Faculty of International Joint Educational Programs

July 4, 2023

Azizova Nasiba Bahritdinovna

Dean of the Faculty,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences


Phone: + 998 91 456-26-83

Email: azizovanasiba@mail.ru


Reception days: daily from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m

Labor activity

1991-1992 Assistant Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature. 1992-1994 - Lecturer of the Department of Russian Linguistics of Karshi State University
1994 - 2006 – Lecturer of the Department of Cultural Studies of Karshi State University
2002 -2006 – Senior lecturer of the Department "Fundamentals of Spirituality"
2006-2014 – Methodologist of the Department of International Relations of Karshi State University
2007- present in . – Lecturer 0.5 staff of the Department of National Ideas, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Law of Karshi State University University
2014-2021 - Head of the Department of International Relations of Karshi state University.
2015 - Senior lecturer 0.25 staff (part-time) of the Department of Russian Language and Literature;
2021 and up to the present - Dean of the Faculty of International Educational Programs.

History of the faculty

The Faculty of International Joint Educational Programs was established on the basis of the structure of Karshi State University, approved by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 8, 2021.

Main tasks

The staff of the faculty carries out its activities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education". The main activity of the faculty is aimed at training qualified specialists in the programs of "double diplomas".

Direction of bachelor's degree

6030100 - Russian in foreign language groups
5110800 - Fine arts and engineering graphics 
6030100 - Philology and language teaching: (English) 
60910200 - General Medicine 
60910300 - Pediatrics 
60540200 - Applied Mathematics 

Master's direction

70230101 - Linguistics (Romano-Germanic languages)
70230101 - Linguistics (Russian)
70230301 - History (regions and countries History of regional processes in Eurasia)

Talented Faculty Students

Khamdamova Sevara (The owner of Presidential Scholarship)


Department of Distance Education