Shadiev Rizamat DavronovichHead of the department of Primary education,
1980-1985 - Student of Tashkent State University
1985-1987 -Assistant of the "Higher Mathematics" department of the Mubarak branch of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute
1987-1988 - Researcher of the Leningrad Department of the Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1988-1991. - Graduate student of the Leningrad department of the Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
1992-1993. - Senior teacher of the "Higher Mathematics" department of the Karshi branch of the Tashkent State Technical University
1993-1995. - Dean of the Faculty of General Engineering, Karshi Branch, Tashkent State Technical University
1995-1999. -Associate professor of the "Higher Mathematics" department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
1999-2002. - Senior researcher of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
2002-2002 -Associate professor of "Physics and Higher Mathematics" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
2002-2006 - Head of the Center for Talented Students of the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
2006-2008 - Head of the "Physics and Higher Mathematics" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
2008-2009 - Head of the "Higher Mathematics" department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
2009-2012 - Acting Rector of the Institute of Engineering and Economics
2012-2014. - Associate Professor of the "Primary Education" Department of Karshi State University
2014-2018 - Head of the "Methodology of Preschool and Elementary Education" Department of Karshi State University
From 2018 - h.v. - Head of the "Primary Education" department of Karshi State University
The "Primary Education" department was established in 1960 at the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute under the name "Primary Education Methodology". Headed by T. Rasulov, SH. Nurullayeva, N. Oripova. Starting from April 1, 2014, as a result of optimization and structural changes of the "Social pedagogy" and "Preschool education" departments, "Preschool and primary education methodology" " Department was established. Since October 2018, the department has been operating under the name "Primary Education". Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor R.D. Shadiyev. Since June 2014, the department has been headed by Rizamat Shadiyev Davranovich became the head. Since the time when Shadiyev Rizamat Davranovich was the head of the department, the scientific research work in the department has been increasing. By this time, the department has 5A111701 - Theory and Methodology of Education (Primary Education) master's degree and 13.00.01 - Theory of pedagogy. History of pedagogical teachings, 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and training, and 13.00.05 - Basic doctoral studies (PhD) and doctoral studies (DSc) in the specialties of vocational education theory and methodology. Since 2020, 13.00.02 - Educational and training theory and methodology specialization, the scientific degree awarding PhD.03/04.06.2020.Ped.70.02 at Karshi State University has been operating. The main staff of the department consists of 12 people, 2 of them are professors, 8 are doctors of philosophy (PhD), 2 are senior teachers. Scientific potential is 83%. Department of Primary Education 60110400 is a specialized department in the field of primary education.
Educational work, educational-methodological work, scientific-research work, education and training, mentor-student work, organizational work, etc.
General pedagogy
Technology and its teaching methodology
Methodology of educational works
Theory and methodology of physical education
Pedagogy, innovation and integration of primary education
Folk pedagogy
Pedagogical skills
Admission to the specialty
Pedagogy in primary education
Mathematics and its teaching methodology
The scientific-methodical seminar "Modernized educational technologies" is constantly operating at the department. During the 2024 -academic year, 7 textbooks and 7 study guides were issued by the department members with the certificate of the Coordination Council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and were published. applied to the process. 2 monographs were published as a result of scientific research. Since 2018, 2 Doctor of Science (DSc) and 13 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations in pedagogical sciences have been defended under the scientific guidance of the head of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor R.D. Shodiyev. 5 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations on pedagogical sciences were defended under the scientific guidance of Professor Sh.O'.Nurullayeva, Ph.D. According to the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 28, 2018, the head of the department R.D. Shodiyev was recognized for his many years of work in the field of education and awarded with the Shukhrat medal. The department has been operating in the leading positions in the university in recent years.
Umirov Azamat Abdinazarovich - 13.00.02. Specialization of theory and methodology of educational training - Improving the methodology for preparing students for the pedagogical modeling process.
Tirkashev Muhiddin Safarovich - 13.00.02. Specialization of theory and methodology of educational training - Improving the methods of forming empirical concepts on the basis of the intrgrative-analytical approach
Cooperation of the department with international and national HEIs and ITMs.
Shadiyev Rizamat Davranovich - p.f.d. Professor
Nurullayeva Shakhlo Uktamovna - p.f.d. DSc, Professor
Nabiyev Abdisalam Murodovich - PhD, associate professor
Aslonova Orzigul Pirimovna - PhD, associate professor
Berdiyev Bakhodir Ravshanovich - associate professor
Yulduz Buriyevna Yarmanova - PhD, associate professor
Yoldoshev Sodiq Norchayevich-PhD, associate professor
Choriyeva Feruza Amrullayevna- PhD, associate professor
Kazakova Marhabo Kudratovna- PhD, associate professor
Muhiddin Safarovich Tirkashov is a senior teacher
Umirov Azamat Abdinazarovich is a senior teacher
Rajabov Adkham Umarkulovich - PhD, associate professor