Djabbarov Oybek RaxmanovichHead of the department, f.-m.f.f.d., (PhD)Phone: +998 97 519-11-88Email: zhabbarov.or@qarshidu.uzReception days: Monday-Wednesday of the week from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. |
Jabbarov Oybek Raxmanovich - is a scientist in the field of mathematical modeling, Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. O.R. Jabbarov’s scientific works have made a significant contribution to the mathematical modeling of diffusion processes with damping described by nonlinear parabolic equations. O.R.Jabbarov has published more than 25 scientific articles and theses, author of 4 articles published in Scopus base. He studied at doctoral program conducting research under the guidance of prof. M. Aripov, and in 2022 successfully defended his thesis (PhD) on the topic “Mathematical modeling of diffusion processes with damping described by nonlinear parabolic equations”. Since October 2022, O.R.Jabbarov has been working as the head of the Department of “Applied Mathematics” of Karshi State University.
Since the foundation of the university, the university has been transformed into the university structure of the Rector of Karshi State University on the basis of the department operating under the names of "Informatics and HT", "Informatics", "Informatics and mathematical modeling", "Applied programming and informatics", "Applied mathematics and informatics" On the basis of the order №508-Х of November 1, 2018 the department "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" divided into two chairs - "Informatics Teaching Methods" and "Applied Mathematics". Bachelor of Applied Mathematics 70540201 - "Applied mathematics".
The Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Programming Technologies (according to directions) trains bachelors in the direction “60540200-Applied Mathematics”, 60610400-Software Engineering, 60530600-Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, “60610100- Computer Science and Programming Technologies (according to directions)” and masters in the specialty “70540201-Applied Mathematics (according to industries). Since the 2019-2020 academic year, the basic doctoral studies (PhD) have been functioning at the department in the specialty “05.01.07 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and a set of programs”. Currently 7 doctoral students are studying. Graduates of the department teach Computer Science and Mathematics in secondary schools, academic lyceums, vocational colleges, work to provide computer services at enterprises and organizations, localize computer programs, participate in the development of software, teach in higher educational institutions, and also work in research institutes.
Theoretical foundations of computer science
Data structures and algorithms
Introduction to the specialty
Programming basics
Algorithmic languages and programming
Algorithms and data structure
Artificial intelligence and neural network technologies
Process research and optimal control
Numerical methods
Programming technologies
Python programming language
Mathematical modeling
Optical communication systems
Information security fundamentals
Computer networks
Information systems
Creating mobile applications
Web programming
Software engineering
Variational calculus and optimization methods
Calculation methods
Economic mathematical problems
Additional chapters on algorithmic languages and programming
Spline function method
Network technologies
Computer graphics
Master's Degree
The department studies in the specialty 70540201-Applied Mathematics 17 master's degree students.
List of subjects taught in the master's program:
Methodology of teaching special subjects
Modeling in natural science problems
Skills for applied mathematicians
Theory of difference schemes
Computer technologies in mathematical modeling
Scientific calculation
Methods of approximate solution of integral equations
Knowledge-based systems
Spline function method and its application
Numerical methods for hyperbolic systems
Methods for solving mathematical and physical problems
During 2022-2023, members of the department published 1 monograph, 8 study guides, 3 study guides. More than 10 scientific articles have been published in journals indexed in the international databases of scientific and technical data Scopus, Web of Science, about 25 scientific articles in foreign journals, 20 scientific articles in scientific journals administered by the Higher Attestation Commission, more than 20 theses at the republican level and articles.
Professors-teachers and gifted students of the department have developed more than 20 computer programs and received certificates from the Intellectual Property Agency.
Since the 2019-2020 academic year, the basic doctoral studies (PhD) have been functioning at the department in the specialty “05.01.07 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and a set of programs”. Currently 4 doctoral students are studying.
Djabbarov Oybek Raxmanovich
Head of the chair, PhD
Shukurov Omon Musurmonovich
DSC, prof
Xolmurodov Abdulxamid Erkinovich
DSC, prof
Eshqarayeva Narxol G‘uzarovna
senior teacher
Akbarova Aziza Abduxakimovna
senior teacher
Shukurova Oysara Po‘latovna
senior teacher
Qurbonov Zafar Mamanazarovich
senior teacher
Eshboyev Erkin Abdirashidovich
senior teacher
Shoyqulov Shodmon Qudratovich
senior teacher
Shovaliyev Bahodir Haqnazarovich
senior teacher
Pirova Rashida Qudratovna
senior teacher
Xurramov Alisher Hasanovich
Bozorov Akmal Ashirovich
Zaripova Aziza Raxmonovna
Qlicheva Feruza Gulmuradovna
Boboxonova Yudduz Bahodir qizi
Xurramov Ismoil Dilmurodovich
Matanov Muhammad Charshamiyevich
Boymurodov Farrux Farhod o‘g‘li