Problems and solutions of effective use of alternative energy sources

August 22, 2024




In order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations № 16 dated January 18, 2024, an international scientific and scientific-technical conference on the topic “Problems and solutions of effective use of alternative energy sources” will be held at Karshi State University on November 1-2, 2024. Professors and teachers of prestigious higher education institutions of our country and abroad, practicing specialists, doctoral students, independent researchers, master's students, students are invited to participate in the conference.

It is planned to discuss problematic issues in the following directions within the framework of the conference:

·         Scientific and practical basis for the use of alternative and renewable energy sources

·         Actual problems of energy saving and energy efficiency in economic sectors

·         Research and applied problems of semiconductor photovoltaic

·         Fundamental and applied problems of semiconductor physics

·         Ways to solve problems in the integration of science, education and production: Problems and solutions 

              Scientific articles for participation in the conference will be accepted until October 15, 2024. Papers submitted to the conference will be published as a collection. 


  •   The name of the file should be named with the name of the organization and the author's surname (for example, if the author is from the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, file with the name “KIEE Sharopov”).

  •   The text should be in "Times New Roman" font, 12 kegel, and the distance between the lines should be 1 interval. A distance of 2 centimeters is left from all sides (right, left, top and bottom) of the text of the article.

  •   The name of the article is written in capital letters, one line is left, and the author's name, surname, name of the organization are indicated in the next line, a list of used literature is given at the end of the text, the authors are personally responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the facts stated in the article.

  •   The length of the submitted article should not be less than 3 pages.

  •   Conference materials are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English languages.

  •   The organizing committee has the right to edit articles and abstracts. Conference proceedings are indexed in Google Scholar

  •   Articles that are not formalized according to the requirements of the conference, are not suitable for sections, and are submitted late will not be included in the collection of conference materials and will not be returned to the author..

Address of the organizing committee:

180183, Kochabog street 17, Karshi city. It is accepted in room 405, Faculty of Physics, Karshi State University, Department of "Industrial Engineering", responsible A.A. Vardiyashvili.
Phone: +99893 525-14-41