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Imomov Azam AbdurakhimovichAlgebra and geometry of DEPARTMENT,
Imomov Azam Abdurahimovich ‒ mathematician, scientist in the field of probability theory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. His scientific interests are focused on the study of the asymptotic structures of modern models of Markov stochastic branching processes and the application of regularly varying functions in stochastic analysis. In these areas, he published more than 100 scientific papers, 23 of them published in journals in the Scopus database. Since 2019, he has been working as the head of the Department of Algebra and Geometry at Karshi State University.
The chair «Mathematical analysis» was established in 1982 and senior lecturer E.Eshdavlatov was appointed as a head of the chair. From 1988 to 1992 senior lecturer N.Dilmuradov worked as a head of the chair. In 1992 in base of the chair, three chairs were created: «Mathematical analysis», «Algebra and geometry» and «Differential equations». Senior lecturer Z.Toshev was appointed head of the chair «Mathematical analysis». In 1995 chairs «Mathematical analysis» and «Differential equations» were united and a single chair was created named «Mathematical analysis». Until 1998 this chair was headed by Z.Toshev. From 1998 to 2001 a senior lecturer Z.Oromov headed the chair of «Mathematical analysis». In 2001 a senior lecturer E.Eshdavlatov was appointed head of the chair. In 2005 chairs “Mathematical analysis” and “Algebra and geometry” were united and transformed a single chair “Mathematical analysis and algebra”. In 2005 a senior lecturer N.Sharipov was appointed head of the chair.
From 2010 to 2014 PhD A.Imomov worked as a head of the chair of “Mathematical analysis and algebra”. In this period, the chair had cooperation in the field of science and education with universities of Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Hungary, the USA and Great Britain. During the cooperation, teachers participated in International conferences and published scientific works on foreign journals. In particular, A.Imomov participated in the International conferences «Stochastic Analysis and Random Dynamics» in Ukraine, «Stochastic Models and their Applications» in Hungary, «Probability Theory and its Applications» in Moscow.
Members of the chair also participated in TEMPUS program projects. In 2005-2006 A.Imomov was the coordinator of the project TEMPUS-SCM-T-016A5-EDUCREDIT. From 2011 to 2013, he was the coordinator of the project TEMPUS-516996-QAPD: «Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through professional development of academic leaders».
From 1 November 2018 on the base of the chair of mathematics, the chairs “Mathematical analysis and differential equations” and “Algebra and geometry” were created. At present, the head of the chair of “Algebra and geometry” is PhD A.Imomov.
During 2022-2023 the staff of the department published 11 articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases and 4 textbooks. More than 25 articles have been published in journals indexed in international scientific and technical databases, and more than 10 in scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In October 2022, together with Tomsk State University, was organized the international conference "Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling" (ITMM-2022) .
Since 2022, the department has been conducting basic doctoral studies in the specialty 01.01.05 - "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics". Currently studying 1 doctoral student.
Tomsk State University, Tbilisi State University, Institute of Control Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Siberian Federal University, Novosibirsk State University, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences and leading universities of our Republic
Imamov Azam – Head of Department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor;
Sharapova Muhabbat Arapovna – professor;
Abulov Momin – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor;
Abdurahmanov Abdumo'min – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;
Tursunov Bayramali – doctor of philosophy in physics and mathematics (PhD), senior lecturer;
Shodiev Sadulla – senior lecturer;
Abdirakhmonova Rano – senior lecturer;
Okbaeva Nilufar – Temporary acting associate professor;
Joraeva Muhayyo – senior lecturer;
Tukhtaev Erkin – lecturer;
Meyliev Abror – lecturer;
Temirov Sherali – lecturer;
Khurramov Oybek – lecturer;
Ibrokhimova Yorkhinoy – lecturer