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Sultanov Shukurulla UmirpulatovichHead of the department of physical education and sports,
1982-1988 - student of the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute.
In 1983-1985 he served in the army.
1988-1992 - Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education of the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute.
1993-1995 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Karshi State University.
1995-1997 - Head of the Department of Sports Fundamentals, Karshi State University.
1997-2000 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fundamentals of Sports, Karshi State University.
2001-2003 - Karshi State University, Faculty of Physical Culture, Spiritual and Deputy Dean for educational work
2003-2007 - Head of the Department of Sports Fundamentals, Karshi State University.
2007-2009 - Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Karshi State University.
2009-2012 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamentals of Sports, Karshi State University.
2014-2017 - Karshi State University Interfaculty of Physical Culture and head of the sports department
2017-2018 - Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture, Karshi State University.
2018-2021 - Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Karshi State University.
2021 - Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the V.Kh.-Karshi State University"
"The Department of Physical Culture and Sports was established in 1971.
To date, the department is headed by associate professor Vardiashvili I.R., associate professor Rasulov S.B., senior lecturers Khahorov F.G., Eshpolatov F.R., Salaidinov S.B. At the same time, a.p.s. Sh.U.Sultanov works as the head of the department. Today, among the professors and teachers of the department, Ph.D. The students were taught and supervised by their research work Sh.U.Sultanov, senior lecturers F.Kakhhorov, B.Salaidinov, B.Begaliev, A.Umarov, A.Khazratkulov."
Members of the department conduct their activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
"Bachelor's subjects taught at the department:
- Theory and methodology of physical culture;
-Gymnastics and methods of its teaching;
- Athletics and methods of its teaching;
- Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games;
- types of wrestling and methods of its training;
-Swimming and teaching methods;
- Improving sportsmanship;
- Conducting and refereeing sports competitions.
Optional subject:
- Athletic facilities;
- Tourism;
- Organization and holding of sports events;
- Organization of mass sports and recreational events.
For many years of activity of the professors of the department, 4 monographs, teaching aids, about 20 teaching aids, about 5 textbooks have been prepared, scientific articles on various topics have been published in foreign and domestic scientific and popular science journals. . In particular, in the 2022-2023 academic year, professors of the department published 2 textbooks and 6 study guides.
Rakhmonova Gulrukh Ulashevna – "Improving the didactic possibilities of moral education of students in physical education classes." Scientific supervisor: Sultonov Shukurullo Umirpulatovich. Associate Professor, Karshi State University.
Raimova Dilnoza Fakhriddin kizi – "Development of physical fitness of primary school students through gymnastic equipment." Scientific supervisor: Yusupov Gayrat Abdulayevich. Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sports.
Ochilov Rufat Kokandovich – "Improving the method of developing physical fitness of young football players with different playing roles." Scientific leader: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), Professor Abdullayev Mehriddin Junaydullayevich. Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.
Umarov Ozod Temirovich – "System of complex training of qualified volleyball players at the stage of sports improvement, taking into account game positions and anthropogenetic indicators." Scientific director Safarova Dilbar Jamalovna. Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.
Eshmatov Gayrat Egamberdievich – “Pedagogical aspects of the formation of physical abilities of students in general secondary schools based on folk games. Scientific leader: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences Nurillayev Abdukhamid Ruzimboyevich, Dean of the Faculty of "Physical Culture" of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.
The department cooperates with higher educational institutions such as State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan, TDPU, BukhSU, SamSU, UzMU, TerSU.
Faculty members of the Department of Physical Education and Sports:
1. Sultonov Shukurullo Umirpulatovich
2.Boymuratov Ismat Boyqobilovich
3. Xurramov Jasur Qo’yliyevich
4.Qahhorov Furqat Godoyevich
5.Salaydinov Botir Meyliyevich
6. Umarov Abdusait Tog‘aymurodovich
7. Hazratqulov Asqar Karimovich
8. Begaliyev Baxtiyor Atavullayevich
9. Nurov Shakir Roziqovich
10. Yodgorov Mansur Abdialimovich
11. Jabborov Akbar Tuxliyevich
12. Eshpo’latov Faxriddin Raimovich
13. Ochilov Rufat Qo‘qonovich
14. Eshmatov G‘ayrat Egamberdiyevich
15. Yomg‘urov G‘offor Bobosharipovich
16. Safarov Anvar Safarovich
17. Karimov Bekzod Boyqobilovich
18.Xudoyberdiyev Baxtiyar Raxmatullayevich
19. Raxmonova Gulruh Ulashovna
20. Rayhonov Abror Muhammadiyevich
21.Akbarov Sherzod Axrorovich
22.Atavullayev Bekzod Baxtiyoro’g’li
23.Normurodov Ulug’bek Meyleyivich
24.Nuraliyeva O’g’iloy Shomuratovna
25.Norov Olim Toshpo’latovich
26.Raimova Dilnoza Faxriddin qizi
27.Bo’riyev Kamol Suyunovich
28.Soatov Dilshod Maxmaraimovich
29. Abduholiqov Beknurjon Alisher o’g’li
30.Umarov Ozod Temirovich