The System for Monitoring and Assessing Student Knowledge in Higher Education Institutions' (3069).

8.1.2 The duration of the academic year at the university is determined by the educational plans approved by the decision of the Scientific Council. The academic calendar shows the duration of training sessions, intermediate and final certifications, qualification practice and other types of educational work, vacations during the academic year.

8.1.3 Every day, the staff of the academic activity and registrar's office, specialists of the Department of Quality Control of Education and tutors of the Department of Youth Affairs check the attendance of classes. If a student does not attend classes for 74 hours or more during the semester (according to the results of attendance monitoring) without reason, the dean of the faculty will notify the Rector of the University about the exclusion from the ranks of students, the Rector's order will be issued.

8.1.4 Each academic period ends with the period of intermediate attestation of students.

8.1.5 When determining the student's educational load, it is necessary to take into account that the academic year consists of academic periods, the form of which is defined as a semester - 15 weeks. Independently by the university, intermediate attestation periods, internships, vacations, final attestation period (in the last year). The interim attestation period is called an examination session. Winter and spring exam sessions, and the spring session is a transfer session, based on the results of which the Rector's order is issued to transfer from one course to another.

8.1.6 Vacations are given to students at least 2 times during the academic year, their total duration should be at least 10 weeks, excluding the final year.

8.1.7 Qualified practice is a mandatory type of educational work for a student. The main types of professional practice are educational, pedagogical, and production. In the organization of the educational process, it is allowed to introduce the qualification practice both separately from the academic period and in parallel with the academic period. When summarizing the results of the intermediate certification, the results of the qualification practice are taken into account. The duration of the internship is determined in weeks based on the standard time the student worked during the week, equal to 30 hours (6 hours a day with a 5-day work week).

8.1.8 One academic credit is considered to be equal to 30 academic hours for all types of coursework. 1 academic hour equals 40 minutes for all types of academic work. The complexity of one Uzbek academic credit (30 academic hours) corresponds to 1 ECTS credit (25-30 academic hours).

8.1.9 In the implementation of a trilingual educational program, planning and organization of educational activities is carried out in three languages: the language of instruction, the second language and English. The second language of instruction and the percentage of subjects taught in English are 50, 30, 20, respectively.

8.1.10 According to the credit-module education system, students' independent work is divided into two parts: independent work under the guidance of the teacher (SROP) and fully independent part (SROS - SRO itself). The entire scope of SRL is confirmed by tasks that require the student to work independently on a daily basis. For all types of educational activities, the time ratio between the student's contact with the teacher and SRO is determined independently by the University. In this case, the volume of classroom work is at least 40-50% of the volume of each subject.

8.1.11 When introducing the elements of the dual education system, the planning and organization of educational activities is carried out on the basis of combining theoretical training with practical training in production. In this case, it is necessary to master at least 30% of the educational material of the subject in direct production (technological process, creative activity process, financial-economic processes, psychological-pedagogical process).

8.1.12 Planning of theoretical training and intermediate attestation is carried out in a single volume of credits, i.e. the total number of credits for each subject includes its study, preparation and mid-attestation forms for this subject.

8.1.13 Planning of the teaching load of teaching staff is carried out according to academic hours. At the same time, the study load in classroom training is calculated based on the norm equal to 1 academic hour and 40 minutes.

8.1.14 The full study load of one academic year is at least 60 academic credits or 1800 academic hours.

8.1.15 The number of credits completed during one semester is determined separately for each subject.

8.1.16 The main criterion for the completion of studies in the fields of undergraduate education is the student's mastery of 240 academic credits during the entire period of study, including in all types of the student's educational activities.

8.1.17 Students in technical and vocational education programs or short-term studies after secondary or tertiary education:

1) students form their personal study programs based on the achieved educational outcomes and the conditions acquired at the previous level of education; these programs are mandatory to be re-studied and included in the transcript;

2) based on the current educational program, the university independently determines the individual study periods and the volume of the educational program.

8.1.18 The main criterion for completing studies in master's programs is the student's mastery of the following:

1) at least 120 academic credits for the entire educational period in the scientific-pedagogical master's degree, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the master's student;

2) 60 academic credits with a duration of 1 year of study in the specialized master's course.

8.1.19 The study schedule is drawn up for the academic term and posted at least 10 days before the start of the academic term. Training sessions are conducted in two shifts. The start and end time of the training is set from 8:30 to 22:00. A 10-minute break is given after each academic hour. According to the regular schedule, the lunch break for students lasts 30 minutes.

8.1.20 The main rules of student education are defined in "Internal Rules".


9.1 Student knowledge assessment at the university is regulated by the 'Regulations on the Rating System for Monitoring and Assessing Student Knowledge in Higher Education Institutions,' approved by the Order No. 19-2018 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2018, and registered with the Ministry of Justice under number 3069 on September 26, 2018, as well as the decision No. 824 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 31, 2020, regarding 'Measures to Improve the System Related to the Organization of the Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions.' The final state certification of graduates is carried out based on the 'Regulations on the Final State Certification of Graduates of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan,' approved by the Order No. 26-2018 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education dated November 7, 2018. The deadlines for conducting the assessment stages within the evaluation system are included in the academic schedule for the 2023-2024 academic year. Efforts are underway to simplify and computerize the analysis of assessment results, as well as to improve attendance and academic performance. Explanatory work has been conducted on this issue, and each student has been provided with information on the 'Student Knowledge Assessment System' in Uzbek, Russian, and English.

9.2 "Mid-term control" is conducted in the form of written work, oral, computer control, and written control. Mid-term examinations are organized on the HEMIS platform at certain times of the academic year, and students are evaluated directly on the HEMIS platform. The department's rating results were collected and the results were discussed at the department's meeting. The results of the evaluation of the departments are then analyzed in the deaneries.

9.3 The composition of the commission for conducting and monitoring the final evaluation, consisting of the dean, deputy deans and department heads, will be formed in the faculties, and the appropriate schedules will be approved and directed to the process. The final inspections are monitored by surveillance cameras, and appeal commissions are formed to make them transparent and fair. The results are regularly analyzed in the scientific council of the faculty and, in summary, in the university councils. The procedure for organizing, conducting and evaluating teachers' evaluation system is controlled by the head of the department. At the faculty level, it is regularly held under the leadership of the dean of the faculty and his deputies.

9.4 The academic activities and registrar's office of the university and the department of education quality control regularly study and control the system of evaluating the knowledge of the students of the course in accordance with the requirements of the regulations. First of all, in order to carry out assessments in a timely and qualitative manner, the deadlines for their implementation are included in the schedule of the educational process of the course. Information about the results of the students of the course by the types of assessments collected through the local network of the University is summarized by the education department, the results are analyzed by the faculty and the university council, and qualification improvement measures are developed.


1. Transfering and restoring students' studies

When transferring and restoring the studies of students of higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as the transfer and restoring of students' studies) when the names of the educational directions (specialties) are the same Fields of study (specializations) are considered suitable.

The list of related educational fields in higher education is developed by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and approved by the State Commission for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Transfer or restore of students:

Higher educational institutions;

Ministries and agencies with higher education institutions in their system;

It is carried out on the basis of the decisions of the State Commission on admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the State Commission). In the following cases, transfer and restoration of students' studies is carried out on the basis of the decision of the ministry (department) to which the higher education institution receiving the student is subordinate:

to another higher education institution within the framework of one ministry (department) in the corresponding and similar directions of higher education and corresponding specialties;

from one higher education institution to another higher education institution within the framework of different ministries (departments) in the corresponding and similar areas of higher education and corresponding specialties.

In the following cases, the transfer and restoration of students' studies is carried out by the decision of the State Commission:

From accredited higher education institutions of foreign countries to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

within one higher education institution or higher education institutions within the same ministry or agency or different ministries and agencies for higher education courses that are not related to each other and specialties that are exceptionally incompatible.

2. A student may be expelled from a higher education institution in the following cases:

a) at his/her will;

b) in connection with the transfer of studies to another educational institution;

g) for violating academic discipline and the internal procedures and rules of etiquette of the higher education institution;

d) for having missed classes for more than 74 hours during a semester without a valid reason;

e) due to failure to pay the tuition fee on time (for those studying under a fee-for-service contract);

j) due to the fact that the student was deprived of liberty by the court;

z) in case of violation of the established order of the entrance exams according to the court decision (in this case, those excluded from the ranks of students will not be reinstated in the ranks of students);

i) because of his death.

During military service, recovery of health, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as child care leave, as well as sick family members (father, mother or their substitutes, spouse, child) for maintenance, the student may be granted an academic leave in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

 3. Academic leave 

1. This Regulation defines the procedure for granting academic leave to students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and continuing their studies after the academic leave.

2. Students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan may be granted academic leave in the following cases:

for military service;

to restore health;

for pregnancy and childbirth;

for childcare;

to take care of a sick family member (father, mother or their substitutes, spouse, child).

3. Academic leave is granted in any part of the academic year for the following periods:

for military service - for the period of military service specified in the legislation;

for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for child care - for the period of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as child care leave established by legislation;

to restore health and take care of a sick family member - for the period until the beginning of the semester of the next year that has not been fully mastered by the student (if, in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Regulation, the student is on academic leave for the period of correspondence or distance education or if it is transferred to the form of external education, for the period until the beginning of the next semester). In this case, one of the mentioned periods is determined by the rector (director) of the higher education institution according to the student's application.

4. The granting of an academic leave to a student is not considered to be his expulsion from a higher education institution.

5. Scholarships are not paid to students during academic leave.


At Karshi State University, there will be 7,740 graduates in the 2023-2024 academic year. The university aims to support students, assist in their employment, effectively organize their leisure time, elevate the personnel training system to a new level, encourage entrepreneurial ideas and initiatives among them, create additional conditions for them to earn decent incomes, and advance the ongoing efforts in this regard. To ensure the implementation of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy and the associated state program, a 'Career Day' was organized in collaboration with the Provincial Department for Poverty Reduction and Employment on April 15 of this year. Leaders and directors of state and non-state organizations visited the university, offered job vacancies to graduating youth, and entered into contracts.

"Career Day" is regularly organized at the university.

You can get information about the employment of graduates through these e-mail addresses. 1., 2.


The university has a department for managing the anti-corruption compliance control system, working with appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring departments. These departments operate on the basis of their regulations and work plans.

The Code of Conduct of Karshi State University has been developed. It was approved by the Resolution of the meeting of the Council of Karshi State University No. 1 on September 6, 2023. The Code of Conduct consists of Chapter 10, Article 35.

A mechanism for legal regulation and official documentation of cases of violations was developed by the department of management of the compliance-control system for combating corruption.

An important tool in the mechanism of implementation of the principles of academic honesty is the creation of conditions for the openness and convenience of university activities. A special Telegram-bot channel of the university rector and the anti-corruption "hotline" and @QarDU_Antikor_bot have been launched. The legal basis of this openness policy was determined later - by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 6247 dated June 16, 2021. Thus, an opportunity was created for citizens, first of all, university students and students of its vocational education institutions (academic lyceums and technical schools) to move freely.


The policy of academic mobility and international relations represents the policy of universities and higher education institutions to cooperate on a global scale, organize processes of international experience exchange of students and teachers. This policy is aimed at improving the quality of higher education, developing cooperation in the field of science, and strengthening the exchange of cultural and scientific experience.

The main goals are as follows:

Student mobility: Students have the opportunity to study short or long-term through exchange programs with international universities. This is done through international programs such as Erasmus+, DAAD, NSP, KOICA, Fulbright.

Mobility of teachers and researchers: participation in international scientific conferences, seminars, creation of opportunities for short-term teaching or research in foreign universities.

Cooperation programs: conducting joint scientific research with international universities, creating joint scientific programs and working on scientific projects.

Research exchange: Universities conduct research projects and exchange experience through international cooperation through their researchers and professors.

Cultural exchange: Students and teachers are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of other nations and introduce the culture of their own nation during their education in foreign countries.

The policy of academic mobility and international relations supports the improvement of the quality of education, the expansion of inter-university scientific cooperation and the training of personnel at the global level.

Within the framework of academic and credit mobility of students and teachers of the opposite state university, Spain's Jaen University (Jaen University), Valladolid University (Valladolid University), Slovakia's Jilina University (Zilina University), Constantine the Philosopher University, Slovak Technology in Bratislava carried out mobility exchanges within the framework of cooperation with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.


Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, students of Tourism (in the fields of activity), organization and management of the hotel industry, and alternative energy fields are being organized to study on the basis of dual education. Contracts are being signed with hotels, guest houses, general catering establishments and other service establishments located in the city and district areas of Kashkadarya region.

During the 2024-2025 academic year, it is envisaged that students will acquire theoretical knowledge at an educational institution on the basis of dual education 3 days a week, and acquire paid practical skills at service enterprises and organizations on 2 days a week.

When introducing the elements of the dual education system, the planning and organization of educational activities is carried out on the basis of combining theoretical training with practical training in production. In this case, it is necessary to master at least 30% of the educational material of the subject in direct production (technological process, creative activity process, financial-economic processes, psychological-pedagogical process).


On the procedure for the organization of processes of continuous professional development of managers and pedagogues of higher educational institutions

(According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 415 of July 11, 2024 - National database of legal information, 07/12/2024, No. 09/24/415/0501)

The procedure for passing retraining and advanced training courses.

Graduates of master's degrees, who were accepted to the positions of pedagogues in higher educational institutions in the year of graduation, undergo retraining and advanced training courses in the third year of pedagogical activity.

Managers and pedagogues of state higher education institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation, are obliged to retrain and upgrade their skills at least once every three years in the relevant areas of retraining and professional development.

Forms of distance education for retraining and advanced training courses.

According to the recommendation of the Council of Higher Education Institutions, women with young children under the age of three, persons of retirement age and persons with disabilities who are members of the management and pedagogic staff of higher education institutions, Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in agreement with the Ministry of Science and Innovation, will be included in the schedule of training courses carried out through distance learning forms.

Alternative forms of training include:

To obtain the scientific title of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, it is required to have undergone professional development or an internship abroad for a total duration of at least 4 weeks or 144 hours in the last 3 years, and to have defended a dissertation to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) degree in the relevant field within the last 3 years.

Those who have not passed the attestation of the results of studies in retraining and advanced training courses.

Managers and pedagogues of higher education institutions who have not passed the attestation of the results of their studies in retraining and advanced training courses are required to undergo further retraining in the relevant or similar direction (specialty) of study on a paid basis for one year and at the end of the training course, it is necessary to pass the certification.

Retraining of management and pedagogic personnel of higher education institutions and repeated mastering of professional development courses is carried out on the basis of independent mastering of course programs through distance learning methods without separating from the main work.

If an employee has not re-passed the certification based on the results of their studies in retraining and advanced training courses, or has not completed the retraining and advanced training courses within the established period at their main workplace, the employment contract with these employees will be terminated in accordance with the established procedure, regardless of the expiration of the contract's validity period and the duration of the selection period for filling the vacant teaching position, within two months.