English In faculties department

March 2, 2025

Azimov Abdikhamidullo Kholmanovich

Head of the department of English In faculties,

Phone: +998 90 607 19 84
Email: azimovhamid082@gmail.com
Reception days: Monday, Friday  of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

1999-2003 - student of Karshi State University, bachelor's degree                    

 2003-2005 - Student of Karshi State University, master's degree
2003-2006 - Teacher of the language center at Karshi State University
2006-2019 - Teacher of academic lyceum at KEEI
2019-2020 - Teacher of the Chair of English Language and Literature of Karshi State University                                                                2020-2021. - Head of the chair of Foreign Language In faculties (Exact and Natural Sciences) of Karshi State University 
2021. - now. - Head of the Chair English In faculties of Karshi State University

History of the department

The Chair of English in faculties was established in 2021.

Main tasks

The Chair of English in faculties does not train specialists.

Taught subjects

• Foreign language (English)                                                                                                                                              

• Foreign language in medicine                                                               

• Practical English                                                                                                                                                                              

• Foreign language in sports

Scientific works

22 professors (candidates of science, doctors of philosophy, associate professors, senior lecturers, lecturers) work in the chair in 24.25 full-time units. The scientific potential of the chair is 28%.

In the scientific activity of the chair:
- 1 textbook

- 13 manuals;
- 4 monographs;
- 5 methodological guides;
- 89 scientific articles in international scientific journals by HAC;
- 70 scientific articles in local scientific journals by HAC;
- 2 theses at international scientific conferences;
- 6 theses at Republican scientific level;


Among the professors of the chair, Khusanova Ruqiya "A Study of Interpretations of the works of Farididdun Attar in English Sufism", Alimov Toshtemir "Comparative typological study of the gender aspect in literary translation (as an example of translations of the novel "The Bygone Days")", Ochilova Zarifa "Linguistic-spiritual and linguistic-cultural study of proverbs expressing personal spirituality in English and Uzbek languages", Mamadaliyeva Susana "A comparative study of the literary letter in English and Uzbek", Normo'minov O'tkir "Linguistic-cultural, linguistic-spiritual study of nouns expressing personal spirituality in English and Uzbek languages" are conducting scientific research.


The Chair of English in faculties is trying to maintain scientific relations with Kazan Federal University of the Russian Federation on issues of cooperation.

Teachers of the department

• Azimov Abdikhamidullo Kholmanovich, associate professor                                                                                    

• Aliqulov Abdihakim Ganiyevich, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
• Suyarova Nargiza Yuldoshevna, doctor of philosophy of philological sciences, associate professor
• Alimov Toshtemir Amirkulovich, doctor of philosophy of philological sciences, senior lecturer
• Khusanova Rukiya Khushvaktovna, senior lecturer
• Avlayeva Saida Bozorovna, senior lecturer
• Xujakulov Sunnat Anvar ugli, trainee lecturer
• Ochilova Zarifa Zafar kizi, lecturer
• Sharipova Shakhnoza Yunus kizi, lecturer
• Shukurova Sabokhat Odilovna, doctor of philosophy of philological sciences, senior lecturer
• Normuminov Utkir Ishmurodovich, lecturer
• Turopova Lola Suyunovna, lecturer
• Elmurodova Sohiba Saitmurodovna, trainee lecturer
• Berdiyorova Rakhima Karimovna, lecturer
• Baymuradova Laylo Kahramonovna, doctor of philosophy of philological sciences, senior lecturer
• Mamadaliyeva Susana Atamovna, senior lecturer
• Choriyeva Madina Muzaffarovna, lecturer
• Murodov Shukhrat  Daliyevich, lecturer
• Amirova Zokhida Oripovna, doctor of philosophy of philological sciences, senior lecturer
• Kurbanova Nargiza Abdisoatovna, lecturer
• Buriyeva Fayoza Bakhriddin kizi, trainee lecturer
• Raxmatullayeva Maxbuba Zafar kizi, trainee lecturer