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Daminova Yulduz SalimovnaHead of the department of Technological education,
1999-2003 - student of Karshi State University
2004-2006 - master's student at Karshi State University
2007-2014 - Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education, Karshi State University
2014-2015 - Lecturer at the Department of Energy, Karshi State University
2015-2021 - Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education, Karshi State University
2021-2023 - Lecturer at the Department of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, Karshi State University
2023 - present - Head of the Department of Technological Education, Karshi State University
“The department is in accordance with the “Organizational structure of the faculties and departments of the Karshi State University”, approved by the Ministry of Higher and Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 15, 2011. On the basis of decision No. 2 on the introduction of an organizational structure, by order of the rector of the university No. 536x dated November 9, 2011, the Department of Labor Education was established. Department of Technological Education. lim.
The department "Technological education" trains personnel in the directions 60112300 - "Technological education" and 61020200 - "Labor protection and technical safety" and all departments at the university. teach the science of "Life Safety" in lim areas.
1. Technology of Processing Metal and Non-metal Products
2. Practicum on Fabric Processing
3. Materials Science and Structural Materials
4. Materials Science of Fabrics
5. Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics
6. Automated Systems for Designing and Modeling Sewing Products
7. Folk Handicrafts and Artistic Design
8. Fundamentals of Robotics
9. Methodology of Technological Education
10. Technical Design and Modeling
11. Life Safety
12. Introduction to the Specialty
13. Metrology and Standardization
14. Theoretical Mechanics
15. Safety in Emergency Situations
16. Fire Safety
17. Fundamentals of Ergonomics
18. Protective Equipment and Devices
19. Fundamentals of Electrical Safety
20. Electrical Safety
21. Industrial Hygiene and Sanitation
22. Occupational Safety and Technical Security in Industries
23. Fire Safety
24. Hazard Assessment in Enterprises
25. Safety of Production Processes
26. Protective Equipment and Devices
27. Earthquake and Human Resilience
“In the 2021-2023 academic years, professors and teachers of the department published a total of 63 articles and 10 abstracts, of which more than 40 scientific articles were published in foreign journals. At the same time, 12 textbooks, 19 teaching aids, 6 teaching aids, 17 monographs have been published, 4 patents have been received, 20 electron textbooks have been prepared.
Research activities:
The department mainly conducts research in the following scientific areas:
1. Topical issues of technological education;
2. Renewable energy sources and devices based on them.
In these scientific areas, research work is carried out under the guidance of Candidates of Technical Sciences Kh. Makhamov, M. Khurramov, Z. Nazirov, Z. Tuymurodov, Yu. Tilavov and Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences E. Turdiev, D. Razzokov, G. Ishmuradova.
Researchers are 13.00.01 – Theory of Pedagogy. History of pedagogical teachings Doctor of Science (DSc) in Educational Sciences, 13.00.02– Theory and methodology of education and upbringing Doctor of Science (DSc) in Educational Sciences and 13.00.02– Theory and methodology of education and upbringing doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences conducting scientific research.
"Qarshi mebel" MCHJ, "Qarshi ta'mirlash zavodi" MCHJ
1. Turdiyev Elmirza Jurayevich - PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
2. Tilovov Yunus Suvonovich - PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
3. Xurramov Muxtor Gulovich - PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
4. Tuymurodov Zulpiqor Xudoyqulovich - PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
5. Qaxxorova Tozagul Abdimuminovna - Lecturer
6. Maxamov Xujaxmat Tovashovich - PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor
7. Qurbonov Bohodir Ernazarovich - Acting Associate Professor
8. Ishmurodova Gulbahor Izmuradovna - PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
9. Astanova Moxira Muxtarovna - Acting Associate Professor
10. Ochilov Alisher Orifovich - Associate Professor
11. Nurimova Dildora Buriyevna - Senior Lecturer
12. Abdullayeva Komila Tursunovna - Associate Professor
13. Urokov Kamoliddin Xushvakt ugli - Acting Associate Professor
14. Bolliyev Kamoljon Ergashevich - Associate Professor
15. Nurova Saodat Turdiboyevna - Laboratory Assistant
16. Nazirov Zulqaynar Sharopovich - PhD, Associate Professor
17. Daminova Yulduz Salimovna - PhD, Associate Professor
18. Buranova Shaxnoza Uralovna - Acting Associate Professor
19. Sattarova Lobar Ilxomovna - Head of the Department Office
20. Togayev Jasur Mamarasul ugli - Senior Lecturer
21. Qarshiyeva Maftuna Ismoil qizi - Laboratory Assistant