Juraev Nurbek DjumanazarovichHead of the department of Linguistics, senior teacherPhone: +99891 453 63 63Email:Reception days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00 |
In 2010-2014, he received a bachelor's degree in philology from the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan. In 2014-2016, he received a master's degree in linguistics from the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan. In 2016-2022, he worked as an English teacher at the Department of English Language and Literature of Karshi State University. In 2022-2025, he worked as a senior teacher at the Department of English Language and Literature, and from February 2025, he has been promoted as the head of the Department of Linguistics. From 2016 until now, he has been working as a trainer from the Kashkadarya region in the "English for Academics", "English for Teachers" and "Professional Development" programs of the British Council.
In 1965, Karshi State Pedagogical Institute began accepting students for English and German philology courses in order to train qualified specialists in foreign languages. The Department of Foreign Languages (English and German) was established in 1967 in order to provide them with high-quality and high-level education and to increase the potential of teachers of foreign languages in the south of our republic. During 1967-1992, the department was headed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Bakhodir Samadov. In 1992, the Department of English Language and Literature was established and the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bobonazar Oralov, and in 1993-1995, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yoldosh Temirov. During 1995-2013, the head of the Department of English Language and Literature was appointed candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Qiyomov Rozi Elboboevich. Later, this department was founded by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor S. Egamberdiev, candidate of philological sciences A. Alikulov, A. Nazarov, P. Kurbanov, since 2018, the Department of Linguistics has separated from the Department of English Language and Literature and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences M. Danieva was appointed head of the department. In 2020-2025, PhD, associate professor M.K. Omonova worked as the head of this department. Since February 2025, N.D. Juraev has been working as the head of this department.
60230100 – Philology and language teaching (English language) field of study and in September 2024, the external expert commission of the independent accreditation and rating agency "IAAR", which is a member of ENQA - European Association for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, evaluated the quality and efficiency of educational activities of Karshi State University 60230100 - Philology and language teaching (English) in accordance with world standards and criteria.
70230101 - Linguistics (English language) specialists are trained.
10.00.06 - conducts doctoral studies in comparative literature, hybrid linguistics and translation studies.
Literary studies
Theoretical grammar
Lexicology and stylistics
History of the studied language
Literature of the countries where the language is studied
Language teaching methodology and technologies
Comparative typology
Theory and practice of translation
Modern literature of the countries where the language is studied
Practice of language aspects
Integration of language skills
Independent study skills
Intercultural competence
Press language
"Reading Time" by the head of the department N. Juraev, "Improve your English through phrasal verbs", "Theoretical Phonetics" by associate professor M. Omonova; senior teachers: "Theoretical Grammar" of G. Turaeva; "English country study" by G. Ergasheva; "Comparative typology" by R. Nekboeva; "Lexicology" by Amirkulova, "Practical English Grammar" by B. Latipov, "The Practice of reading and writing" by U. Mukhtorova, "History and Culture of the First Foreign Language Countries" by S. Shodikhanov, "Language teaching methods and educational technologies" by O. Otamurodova, and several monographs have been published.
"Semantic, linguo-statistical and linguo-spiritual typology of proverbs belonging to the thematic group "language" in the English and Uzbek languages under the guidance of the head of the department N. Juraev, professor of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences Mengliev Bakhtiyor Radjabovich. "Linguocultural Features of Polymodality in Advertising Discourse" (DsC) under the guidance of M. Omonova MDLU professor Sheveleva Evgeniya Olegovna, G. Turaeva associate professor of QarSU, doctor of philosophy in philology A. "Lexical-semantic and derivational features of educational neologisms" under the leadership of Akhmedov. G. Ergasheva SamDChTI professor Sh. "Predlojnie sochetaniya v pozitsii predicativa i ix syntactico-semantichesky analiz" under the guidance of Safarov, R. Nekboeva, candidate of philological sciences of Karshi State University, under the guidance of associate professor O. Orinova "Semantic features of words with phytonym component in English and Uzbek proverbs", N. Amirkulova, doctor of philological sciences of NSU, associate professor Q. D. Under the guidance of Tokhtaeva, "Cognitive-semantic features of compound words in phraseology", M. Nomozova is conducting scientific research to obtain a PhD degree on the topic "Linguistic study of English acquisitions in the Uzbek language" under the guidance of Professor I. Yoldoshev, doctor of philological sciences of TDSMU.
Belarusian State University (BelDU)
Moscow State Linguistic University (MDLU, Russia)
Uzbekistan State World Languages University (UzSWLU)
National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz)
Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages (SamDCHTI)
Bukhara State University (BuxDU)
Fergana State University (FarDU)
Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages (AndDCHTI)
Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages (NamDCHTI)
Juraev Nurbek Djumanazarovich, head of the department, senior teacher
Omonova Makhfurat Keldiyarovna, PhD, associate professor
Jumanov Vaidulla Ibodullaevich, senior teacher, Ph.D. (PhD)
Shukurova Zamira Shodievna, senior teacher
Ergasheva Gulnoz Alimovna, senior teacher
Toraeva Gozal Khursandovna, senior teacher
Gaybulloeva Malokhat Pulotovna, senior teacher
Nomozova Marguba Allonovna, senior teacher
Mavlanova Nargiza Turaevna, teacher
Irkaev Jasur Abdurahimovich, teacher
Mukhtorova Umidakhan, teacher
Latipov Babur Bahrom ugli, teacher
Otamurodova Orzugul Musaevna, teacher
Tokhirova Dilnavoz, teacher
Avazov Khamza Panjievich, teacher
Zakirova Sevara Obidovna, teacher
Ochilova Habiba Akramovna, teacher
Pardaeva Mahlyo, teacher
Zakirova Dilsora Zahiddin kizi, teacher
Khidirova Nilufar Abdiakhatovna, teacher
Ruziev Kadir, teacher
Khodjayorov Malik, teacher
Otaniyozova Muhabbat, teacher