Kodirov AbduakhadHead of the department of Organic chemistry,
"2013-2018 - senior lecturer of the chemistry department of Karshi State University
2018-2021 - Associate Professor of Chemistry Department of Karshi State University
2021 - Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry of Karshi State University"
The Department of Organic Chemistry was established in 2021. Since its establishment, the scientific potential of the department has increased from 60% to 73%. The department has 1 Doctor of Science, Docent, 3 Candidates of Science, Docent, 3 PhDs, Docent, 1 PhD, Acting Docent, 3 teachers, and 3 doctorants. The Department of Organic Chemistry is a department that prepares bachelor's degree specialists in the field of 60530100 - Chemistry. The department has a master's degree in the specialty 70530101 - Chemistry. During this time, 1 member of the department has received the scientific degree of Doctor of Chemistry, 4 members have received the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, and 4 members have received the scientific title of Docent. Docent of the Department Kodirov Abduakhad Abdurakhimovich defended his dissertation on the topic “Synthesis of Aliphatic and Heterocyclic Nitriles and Amides, Quantum Chemical Classification, Modification, Biological Activity” for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences (DSc). Independent researcher Kurbanov Mingnikul Jumagulovich is conducting his dissertation on the topic “Synthesis, Production Technology and Fields of Application of Aliphatic Nitrogen and Bicyclic Sulfur-Containing Organic Compounds” for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc). Doctor of Chemical Sciences Kodirov Abduakhad Abdurakhimovich was appointed as the scientific advisor. The members of the department successfully completed a scientific innovation project on the topic "Practical implementation of the synthesis of highly effective biologically active compounds based on aminonitriles", and a patent for the invention of the Intellectual Property Center under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for N,N-bis-(α-cyanoisopropyl) ethylenediamine with a growth-promoting property was obtained (No. IAP 07542, 2023). As a result, a water-soluble, low-toxic and highly effective synthetic stimulant was created for widespread use in agriculture. A trademark certificate was obtained from the Intellectual Property Center under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the drug "Golden Autumn", which exhibits a high growth-promoting property. Also, monographs entitled "Synthesis and chemical transformations of thioamides in the series of substituted benzimidazoles and quinozoles" (2023), "Synthesis and biological activity of aminonitriles", textbooks entitled "Laboratory exercises in organic chemistry" (2023), "Bioorganic chemistry" (2024), and textbooks entitled "Organic chemistry", "Chemistry of natural compounds", "Collection of exercises and problems in organic chemistry", "General and inorganic chemistry 2" have been published. Under the scientific guidance of the members of the department, 3 talented students won various competitions, and 2 students managed to become prestigious fellows.
Educational technologies have been created based on modern pedagogical and information technologies from all subjects taught at the department. A modern chemical laboratory and laboratory equipment are provided for the students of chemistry education. The main tasks are to form students of chemistry education: 1. to work independently in the positions that should be occupied by persons with higher education in the field of education; 2. to continue higher education at the master's degree in the chosen specialty within the relevant bachelor's course; 3 implementation of the technology of synthesis of new chemical compounds, preparation of chemical compounds, study and analysis of their structure
Organic chemistry,
Structure of compounds,
Computer modeling in chemistry,
Chemical technology,
Bioorganic chemistry,
Chemistry of natural compounds,
Heterocyclic compounds,
Synthesis of organic compounds,
Chemical production processes and devices,
Modern physicochemical methods of research,
Gas and liquid chromatography in organic chemistry,
Commodity chemistry,
Mechanism of action of organic reactions,
Natural and fine organic chemistry
1 Development of technology for obtaining modifiers based on local raw materials regulating the physical and chemical properties of petroleum fuels and their application
2 Synthesis and use of coordination compound quinazolone-4 and its production with d-materials with simple and mixed ligands.
Docent of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Kurbanov Mingnikul Zhumagulovich is conducting scientific research for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) on the topic "Synthesis, production technology and areas of application of aliphatic nitrogen and bicyclic sulfur-containing organic compounds" in the specialty 02.00.14 - Technology of organic substances and materials based on them, under the scientific supervision of Docent Kodirov Abduakhad Abdurakhimovich. Doctoral student of the Department of Organic Chemistry Khamraeva Komila Bakhodir kizi is conducting scientific research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic “Synthesis of α-amino acids based on α-aminonitriles and technology for their production” in the specialty 02.00.03 – Organic Chemistry, under the supervision of Docent Kodirov Abduakhad Abdurakhimovich. Doctoral student of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Kholikova Gulnoza Akhmad kizi is conducting scientific research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry on the topic "Study of reactions of complex formation of α-aminonitriles with biometals" in the speciality 02.00.03- Organic Chemistry, under the supervision of Docent Kodirov Abduahad Abdurakhimovich. Doctoral student of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Lobar Shukhratovna Kholmirzaeva is conducting scientific research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry on the topic "Production and development of technology of linseed oil based on secondary polyethylene terephthalate alcoholysis products and local raw materials" in the speciality 02.00.14- Technology of organic substances and materials based on them, under the supervision of Docent Kurbanov Mingnikul Zhumagulovich
Department: Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Republic of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after O.S. Sodikov Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Mubarek Gas Processing Plant, Shurtangas Chemical Complex, Shurtan carried out scientific cooperation with the oil and gas production department, GTL plant of Uzbekistan and other production enterprises. "Uzbekistan GTL" LLC announced the contest which called "The most dedicated teacher 2022-2023" in order to contribute to the financial and spirtual support of dedicated teachers of higher education institutions. N.Umirov assistant professor of the department of inorganic chemistry, won honorable second place in this competition.
Kodirov Abduakhad Abdurakhimovich,
Nakhatov Innat,
Kurbonov Menglikul Jumagulovich,
Khakimova Zukhra Mallayevna,
Choriyev Azimjon Uralovich,
Makhmadiyorova Charoskhon Erkinovna,
Pirnazarova Nasiba Baymanovna,
Ruzikulov Azim Yusupovich,
Kholmirzayeva Lobar Shukhratovna,
Safarova Matluba Alimkulovna,
Mamatova Shakhnoza Berdikobilovna,
Karimov Oybek Tirkavovich,
Rustamov Sardor Rustamovich,
Elmurodov Chori Jurayevich