Department of English Language and Literature

June 13, 2024

Bobonazarova Diyora Alisherovna

Head of the department of English Language and Literature,
Phone: +998 93-930-20-37
Reception days: Wednesday, Thursday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

The active periods of the head of the department: since December 9 of 2023.

History of the department

The Department of English Language and Literature was established in 2018.

Main tasks

5111400-Foreign language and literature (English language) professional activities of bachelors in the field of education include: - English language in general secondary education, secondary special, vocational educational institutions and to teach the subject of literature in the established order; - to work as an educator in institutions other than general secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges; - working as a cabinet manager and equivalent positions in the education system; - educational and methodical: working as a methodologist in the ministries, branch offices and institutions that carry out education in appropriate educational directions; - humanitarian working as a junior researcher in science research organizations; - working in archives, information-resource centers, publishing houses, mass-information institutions, manuscript funds, various business entities, non-governmental non-commercial and public organizations and other institutions; - work in local self-government bodies and local centers of spirituality and enlightenment; - development of computer technologies, pedagogy and technology of professional education, didactic teaching tools, electronic tools of education in the field of production and implementation.

Taught subjects

• Reading and writing practice
• Literary theory
• Theory and practice of translation
• Comparative typology

Scientific works

14 professors (2 PhD, 5 senior teachers, 7 teachers) work in the chair in 14 full-time units. The scientific potential of the chair is 14%.                                                                                                            

  In the scientific activity of the chair:
- 6 manuals;
- 1 monographs;
- 3 methodological guides;
- 64 scientific articles in international scientific journals by HAC;
- 68 scientific articles in local scientific journals by HAC;
- 4 theses at international scientific conferences;
- 8 theses at Republican scientific level;


Ochilova Dilafruz's "Oriental theme in the 17th century English dramaturgy (as an example of John Dryden's tragedy "Avrangzeb")", Jumayeva Nilufar's "Genre diversity in the early works of William Faulkner (as an example of the works of Noise and Anger, "Avesalom Avesalom" and "Soldier's Prize"), Jo’rayev Nurbek’s "Semantic, linguostatistical and linguo-spiritual typology of proverbs belonging to the thematic group "language" in the English and Uzbek languages" are in the process of scientific research. 


The Department of English Language and Literature has been cooperating internationally with Turkey's Dicle University and Poland's Zielona Gora University.

Teachers of the department

Aminov Farrukh
Djumaeva Nilufar
Ochilova Dilafroz
Muratova Manzura
Bobonazarova Diyora
Joraev Nurbek
Mahmudova Umida
Khamroeva Makhzuna
Begimkulova Dilobar
Farmanov Nurbek
Majidova Diyora
Davurova Umida
Khalikova Muhayo
Sultanova Yulduz