Literary Studies department

January 17, 2025

Nuriddinov Shahobiddin Boboyorovich

Head of the Chair of Uzbek Classical Literature, DSc, associate professor

Phone: +998 97 585 18 30
Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Nuriddinov Shahobiddin Boboyorovich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, associate professor.On September 23, 2022, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the topic "Genealogy of the sources of the Kamil Khorezmi Ministry and the problem of textual criticism" at the scientific council numbered D.067.02.16 of  Karshi State University and received the degree of doctor of philological sciences.General work experience - 21 years, scientific and pedagogical work experience - 21 years. Pedagogical experience at Karshi State University - 13 years. Sh. Nuriddinov published about a hundred works during his pedagogical and scientific research activities. After the defense of the doctoral dissertation, 40 scientific works were published, including 15 scientific articles in scientific journals, 20 scientific articles in collections, 2 monographs and 2 methodological manuals.

History of the department

Since its establishment, the chair has been operating as an independent department under the name of "Literary Studies" since 1964. A. Shermatov, V. Tohirzoda, A. Kakhorov, Kh. Rizayeva, O. Ikromov, A. Rasulov, T. Bozorov, F. Eshimov, P. Ravshanov, B. Yoldoshev, D. To 'rayev, G.Imomova, N.Shodmonov worked as chair managers for many years. Based on the order of the rector of the university on May 17, 2023, the Chair of Uzbek Classic Literature was established on the basis of the Chair of Literary Studies, and it was headed by Professor N. Shodmonov in 2023-2024. Since March 5, 2024, the department has been headed by Doctor of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Shahobiddin Nuriddinov. 

Main tasks

The "Uzbek classic literature" department prepares bachelors in the fields of 60230100 - Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language), 60230300 - Textology and literary source studies (Uzbek language). From the 2024-2025 academic year, the department has launched a master's education in the specialty 70230105 - Textual studies and literary source studies (Uzbek language). Currently, 2 doctoral students and 5 basic doctoral students are studying at the department.   Future personnel who are expected to become specialists of the department participate in teaching in secondary general education schools, specialized schools, academic lyceums and work in HEIs and scientific research institutions.

Taught subjects

Undergraduate courses:

1. Uzbek folklore

2. History of Uzbek literature                                     

3. Navoi science                                                       

4. Textual studies                                             

5. Eastern languages ​​(Persian, Arabic)

6. Sufism and artistic creativity

7. Old Uzbek language and script

8. Classical Arabic

9. Classical Persian language

10. The art of calligraphy

11. Basics of textual studies and literary source studies

12. Aruz science

13. Textology of Alisher Navoi's works

14. Basics of classical poetry

15. Classic dictionary sources

16. World Textology

17. Textology of the 20th century

18. Text editing

19. Mystical literature

20. Foreign language (second foreign language – Arabic)                                                   

21. Methodology of collecting manuscripts and lithographic books and creating a fund

Master's degrees:

1. Textual theory

2. Methodology of teaching special subjects

3. The practice of working with literary sources

4. The art of calligraphy and reading

5. Classic text language

6. Classical Persian language

7. Problems of origin and transformation

8. Fundamentals of scientific and critical text

Scientific works

During the activities of the professors of the department in the following years, 10 monographs, brochures, educational and methodological manuals, more than 10 educational and educational and methodological manuals, one textbook were prepared, and scientific articles on various topics were published abroad and published in national scientific and popular scientific journals. In particular, in the 2022-2023 academic year, 1 textbook, 5 educational and teaching-methodical manuals were published by the professors of the department. Since 2018, the Scientific Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences opened at the university has been operating at the department. By November 2024, about 150 visiting researchers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city and regions have successfully defended their dissertations and received the degrees of doctor of philological sciences and doctor of philosophy in philological sciences. During 2020-2023, 6 members of the department successfully defended their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations in philological sciences, and one of them successfully defended their scientific works of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc). At the moment, the senior teacher of the department F. Qiyamov and assistant teacher B. Siddikov are conducting scientific research on the topic of "Research of Arabic texts in the works of Alisher Navoi".


In recent years, significant work has been done to increase the scientific potential of the department. In particular, in 2020, B. Rizayev, Z. Namozova, O. Avaznazarov, in 2021, G. Shodmonov, M. Rayhonova, Doctor of Philology (PhD), in 2022, Sh. Nuriddinov, Doctor of Philology (DSc), in 2023 U. Abdullayeva successfully completed her dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences protected. As a result, the department was ranked among the departments of the leading universities of Uzbekistan with high scientific potential.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 10.00.02- Uzbek language and literature and 10.00.10- Textual studies and literary source studies (PhD) (basic doctoral studies) are operating. Currently, 2 doctoral students and 5 basic doctoral students are studying at the department.

 Doctoral students:

1. Avaznazarov Odiljon

2. Umida Abdullayeva

 Basic doctoral students:

1. Shodiyeva Surayyo

2. Nazarova Shokhista

3. Eshdavlatova Aziza

4. Rajabaliyeva Muhabbat

5. Sattorova Mahliyo.


The department cooperates with higher educational institutions such as Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic, Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Oriental Institute, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Bukhara State University, Samarkand State University, and Termez State University. Also, professors of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Doctor of Philological Sciences N. Jabborov, Doctor of Philological Sciences U. Dzhorakulov worked in the department on a substitute basis in recent years. Since the 2022/2023 academic year, Saidbek Boltaboyev, associate professor of the Karabuk State University of the Republic of Turkey, has been giving lessons to students in the subjects of Navoi studies, Sufism and artistic creativity, and the history of Uzbek literature on an hourly basis. Also, as a result of the department's scientific cooperation with foreign higher education institutions, in 2023, Professor Nafas Shodmonov's monograph entitled "Ali Şir Nevâyî'nin Bedii Tefekkürü" (Artistic thought of Alisher Navoi) was published in "Neyzen Kitap" publishing house in Istanbul, Turkey. It was published in hard copy and electronic version. In 2024, professors and teachers of the department Mukhayo Rayhonova and Umida Abdullayeva did an internship at Turkey's Marmara University.

The composition of the chair:

 1. Nuriddinov Shahobiddin Boboyorovich - head of the department, DSc, associate professor

2. Shodmonov Nafas Namozovich - DSc, professor

3. Jumayev Rashid Normurodovich - PhD, associate professor

4. Rizayev Bakhtiyor Kholliyevych - PhD, associate professor

5. Akramov Sherzod Kholmirzaevich - PhD, associate professor

6. Shodmonov Ghiyosiddin Nafasovich - PhD, associate professor

7. Avaznazarov Odiljon Rahmatullayevich - PhD, associate professor

8. Rayhonova Muhayyo Muhammadiyevna - PhD, senior teacher

9. Namozova Zilola Bozorovna - PhD, senior teacher

10. Abdullayeva Umida Abdukadirovna - PhD, senior teacher

11. Qiyamov Farhod Ravupovich - senior teacher

12. Siddikov Bakhtiyor Boriyevich - teacher

13. Ismatulloyev Nusratillo Jabir ugli - teacher