Primov Rashid ToshkulovichHead of the department of Music education,
1. Primov Rashid Tashkulovich was born on February 2, 1964, Uzbek by nationality.
2. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music with the assignment of the specialty "Music teacher".
3. Total work experience - 34 years. Pedagogical work experience - 34 years. Pedagogical experience at Karshi State University - 34 years, including:
1984 - 1988 - student of Karshi State Pedagogical Institute;
1988-1992 - Lecturer at the Music Faculty of the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute;
1993-1996 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Music Theory, Karshi State University;
1996-1998 - Head of the Music Department of Karshi State University. - 1996-1998 - Head of the Music Department of Karshi State University;
1998-1999 - Head of the Department of Music Theory and Performing Arts, Karshi State University;
1999-2009 - Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Music, Karshi State University;
2009-2015 - Head of the Department of Music Education, Karshi State University;
2015-2020 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Music Education, Karshi State University;
Since December 23, 2020, he has been working as the head of the Department of Music Education at Karshi State University.
Laureate of the international competition of musical performance
The Department of Music Education was founded in 1977. The son of Associate Professor Sami Aziz made a great contribution to the creation of the department. This department was headed by his son, Associate Professor Sami Aziz, for many years. In subsequent years, at the department of Ph.D., prof. The department was headed by M. Abdukarimov, senior lecturer R. Primov in 2010-2015, M. Muradov in 2015-2020. From November 7, 2020, the department was headed by senior lecturer Primov Rashid Toshkulovich. Currently, the department employs 10 full-time professors, 1 Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, 3 Associate Professors, 3 Senior Lecturers, 3 Lecturers.
Department 60111300-direction of music education, 60110600-music education track, 60211400-vocal art the (traditional chamber) direction and the 6021-1500 th instrument performance (folk instruments) direction are specialist issuing departments.
Music theory. Solfeggio
History of music
Vocal performance
Methods of teaching music in preschool education.
Tool performance
Traditional singing
Methods of teaching music. School repertoire
Methods of teaching folk instruments
Basis of status
Carrying out
Learning Instrument Words
History of performing arts
Methods of teaching folk instruments
Ensemble class (folk instruments)
History and theory of the status of Uzbeks
Basics of status singing
Solo singer status
Folk music
Analysis of musical works
Ensemble class (traditional singing)
History of Uzbek music
History of the music of the peoples of the East
Traditional method of teaching singing
Methodology for working with an ensemble
Music pedagogy and psychology
Play sound
At the Department of Music Education, research work is carried out in scientific areas on the topics “Modern requirements for music education” and “Scientific and methodological foundations for teaching musical art.” In 2023, M.Sh. Kurbanova, senior teacher of the department, defended her PhD thesis in the field of pedagogy. In subsequent years, the head of the department R.T. Primov and the senior teacher of the department O.T. Khalilova received the academic title of associate professor in the specialty “Musical Art”, and the senior teachers of the department M.Sh. Kurbanova and F.S. Azizov in the specialty “Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education”. Also, as a result of scientific research, 4 monographs and more than 15 scientific articles were published in republican scientific journals and more than 20 scientific articles in International scientific journals. During the 2023-2024 academic years, professors and teachers of the department published 2 textbooks, 6 teaching aids and use them in the educational process.
Babanazarova Gulruh Yunusovna, a teacher of the department, is considered an independent researcher at the state concertvatorium of Uzbekistan and is working scientifically to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in art studies on the topic "on the issues of interpretation in Uzbek Bakhshish art (on the example of Kashkadarya bakhshik schools)" on the specialty of music art 17.00.02. Abdullaev Ravshan Sheralievich, a teacher of the department, is considered an independent researcher at the Department of Pedagogy 13.0.02 - scientific work on the topic "formation of metrorithmic skills in the study of rhythmic instruments" in the specialty of theory and methodology of education and training for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedogogical Sciences. Abdullaev Dostonbek inom Oglu is considered the foundation doctoral student of the Institute of Art Studies and is working scientifically to obtain a doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Art Studies in the specialty 17.00.02 – Musical Arts on the topic "traditions of performing the Kashgar rubobi instrument in Uzbek musical culture".
Department of Music Education, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia
State University and Penjikent, Tajikistan
Cooperation with the Pedagogical Institute of Tajikistan
existing relationships. These are higher education institutions
there are cooperation agreements with
Kurbonova Mohigul Shoniyozovna
Pirnazarov Laziz Kahramonovich
Azizov Fayoz Samiyevich
Xadjaniyazov Islambay Atabayevich
Sohibov Asadullo Ibrogimovich
Abdullayev Doston Inom o‘g‘li
Abdullayev Ravshan Sheraliyevich
Babanazarova Gulruh Yunusovna
Boboyev Omonxon Muhammadiyevich