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Khurramov Jasur KuylievichHead of the department, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),ProfessorPhone: +998 90 638-20-19Email: khurramov.zhk@qarshidu.uzReception days: Every day from 14:00 to 16:00 |
1994-1998 – student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Karshi State University.
1998-2001 – Head of the Department of Physical Education of the Academic Lyceum No. 1 of Karshi State University.
2001-2004 – Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education, Karshi State University.
2004-2008 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Interfaculty Physical Education of Karshi State University.
2007-2008 – Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Physical Culture, Karshi State University.
2008-2014 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Karshi State University. 2014 - 2017 - senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture, Karshi State University.
2017-2021 – Head of the Department of Interfaculty Physical Education at Karshi State University.
2021-2022 – Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Karshi State University.
2022-2023 – Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Karshi State University.
From 2023 to the present, he is the head of the department of sports activities at Karshi State University.
The Department of Sports Activities was organized on September 6, 2023. Currently the department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Khurramov Zhasur Kuylievich. The department employs Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) B. Khudoiberdiev, Associate Professor U. Nuralieva, senior teachers B. Salaidinov, Sh. Nurov, M. Yodgorov. Today the department consists of teachers: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences B. Khudoiberdiev, Associate Professor U. Nuralieva, senior teachers B. Salaidinov, Sh. Nurov, M. Yodgorov, along with teaching students, supervise their research work.
Members of the department conduct their activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Athletics and methods of teaching;
- Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games;
- Types of wrestling and methods of its training;
- Swimming and training methods;
- Improving sportsmanship;
- Conducting and refereeing sports competitions.
During the activity of the professors-teachers of the department, 2 monographs, teaching-methodical manuals, 7 training manuals, 2 textbooks were prepared, and scientific articles on various topics were published in foreign and republican scientific and scientific-popular journals. In particular, in the 2023-2024 academic year itself, 2 textbooks and 7 study guides were published by the professors and teachers of the department.
"Currently, a number of teachers of the department are engaged in scientific activities, in particular, Buriyev Kamol Suyunovich - specialty 13.00.04-Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health improvement and adaptive physical education" is conducting scientific activities on the topic "Improving training of young wrestlers based on modeling of competitive activities". Akbarov Sherzod Akhrorovich - specialty 13.00.04-Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health improvement and adaptive physical education" is conducting scientific activities within the framework of the topic "Targeted development of coordination abilities of 7-9-year-old students in the method of circuit training in physical education classes". Abduholikov Beknur Alisher oglu - specialty 13.00.04-Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health improvement and adaptive physical education" Conducts scientific activities within the framework of the topic “Improving the physical qualities of students of higher educational institutions based on special football exercises”.
The department cooperates with higher educational institutions, such as the State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan, TDPU, BukhSU, Samarkhan State University, State National University of Uzbekistan, Termiz State University.
1. Khurramov Jasur Kuylievich – Doctor of Philology (Phd), Associate Professor;
2. Nuralieva Ugiloy Shomuratovna – associate professor;
3. Khudoyberdiev Bakhtiyar Rakhmatullaevich – PhD, teacher;
4. Salaydinov Botir Meilievich – senior lecturer;
5. Nurov Shakir Razikovich – senior lecturer;
6. Yodgorov Mansur Abdirahimovich – senior lecturer;
7. Yomgurov Gaffar Bobosharipovich – teacher;
8. Safarov Anvar Safarovich – teacher;
9. Raykhonov Abror Muhammadievich – teacher;
10. Akbarov Sherzod Akhrorovich – teacher;
11. Atavulaev Bekzod Bakhtiyorovich – teacher;
12. Normurodov Ulugbek Meyleyevich – teacher;
13. Nuralieva Ugiloy Shomuratovna – teacher;
14. Norov Olim Tashpulatovich – teacher;
15. Buriyev Kamal Suyunovich – teacher;
16. Soatov Dilshod Makhmaraymovich – teacher;
17. Abdukhalikov Beknurjhan Alisherovich – teacher;
18. Rakhimov Musirmon Berdievich – teacher.