Department of World History

January 11, 2025

Omonova Sarvinoz Orif qizi

Head of the department of Department of World History,
Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences, associate professor
Phone: +998 94-179-53-53
Reception days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of the week from 09:00 to 11:00

Labor activity

2010-2013 - Student at Karshi City Pedagogical College

2013-2014 - Technician at the Information Technology Center of Karshi State University

2014-2018 - Student at Karshi State University

2018-2020 - postgraduate student at Karshi State University

2020-2020 - Lecturer at the Department of General History of Karshi State University

2022-2022 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of General History of Karshi State University

2022 h.-s. - Associate Professor of the Department of General History of Karshi State University

2024 – Associate Professor, Department of General History, Karshi State University.

2024 – Head of the Department of General History, Karshi State University.

History of the department

In 1957, a department called "General History" was created, in 1996 it was renamed "World History", and on September 29, 2004, the department "World History and Archeology" was organized on the basis of the Department of World History and the Center for Archeology and Ethnology. Over the years, this department was headed by prof. G. Tukhtametov, prof. O.Eshkuvvatov, prof. A. Mavlonov, Assoc. H. Egamberdiev, Assoc. S. Turdiev, Assoc. I. Manzarov, Assoc. T. Rashidova and O. Buriev. From June 2014 to December 2018, the Departments of History of Uzbekistan and General History and Archeology were merged into the Department of History. Since December 2018, the department was divided into two departments and the Department of World History was re-formed, initially the head of the department was Ph.D. N. Razhabova. Since July 2019, the head of the department is Doctor of Historical Sciences prof. G. Muminova.
G. Tukhtametov, O. Eshkuvvatov, A. Mavlonov, T. Rashidova and O. Buriev are scientists who have made a great contribution to the development of the department. They fruitfully worked at the Department of World History (later World History and Archeology) of Karshi State University. Successfully working, they showed themselves as successful scientists and talented teachers. During their activity, they have written and published more than a hundred scientific articles, brochures and books, while making a great contribution to the education of our youth as specialists and comprehensively developed future personnel.
Ochil Buriev headed the department in 2004-2013. During his leadership of the department, the volume of educational and research work has increased. A scientific seminar on the specialty "07.00.07 - Ethnology, ethnography and anthropology" functioned at the department. Many candidate and doctoral dissertations (including foreign researchers) were discussed and recommended for defense.
Docent O. Buriev became an academician of the Turan Academy of Sciences in January 2013, and since June 2017 - an honorary professor of the university.
Since 2000, the department has hired young teachers who are studying in graduate school and successfully defended their PhD dissertations: G. Tosheva (1976-2012), F. Rakhmonov, N. Rajabova and M. Usmanov.
Currently, the department has 1 professors, 1 doctors of sciences, 4 associate professors, 8 senior lecturers and 2 assistants.
The entire learning process at the department is carried out on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies and information technologies in all subjects taught at the department. The department has one lecture hall equipped with modern information and communication facilities. In this lecture hall lectures of professors-teachers of the department are held.
The curriculum of the department includes archaeological, ethnological and pedagogical practices, which are successfully carried out with students according to the established plan.
In the international sphere, the department cooperates with the Department of History of Russia and Documentation on the basis of a memorandum signed with Karshi State University and Belgorod State National Research University of the Russian Federation on the basis of a joint educational program. Associate professors of the department "History of Russia and Documentation" Anna Dudka and Ivan Shatokhin gave lectures to masters as part of joint training.
The department has always been in scientific cooperation with research institutes of history, archeology, oriental studies, UzMU, SamDU, TerDU, BukhDU, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after. Nizomi. Professors Kakhramon Radjabov and Adhamjon Ashirov of the Institute of History of the RUAN gave a lecture for masters.
At the department there is a group "Young Archaeologist", in which about 40 talented students are involved, who are given topics for scientific research.

Main tasks

The main task of the members of the department is to train students in the direction 60220300 - History (by country and region) and graduate students in the specialty 70220301 - History (by region and type of activity). They are engaged in scientific research, actively participate in educational and spiritual and educational activities.

Highly qualified theoretical professors and teachers, including doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as experienced practitioners teach students issues related to the field of international relations. They regularly improve their skills in scientific centers and educational institutions of the republic. In addition to traditional teaching methods, the educational process uses innovative approaches based on advanced information technologies, including individual and collective forms of distance learning via the Internet.

Taught subjects

Undergraduate: 60220300 - History (by countries and directions)

1. Special historical sciences

2. Digital history

3. Historical anthropology

4. Archeology and ethnology

5. World history

6. History of science and technology

7. History of international cooperation and diplomacy

8. History of world civilizations

9. History teaching methodology and educational technologies

10. Numismatics

11. Modern history of foreign countries

Department of Graduate Studies: 70220301 - History (by directions and types of activity)

1. Issues of historical reconstruction

2. Paleoecology and civilization dynamics

3. Sources and historiography of ancient Eastern history

4. Current issues of world ethnology

5. Political processes in Eurasia in the 20th century: history and modern trends

6. Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries

Scientific works

"The scientific direction of the department is to study the ethnology, socio-economic and cultural history of our republic, in particular, the Southern regions, Kashkadarya region.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, 2 textbooks, 4 study guides, 4 monographs, and about 60 articles in local and foreign magazines were published in these areas.
This year, 12 graduate theses and 21 master's theses were successfully defended at the department.


 F. Rakhmonov on the topic "Ethnoterritorial features of traditional agriculture of the Uzbeks of Southern Uzbekistan (late 19th century - 20th century)", A. Pardaev on the topic "Daily life and social conditions of life of the inhabitants of the Kashkadarya oasis (1985-2021)", N. Radjabova on the topic "Political, socio-economic and cultural life of the Kashkadarya oasis in the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century", Zh. Berdyev "composition and ethnotoponomic history of the population of the Kashkadarya oasis in the late 19th - early 20th century" (written sources and toponomy based on materials), F. Egamberdiev on the topic “Culture of the early medieval villages of the Kesh oasis”, B. Toshpolatov on the topic “Formation and development of medical education in Uzbekistan (1917-2021)” on the topic, O. Ochilova on the topic “The role of traditional medicine in development of health care in Uzbekistan (1945-2021)”, N. Toshtemirova on the topic “History of motherhood and childhood in Uzbekistan (1991-2019)”)” on the topic, S. Omonova conducts a scientific study on the topic “The history of the formation and development of women's sports in Uzbekistan (1991-2021)".


Cooperation relations "Department of General History" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Research Institute of History, Archeology, Oriental Studies, National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Termez State University, Bukhara State University, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, etc. is in constant scientific cooperation with institutions. Professors of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kakhramon Radjabov and Adhamjon Ashirov gave a lecture for graduate students in this direction.
On the basis of a memorandum signed with Karshi State University and Belgorod State National Research University of the Russian Federation, cooperation has been established with the Department of History of Russia and Documentary on the basis of a joint educational program. Within the framework of cooperation with a lecture, associate professors of the Department of History of Russia and Records Management Anna Dudka and Ivan Shatokhin delivered a lecture to graduate students.
Starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, on the basis of international cooperation relations of the department, the preparation of a master's program was launched on the basis of a joint educational program in the specialty 70220301 - History (directions and activities).

Teachers of the department

  • Muminova Gavkhar - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor;
  • Achil Buriev - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor;
  • Rakhmonov Fahriddin - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Rajabova Nilufar - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor;
  • Usmonov Murtoz - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor;
  • Pardaev Asror - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor;
  • Berdiev Jamshid - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Dustov Abduvali - acting assistant professor;
  • Ravshanova Gulora - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Tashpulatov Bekzod - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Egamberdiev Fakhriddin - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Tukhtamisheva Fotima - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Omonova Sarvinoz - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Toshtemirova Nigora - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Ochilova Oidina - Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD);
  • Panzhiev Adham - teacher.