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Diyorova Muhabbat KhurramovnaHead of the department of Аgrochemistry and ecology,
From 1987 to 1992, he successfully graduated from Tashkent State University. On September 2, 1992, he was accepted as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Zoology and Fundamentals of Agriculture at Karshi State University. Since March 2003, he has worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Soil Science. In March 2018, he obtained a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences. From February 29, 2020, he served as the head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, and from September 23, 2021, as the head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology. Since 2021, he has continued his academic career as an associate professor.
The Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology was created in May 1994 on the basis of the Department of Zoology and Fundamentals of Agriculture. The department employs 2 Doctors of Science, professors and associate professors, 8 associate professors with academic degrees, 2 Doctors of Science, associate professors and acting professors. The institute employs 2 senior lecturers and 12 professors and lecturers. All lecturers have master's degrees and conduct effective scientific research in their fields.
The department trains bachelors, masters and doctoral students in the following areas:
60710700-Agrochemistry and Agro-Soil Science (Bachelor's degree)
60710400-Ecology and Environmental Protection (by industry and area) (Bachelor's degree)
60811900-Vegetable, Melon and Potato Growing (Bachelor's degree)
60811800 - Fruit and Vegetable Growing and Viticulture (Bachelor's degree)
60812000 - Greenhouse Organization and Management (Bachelor's degree)
60810500- Plant Protection and Quarantine (Bachelor's degree)
70810203-Soil Science (Master's degree)
70520202 -Ecology (Master's degree)
70811901- Vegetable and Melon Growing (Master's degree)
7081180 - Fruit Growing (Master's)
06.01.06. - Basic course of doctoral studies in vegetable growing
For Bachelor's degree
1. Soil Science
2. Agrochemistry
3. Agriculture and Land Reclamation
4. Plant Growing
5. Problems of Genetic Soil Science.
6. Fruit and Vegetable Growing
7. Physics of Soil Science
8. Methods of Soil and Plant Research.
9. Fundamentals of Land Cadastre and Soil Survey.
10. Plant Protection
11. Soil Chemistry
12. Soil Reclamation and Hydrology
13. Ecology
14. Cotton Agrochemistry
15. Agrochemical Service in Agriculture
16. Technology of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products
17. Soil Reclamation and Soil Protection
18. Fertilizer Application System
19. GAT Technology in Soil Science
20. General Entomology and Insect Taxonomy
21. Soil Science and Agrochemistry
22. Growing Fruit in Greenhouses
23. Managing Vital Factors of Vegetable Crops in a Greenhouse
24. Growing Melons in Protected Ground
25. Greenhouse Maintenance
26. Types and Structure of Protected Ground Facilities
27. Vegetable Seedlings in Greenhouses
28. Growing Rare Vegetable Crops in Greenhouses
29. Selection and Seed Production of Greenhouse Crops
30. Land reclamation and formation of land plots
31. Production of seeds and seedlings in greenhouses
32. Protection of greenhouse crops from pests
33. Vegetable and melon growing
34. Growing vegetables in protected ground
35. Biology of vegetable crops
36. Biology of fruit crops
37. World vegetable growing
38. Growing berry fruits
39. Fertilization system of gardens
40. Production of vegetable seeds
41. Technology of growing fruit crops
42. Technology of growing grapes
43. Growing fruits
44. Biology of grapes and gardening
45. Intensive fruit growing
46. Subtropical plants
47. Viticulture
48. Grape selection and ampelography
49. Technology of growing rare vegetable crops
50. Home garden vegetable growing
51. Fruit growing and viticulture
52. Potato growing
53. Medicinal properties of vegetables
54. Fertilization system of vegetable crops
55. Problems of genetic soil science
56. Soils of the World
57. Biology and Genetics
58. Construction of a Modern Greenhouse and Preparation of Its Soil for Planting
59. Growing Vegetable Crops in a Greenhouse
60. Technology of Growing Fruit Crops
61. Fruit Nursery
62. Selection and Variety Development of Fruit Crops
63. Growing Berries
64. Growing Fruit Trees
65. Growing Vegetable Crops in an Unconventional Way
66. Fundamentals of Ecology
67. Soil and Agroecology
68. Protected Natural Areas
69. Environmental Problems of Our Time
70. Soil and agroecology
71. Climate change and ecological adaptation
72. Hydroecology and geoecology
73. Population ecology
74. Human ecology
75. Garbology and ecotoxicology
76. Pollution of soil and environment
77. Ecological expertise
78. Social ecology
79. Environmental impact assessment
80. Ecotoxicology
81. Urban and industrial ecology
82. Environmental law
83. Biodiversity and its protection
84. Specially protected natural areas
85. Bioecology
86. Geoecology
87. Rational use of natural resources and alternative energy
88. Ecological monitoring and eco-expertise
89. Sanitary condition of water bodies
90. Environmental monitoring
91. Ecological expertise
92. Social ecology
93. Garbology and recuperation
94. Urban and industrial ecology
95. Economics of nature management
96. Ecosystems of Uzbekistan
Master's degree
1. Methods of teaching special subjects
2. Methods of scientific research in soil science
3. Anthropogenic soils
4. Soil monitoring
5. Theoretical and practical foundations of digital soil mapping
6. Biological diagnostics of soils
7. Soil biogeochemistry
8. Scientific and pedagogical work
9. Scientific foundations of restoring eroded and degraded soils
10. Environmental management and audit
11. Rational use of biological resources
12. Ecological anatomy of plants
13. Environmental hazards
14. Strategy for environmental protection and sustainable development
15. Global climate change
16. Intensive technologies for growing fruit crops
17. Technology of storage and processing of fruits
18. Giving shape to fruit plants
19. Modern problems of fruit growing
20. Selection and varietal breeding of fruit crops
21. Agricultural technology for growing vegetables and melons crops
22. Gene pool of vegetable and melon crops
23. Innovative technology for growing vegetables and melon crops
24. Modern problems of growing vegetables and melon crops
25. Seed production of vegetable and melon crops
To date, within the framework of the scientific activities of the department, 6 textbooks, 14 teaching aids, 12 monographs and 6 methodological manuals have been published. The teaching staff of the department published 1 article in the second quartile (Q2), 1 in the third quartile (Q3) and 3 articles in conference proceedings published in journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, and also participated in 112 international journals under the control of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), 502 in local journals under the control of the Higher Attestation Commission, 223 in regional and university journals and collections, and also participated in lectures and articles.
The department conducts scientific research in the following areas:
The following independent researchers and doctoral students conduct their scientific activities at the department:
1. Kholikova Surayyo Narzullaevna, specialty 03.00.13 – Soil science, “Current state of the properties of virgin light gray soils and ways of their effective use (in the conditions of the Guzar massif of the Kashkadarya region)” Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor M.H. Diyorova
2. Khushmurodov Jobir Panzhievich on the topic “Agroecological state of irrigated soils, accumulation of heavy metals in mungbean and legumes (using the example of soils in the Nurabad region)” 01/06/04 – specialty “Agrochemistry”. Supervisor: H.N.Karimov
3. Toshpulatova Surayo Tulkin kizi, specialty 06.01.06 - Vegetable growing, "Dependence of future potato yield on the crop variety, mulching and planting dates (on the example of the Kashkadarya region)" Supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E.Ostonakulov
4. Umirova Durdona Mukum kizi, specialty 06.01.06-Vegetable growing, "Selection of hybrids that ensure high yields of super-early watermelon in the conditions of the Kashkadarya region and improvement of fertilizers" Supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E.Ostonakulov
5. Nurillaev Ilham Kholbek ugli, specialty 06.01.06-Vegetable growing, "Determination of favorable planting dates for varieties and hybrids vegetable (sweet) corn when grown as cover and repeated crops" Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E. Ostonakulov
6. Tuychiev Shukhrat Shavkatovich, specialty 06.01.06-Vegetable growing, "The influence of growing tomato varieties at different rates of fertilizers and growth stimulants on growth, development and productivity in the conditions of the Kashkadarya region" Supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E. Ostonakulov
7. Meylieva Khilola Shukhratovna, specialty 06.01.06-Vegetable growing, "Identification of cucumber hybrids suitable for cultivation as main and additional crops and determination of their optimal fertilizer rates, planting sequence and soil depth" (using the Kashkadarya region as an example) Supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E. Ostonakulov
8. Islomov Anvar Zhavlievich, specialty 06.01.06-Vegetable growing, "Identification of sweet pepper varieties, suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the Southern Kashkadarya region and determination of optimal rates of fertilizers and growth substances" Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor T.E. Ostonakulov
The department carries out educational, methodological, scientific and research activities jointly with Amity University in Uttar Pradesh, India, National University of Uzbekistan, Fergana State University, Kashkadarya region JSC "Agrokimyo Iham", LLC "Kashkadarya regional center for agrochemical analysis", Kashkadarya branch of the Southern Research Institute of Agriculture, LLC "Mubarak gas processing plant", Melioration expedition under the Amu-Kashkadarya basin administration of irrigation systems, Koson district private bio-enterprise for plant protection "Oltinkoz", "Regional regional branch of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemical Research", "Kashkadarya scientific and experimental station of the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, Melon Growing and Potato Growing", Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture named after Academician Makhmud Mirzaev and with the Southern Research Institute of Agriculture, they are cooperating in the field of production.
• Diyorova Mukhabbat Khurramovna - Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
• Ostonakulov Toshtemir Eshimovich - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
• Sarmanov Sherzod Shermahmatovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Khayriddinov Akmal Botirovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Tilovov Turob XXX, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
• Bobonorov Rustam Samadovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Amirov Khamidulla Suyunovich, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Aminova Dildor Kholmuradovna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Shokirov Bakhodir Kasimovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
• Bazarova Nigora Shamsievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
• Raimova Dilnoza Raimovna, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting
• Mamadiyorov Farhod Doniyorovich, Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting
• Raupov Bekmurod Nabiyevich, Senior Lecturer
• Kholikova Surayo Narzullaevna, Senior Lecturer
• Kudratov Gulom Donayevich, Lecturer
• Meylieva Khilola Shukhrat kizi, Teacher
• Boboev Farrukh Farkhodovich, Lecturer
• Tuychiev Shukhrat Shavkatovich, Lecturer
• Todjieva Bakhtiniso Shavkatovna, Teacher
• Egamberdiev Abror Ibragimovich, Lecturer
• Lutfullaev Sherbek Narzullaevich, Lecturer
• Toshpulatova Surayo Tulkin kizi, Teacher
• Umirova Durdona Mukum kizi, Teacher
• Nurillaev Ilham Kholbek ugli, Lecturer
• Mingbaeva Durdona Olim kizi, Teacher