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Bobonazarova Diyora AlisherovnaHead of the department of English Language and Literature,
2010 - 2014 y. Student of Karshi State University.
2014 – 2016 y. Master’s degree student of Karshi State University.
2016 - 2021 y. English teacher of the department of English language and Literature at the faculty of Foreign Languages.
2021 - 2023 y. English teacher of the department of English language and Literature at the faculty of English Philology.
2023 - … Head of the department of English language and Literature at the faculty of Foreign Languages.
The department of English language and literature was organized in 2019. There are 12 professors at the department: 2 PhDs, 4 senior teachers, 4 teachers and 2 assistant-teachers. The average age of the teaching staff is 35. The scientific value of the department comprises 17%.
To prepare a highly qualified professional specialists and personnel on the field of Foreign language and Literature, as well as preparing the specialists on the field of Theoretical and Practical Translation.
Subjects that are taught at the department:
Integrated Language Skills
Practical Reading and Writing
Practice of Language Aspects
Applied linguistics (on Roman-German languages)
Theory and practice of Translation
Main foreign language
World literature
Scientific approach of the department:
Various interesting linguistic-scientific research is being carried on at the department, mainly, recently D. Ochilova has got her PhD degree on the dramatic work by John Dryden “Aurangzeb”. N Jumaeva got her PhD on her research on early works by William Falkner. Apart from this, senior teachers of the department – Begimqulova Dilobar and Juraev Nurbeks are ready for the defense of their dissertations.
The rest of the teaching staff are having their individual scientific researches on various topics related to English language and Literature. 5 professor of the department are working on their researches for the specialty of 10.00.06 - Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies.
Foreign affairs of the department:
The department of English language and literature has organized a plan on inviting professors from the universities on the Top 1000 list of the world and they organize interesting classes in assistance with them. In particular, the department is having an academic collaboration with the university of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
There are two majors at the department:
60110900 – Foreign language and literature: English;
60230200 – Theory and practice of Translation: English.
The teaching staff of the department:
Bobonazarova Diyora Alisherovna – the head of the department.
Ochilova Dilafruz Bakhromovna - PhD.
Jumayeva Nilufar Gulomovna - PhD.
Muratova Manzura Islomovna – senior teacher.
Juraev Nurbek Djumanazarovich – senior teacher.
Begimqulova Dilobar Bakhtiyor kizi – senior teacher.
Madjidova Diyora Alisher kizi – assistant teacher.
Davurova Umida Jurakul kizi – senior teacher.
Kholikova Mukhayyo Alisher kizi – teacher.
Akhmatjonova Sevara Akramovna – assistant-teacher.
Shonazarov Mansur Egamqulovich – teacher.
Tursunboev Bektosh Norbutaevich – teacher.