Microbiology and Biotechnology

March 11, 2025

Sherkulova Jamila Payanovna

Head of the department of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
doctor of philosophy of biological sciences, professor
Phone: +998 91 470-72-27
Email: sherkulova.zhp@qarshidu.uz
Reception days: every day from 09:00 am till 05:00 pm

Labor activity

2006-2015 - Lecturer, Department of Botany, Karshi State University.
2016-2018. - Postgraduate Student, Department of Biology, Karshi State University
2018-2019. - Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Karshi State University
2019-2020. - Acting Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Karshi State University
2020 - etc. - Head of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Karshi State University

History of the department

The Chair of Microbiology and Biotechnology was established in December 2018 at  the Chair of Biology and Biotechnology. 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 5 assistant teachers are working in the department. All teachers have a master's degree and are conducting effective research in their fields.

Main tasks

The Chair trains students  for  bachelor's and master's degree in the following directioin.
60710200-Biotechnology (by branches) (Bachelor)
70510102-Microbiology and virology (Master's degree)
70510103-Biotechnology (Master's degree)

Taught subjects

For bachelor degree
1. Introduction to Biotechnology
2. Microbiology and virology
3. Fundamentals of genetics and genomics
4. Biotechnology
5. Industrial microbiology
6. Biotechnology of food and feed products
7. Gene and cell engineering
8. Enzyme engineering
9. Agricultural biotechnology
10. Pharmaceutical biotechnology
11. Biotechnology for obtaining biologically active substances
12. Biotechnological process and equipment
13. Protein structure function and engineering
14. Industrial biotechnology
15. Agrobiotechnology

 for Master's degree.                                                                          

1. Research methods in biotechnology
2. Microbiotechnology
3. Practical enzymology
4. Problems of biotechnology and ecology
5. Nanobiotechnology
6. Biotechnology of immunologically active substances
7. Biotechnology of nutritional supplements
 8. Soil microbiology
9. Food microbiology
10. Medical microbiology
11. Industrial microbiology
12. Molecular microbiology
13. Biology of viruses
14. Plant virus cases
15. Biology of fungi
16. Biology of viruses

Scientific works

The head of the department, associate professor, J. Sherkulova participated in the selection of practical and innovative projects within the framework of the state programs related to the scientific activities of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic "Development of edible and medicinal mushrooms distributed in the territory of Kashkadarya region and the technology of their cultivation in spheres of artificial nutrients" and  won the practical project.                      In the scientific activity of the chair:
- 4 manuals;
- 2 monographs;
- 5 methodological guides;
- 22 scientific articles in international scientific journals by HAC;
- 32 scientific articles in local scientific journals by HAC;
- 112 theses at international scientific conferences;
- 223 articles and theses at Republican scientific level;


The Chair  conducts scientific research in the following areas:  
1. Development of edible and medicinal mushrooms distributed in the territory of Kashkadarya region and the technology of growing them in artificial nutrient media
2. Development of diagnostics for early detection of harmful microorganisms of agricultural crops and creation of biopreparation against them.
The following are the independent researchers conducting their scientific activities under the department:                            1. Chariev Rashid Ravshanovich 03.00.05 Botany "Transformation of desert phytocenoses of southern Uzbekistan in the process of desertification (in the case of the Karshi desert)" scientific superviser B.A. Adilov, PhD on Biological sciences 
2.Eshonkulov Erkin Yulchi oglu 03.00.12 – Biotechnology "Medicinal xylotroph Schizophyllum commune Fr. study of strains of the fungus and evaluation of their prospects for use in biotechnology" scientific superviser J.P. Sherkulova, PhD on Biological sciences 
3.Salomova Sayyorakhan Samatovna 03.00.12 - Biotechnology "Development of technology for obtaining zoohumus based on Tenebrio molitor" scientific superviser,   N.A. Khojamshukurov,   PhD on Biological sciences, professor 


The department cooperates with the Belgorod State National Research University, the Institute of Microbiology of UzRFA, the Institute of Botany of UzRFA, the National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, the Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture named after. Academician Mahmud Mirzaev, Southern Research Institute of Agriculture. cooperation in the field of educational-methodical, scientific and scientific-industrial.

Teachers of the department

  • Sherkulova Jamila Payanovna -- Ph.D., associate professor
  • Khujamkulov Bakhrom Eshboevich -- Ph.D. associate professor
  • Khaitov Ilhom Yuldashevich -- Ph.D., associate professor
  • Sharopova Mokhidil Amanovna -- a senior teacher
  • Chariev Rashid Ravshanovich -- a lecturer
  • Eshankulov is the son of Erkin Yulchi  -- a lecturer
  • Salomova Sayyora Samadovna -- a lecturer
  • Murodullaev Dilmurod Dilshodovich-lecturer
  • Koziboev, son of Humayun Nasim -- a lecturer