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Kamolov Luqmon SirojiddinovichDean of the Faculty,
Kamolov Luqmon Sirojiddinovich was born on August 3, 1971 in the village of Tashkurgan, Yakkabog district, Kashkadarya region. He was admitted to the Faculty of Chemistry of Tashkent State University (National University) in 1988 and successfully graduated from this faculty with honors in 1994. From August 31, 1994, he began working as a research scientist in the alkaloid laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and from January 1, 1995, he continued his studies as a postgraduate student in the alkaloid laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He began his pedagogical activity in November 1999 as a chemistry teacher at Lyceum No. 1 in Karshi. Since August 2000, he has worked as a teacher and senior teacher at the Department of Chemistry of Karshi State University, from December 18, 2000 to 2002, he was the Deputy Dean for Spirituality and Educational Affairs at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, from March 18, 2002 to 2004, he was the Head of the Master's Department, and from 2004 to 2016, he was the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Karshi State University. He served as the Head of the Department of Chemistry of Karshi State University from 2016 to 2022. From 2022 to the present, he has been working as the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Karshi State University.
The faculty began work on January 20, 1960 under the name of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. Later, i.e. in 1994, it was transformed into the center of "Natural Science". In 2001, the departments "Chemistry - Geography" and "Biology - Soil Science" were created as part of the center. On August 26, 2005, both faculties were merged and named the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. On November 5, 2011, the name of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography was given. Since July 8, 2014, the faculty has been given the status of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Since October 2021, the faculty has been assigned the status of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.
Organization and provision of the educational process at the faculty;
To provide information services to students on all issues of education and carry out explanatory work;
Preparation of draft orders and issuance of orders by faculty;
Preparation of relevant documents and information on the faculty based on the instructions of higher organizations;
Maintaining, collecting, storing information on student activities and issuing relevant documents;
Monitor the student contingent;
Issuance of student ID cards and delivery to students;
Issuing evaluation notebooks, monitoring the recording of students' learning results and keeping them;
Completion of assessment records, control and storage of their filling in the established order;
Summarizing the results of the semester, preparing reports and submitting them to the educational and methodological department of the higher education institution in the established order;
Based on the results of the semester and the scholarship committee's decision, preparing drafts of orders for assigning scholarships to students and transferring them from one course to another;
Submitting the student certificate, rating book, educational and personal forms of graduating bachelor and master students to the student department of the Higher Education Institution in the established order;
Ensuring the execution of orders related to graduate students.
Chemistry, Biology,Biotechnology
Chemistry (in science), Biology (in science), Microbiology and Virology, Biotechnology
Zhovliev's son Shahriyor Bakhtiyor is a laureate of the Beruniy State Scholarship, Uzokova's daughter Shahzoda Sabir is a laureate of the Ulugbek State Scholarship.
Department of Inorganic chemistry
Microbiology and Biotechnology