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Ernazarova Gulnoza KhamraevnaHead of the department of New Uzbek literature and literary theory,
1986-1991. - Student of Tashkent State University
1991-1996. - Teacher of the Uzbek and Russian language department of Karshi State University
1996-2000 - Graduate student of Karshi State University
2000-2005 - Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of Karshi State University teacher
2005-2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literature of Karshi State University, Acting Editor of Karshi University newspaper on a public basis
2009-2010 - Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literature of Karshi State University, Dean of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology
2010-2015 - Member of the Committee on Science, Culture and Education, Sports Issues of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
20.01.2015 - Associate Professor of Literature Department of Karshi State University
2015-2018 - Rector of the Kashkadarya Regional Institute for Retraining and Improving the Qualifications of Public Education Workers
2018-2019 - Deputy director for educational and scientific affairs of the regional center for retraining of public education workers and improving their qualifications under Karshi State University
2019-2021 - Deputy director for educational and scientific affairs of the regional center for the retraining of public education workers of Kashkadarya region
2021-2023 - Dean of the Faculty of Philology of Karshi State University
2023 h.v. - Head of the Department of "New Uzbek Literature and Literary Theory" at Karshi State University.
The department "New Uzbek literature and theory of literature" was established in 2023. Doctor of Philology, Professor G.Kh. Ernazarova was the first head of the department.
Being a structural unit of a higher education institution or faculty, it carries out educational, methodological, scientific-methodical, scientific-research works in one or more related disciplines, as well as scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training, professional development and retraining, as well as organizational, spiritual-educational and educational activities are carried out.
1.Literary theory. 2. World literature. 3. Literature teaching methodology. 4. New Uzbek literature. 5. Theory of literary studies. 6. Children's literature. 7. Basics of literar y studies. 8. Management of library information activities. 9. Marketing of library information activities. 10. Poetics of artistic prose. 11. Documentation, information analysis. 12. Bibliography. 13. Regulatory legal bases of library information activities. 13. Methodology of teaching Uzbek literature. 14. Basics of poetic speech. 15. New Uzbek literature. 16. Bibliography of socio-political literature.
During the many years of activity of the professors and teachers of the "New Uzbek Literature and Literary Theory" department, about 20 monographs, pamphlets, educational methodical manuals, about 10 training manuals and scientific articles on various topics were published in popular scientific and scientific magazines of foreign and republican scale. The Department of New Uzbek Literature and Literary Theory annually publishes a scientific collection entitled "Current Issues of New Uzbek Literature and Literary Theory".
Currently a number of works have been carried out to increase scientific potential of the department. As a result, since 1994 Damin To‘rayev, since 2020 G. Ernazarova, since 2022 Gulchehra Imomova have a doctor of philological sciences (DSC), Shahida Karamova, Saodat Mo‘minova, Nilufar Sultonova, Gulruh Ravshanova, Nilufar Umarova, To'lqin Kenjayev have a doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in philological sciences. From the 2023-2024 academic year, 10.00.02- Uzbek language and literature specialization (PhD) (basic doctoral course) is operating. Currently 4 doctoral students and 3 basic doctoral students are studying at the department. Doctoral students: 1.Sattorzoda Khurshida 2.Berdiyeva Zulayho 3. Botirova Feruza 4.Mo‘minova Gavhar; Foundation doctoral students 1.Usmonov Sherzod Ravshanova Gulruh 3.Karamova Shahida.
Department of the Institute of Literature and Folklore of the Uzbek Language, Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature, UzMU, TDPU, BuxDU, SamDU, TerDU and the Turkish World Research Institute of the EGE University, Russian FA Kazan State University "Turkology" cooperates with the department.
Economic contract: Department of New Uzbek Literature and Literary Theory, Dehkhanabad Potash Fertilizer Plant.
1. Ernazarova Gulnoza Khamraevna, head of the department, doctor of philological sciences, professor.
2. Toraev Damin XXX Doctor of Philology, Professor.
3. Yoldoshev Boynazar Yoldoshevich, doctor of philology, professor.
4. Imamova Gulchehra Mukhammadievna, doctor of philology, associate professor.
5. Karamova Shohida Lutfullaevna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
6. Mominova Saodat Aralovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
7. Sultonova Nilufar Narzullaevna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
8. Ravshanova Guluh Hero's daughter, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
9. Cho'lieva Nilufar Azam, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
10. Umarova Nilufar Turapovna PhD.
11. Kenjaev Tolkin Arabovich PhD.
12. Akramov Sherzod Khalmirzaevich PhD.
13. Dusyorova Klara Normuminovna, teacher.
14. Ismailova Marhabo Boysarovna, teacher.
15. Porsieva Zamira Mukhtarovna, teacher.
16. Bazarova Salomat Haydarovna is a teacher.
17. Jumanazarova Raykhan Jaloliddinovna is a teacher.
18. Usmanov Sherzod Panjievich, teacher.
19. Botyrova Feruza Salokhiddin's daughter is a teacher.