Technological education department

February 12, 2025

Daminova Yulduz Salimovna

Head of the department of Technological education,
doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences, (PhD)
Phone: +998 93 935 00 31
Reception days: Monday, tuesday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

1999-2003 - student of Karshi State University
2004-2006 - master's student at Karshi State University
2007-2014 - Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education, Karshi State University
2014-2015 - Lecturer at the Department of Energy, Karshi State University
2015-2021 - Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education, Karshi State University
2021-2023 - Lecturer at the Department of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, Karshi State University
2023 - present - Head of the Department of Technological Education, Karshi State University

History of the department

“The department is in accordance with the “Organizational structure of the faculties and departments of the Karshi State University”, approved by the Ministry of Higher and Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 15, 2011. On the basis of decision No. 2 on the introduction of an organizational structure, by order of the rector of the university No. 536x dated November 9, 2011, the Department of Labor Education was established. Department of Technological Education. lim. 

Main tasks

The department "Technological education" trains personnel in the directions 60112300 - "Technological education" and 61020200 - "Labor protection and technical safety" and all departments at the university. teach the science of "Life Safety" in lim areas.

Taught subjects


Scientific works

“In the 2021-2023 academic years, professors and teachers of the department published a total of 63 articles and 10 abstracts, of which more than 40 scientific articles were published in foreign journals. At the same time, 12 textbooks, 19 teaching aids, 6 teaching aids, 17 monographs have been published, 4 patents have been received, 20 electron textbooks have been prepared.
Research activities:
The department mainly conducts research in the following scientific areas:
1. Topical issues of technological education;
2. Renewable energy sources and devices based on them.
In these scientific areas, research work is carried out under the guidance of Candidates of Technical Sciences Kh. Makhamov, M. Khurramov, Z. Nazirov, Z. Tuymurodov, Yu. Tilavov and Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences E. Turdiev, D. Razzokov, G. Ishmuradova.


Ochilov Alisher Oripovich, Bolliyev Kamoljon Ergashevich, O'roqov Kamol Xushvaqt o'g'li, Buranova Shaxnoza Uralovna


"Qarshi mebel" MCHJ, "Qarshi ta'mirlash zavodi" MCHJ

Teachers of the department

Maxamov Xo’jaxmat Tavashovich
Tilovov Yunus Suvonovich
Xurramov Muxtor Gulovich
Ishmurodova Gulbaxor Izmuradovna
Turdiyev Elmirza DJurayevich
Ochilov Alisher Orifovich
Astanova Moxira Muxtarovna
Abdullayeva Komila Tursunovna
Kurbanov  Boxodir  Ernazarovich
Bolliyev Kamoljon Ergashevich
Uroqov Kamoliddin Xushvaqt o’g’li
Buranova Shaxnoza Uralovna
Tuymurodov Zulpikar Xudaykulovich