Department of Scientific Research and Innovation Development

March 26, 2025


Head of the department of development of scientific research and innovation 

Reception days: daily of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity


History of the section

Until March 2023, the Department was managed as the Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel. According to the order of the Rector of the University dated March 3, 2023 No. 103 X, it was changed to the Department of Development of Scientific Research and Innovation Activity

Main tasks

The main duty of the department's activities is the following:
Monitoring of scientific and research activities conducted at the university:
Formation of a data bank on Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and their scientific fields:
Development and approval of a specific action plan for the organization of innovative cooperation of science and production based on the specific characteristics of the faculty chairs:

Forming innovative groups consisting of professors, doctoral students, independent researchers, talented students and representatives of relevant production enterprises in the departments and launching their activities on the basis of bilaterally signed contracts with production:

Establish monitoring of the implementation of the "Action Plan on the organization of innovative cooperation of Higher Education, Science and Production" at the university:

Increase the number of joint laboratories and departments and outfit them with modern equipment in cooperation with network institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan:

Organizing publication of articles to Scopus, web of science and other foreign publications:

Formation and updating of the database on the scientific-research works carried out under economic contracts:
Ensuring the participation of university professors and teachers in competitions in the fields of state grants, state scientific and technical programs (fundamental, applied, innovative and young scientists) announced by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and other foreign grant competitions:
Organization of international and national scientific-practical conferences, seminars and conferences at the university:
Formation and monitoring of a solely information base on doctoral students and independent researchers, approval of their dissertation topics in the scientific council:
Selection of candidates for State Scholarships and State Scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and submission of normative documents to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation based on the requirements of the Regulations. (master, bachelor):
Selection of talented students, creating and updating a database about them, involving them in scientific research work:

Preparation of annual reports on the university's research and development activities and submission to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation:
Organizing the university stage of the republican science olympiad for students of the higher education institution and organizing the participation of students in the republican stage:
Cordinating the university stage of the "Student of the Year" contest and organizing students' participation in the republic stage:
Organization of monitoring and supervision of the gifted students in educational and extra-curricular fields:
Organizing the "Rector's Science Olympiad of Karshi State University" competition among school and academic lyceum students:
Organization of "Rector's Science Olympiad" among university students:
Organizing university students' participation with projects in "Startup" contests:

Monitoring and supervision of the work of gifted students in educational and extra-curricular fields:
Ensuring the implementation of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education and health care, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, orders, orders of the rector:
Delivering the content of decrees and decisions adopted by the President and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to academic staff and students.
