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Eshkarayeva Narkhol GuzarovnaDean of the Faculty,
Eshkarayeva Narhol Guzarovna – scientist in the field of mathematical modeling, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. She made a great contribution to the field of mathematical modeling of the process of deformation of flexible anisotropic plates of complex configuration. N.G.Eshkarayeva has published 6 manuals, 4 methodological manuals, more than 100 scientific articles and abstracts, one of her scientific articles has been published in a journal indexed in the Scopus database. Total work experience - 40 years. Pedagogical experience at Karshi State University - 27 years. In 2014-2019 she worked as Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Educational Work of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karshi State University, in 2019-2021 - Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of Karshi State University. Since 2021, he has been working as the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
The faculty was founded in 1956 and has the most prestigious historical activity in the training of qualified personnel. Qualified personnel trained at the faculty work in republican and regional universities, as well as in the areas of the education system, the national economy and foreign countries. Over the years, the department was headed by associate professor Kakhorov A. (head of the department), senior teacher Shodiev S., Koziev Ch., Bozorov Sh., Sodikov T., Sharipov N., Toshev Zh., Khairiddinov B., A. Tashatov worked as deans , A. Kholmurodov, B. Koyliev. Currently, the faculty is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor N. Eshkаrayeva. At the moment, the departments of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations, Algebra and Geometry, Applied Mathematics, Algorithms and Programming Technology are functioning at the faculty. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was created on the basis of the structural structure of Karshi State University, approved by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 22, 2021.
60540200-Applied mathematics
60610100-Computer Science and Programming Technology
60110600-Mathematics and informatics
60610600 - Software Engineering
60610100-Information Systems and Technologies
60531000-Mechanics and mathematical modeling
70540201-Applied Mathematics (by fields)
70610204-Information systems (by networks)
Sodikov Ravshan - 2022 winner of the Republican stage of technological development TechnoWays, participant of Startup projects
Nilufar Karomova - Head of the "Discussion Club", 2nd place winner of the Republican stage
Abdurasulova is the laureate of the regional stage of the intellectual game "Latofat-Zakovat".
Rajabov Sukhrob - 2nd place in the Asian Judo Championship, world youth champion, 3rd place in the Uzbekistan Wrestling Championship
Bakhadirkhanov Ulugbekjon - 3rd place in the competition "Startup Projects of the Year KarSU" Bobokulov Abdulla - Rector of Karshi State University, proud 1st place in the scientific Olympiad in "Informatics and Information Technologies"
The Department of “Mathematical analysis and differential equations”
Department of Algebra and Geometry