Department Psychology

February 27, 2025

Zhuraev Bakhrom

Head of the department of Psychology
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor 
Phone: +998 00 000-00-00
Email: bahrom
Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

1998-2002 student of the Karshi State University.
2009-2011 - Master of the National University of Uzbekistan
2011-2012 - Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University
2012-2013 - Intern-researcher of the Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University
2013-2014 - Candidate senior researcher Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University,
2014-2018 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University
2018-2019 - acting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University
2019-2020 - Deputy Dean for Research of the Pedagogical Faculty of Karshi State University
2020-2022 - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University
2022 - h.v. - Head of the Department of Psychology, in Karshi State University

History of the department

The Department of Psychology at Qarshi State University was established in 1994 and has been training highly qualified psychologists for many years. Starting from this year, the Department of Psychology has also begun functioning as a specialized department responsible for training professionals. Over the years, the department has been headed by prominent scholars, including: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor G.Kh. Mazitova Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N. Boimurodov Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor A.M. Jabborov Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Kh. Karimov Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor M.Kh. Fayzieva Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Z.Kh. Fayziev Currently, the department is led by Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor B. Juraev.

Main tasks

Currently, the department offers training in the following specialties:
Applied Psychology
Psychology (by types of activity) – Bachelor's and Master's programs
Psychology (Family Relations Psychology

Taught subjects

The department provides education in various psychological disciplines, including:
General Psychology
Ethnopsychology and Psychology of Religion
Experimental Psychology and Practicum
History of Psychology
Psychological Phenomena and Methodology
Sports Psychology
Counseling Psychology and Psychocorrection
General Psychodiagnostics
Social Psychology
Developmental and Differential Psychology
Pedagogical Psychology and Teaching Methods of Psychology
Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Occupational and Engineering Psychology
Fundamentals of Social Psychological Training
Basics of Psychological Services
Legal Psychology
Psychology of Spirituality
Family Psychology
Individual and Group Counseling
Psychology of Children with Behavioral Disorder

Scientific works

The department currently employs: 4 Doctors of Psychological Sciences 5 Professors 9 Candidates of Psychological Sciences (Associate Professors) Specialists with a PhD in Psychology


At the Department of Psychology, 14 doctoral students and 15 independent researchers are conducting scientific research on relevant topics in psychology.


The Department of Psychology is actively engaged in extensive collaborations with several developed countries, including:
Turkey – Necmettin Erbakan University, Akdeniz University
Russia – Kazan Federal University (Institute of Psychology), Baltic Humanitarian Institute

Teachers of the department

Doctors of Psychological Sciences (DSc), Professors:
Bakhrom Juraev
Azim Meylikulovich Jabborov
Mavluda Khudayarovna Fayzieva
Lola Sadinovna Beknazarova
Candidates of Psychological Sciences, Professors:
Kholmurod Karimovich Karimov
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professors:
Gulnora Ikramovna Sattarova
Shamsiya Jabbarovna Bekova
Ismoil Azimovich Jabborov
Svetlana Yuldoshevna Qulatova
PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturers:
Nilufar Eshnazarovna Abdinazarova
Ra’no Yuldashevna Ernazarova
Sayyora Kholyarovna Ergasheva
Gulzoda Bahromovna Eshonqulova
Associate Professor:
Erkin Sa’dullaevich Yoziyev
Nortoji Kenjaevich Ismoilov
Dilfuza Raupovna Shukurova
Jamshid Rizvonqulovich Amirqulov
Sayyora Sodiqovna Islamova
Zohid Haqnazarovich Rahmatov
Madina Hamidjonovna Kamilova
Ulmas Ergashovich Mamadiyorov
Shodiya Tolib qizi Tursunqulova
Umida Sayfullayevna Ungboeva
Surayyo Numonjon qizi Karimqulova