Rakhmonova Makhfuza HolmurodovnaHead of the department of National idea, foundations of spirituality,
Since 1991, head of the educational methodical laboratory of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture, various vice-rector qualifications, teacher, senior teacher of the department of cultural and educational affairs, head of the department of secondary special vocational education of Kashkadarya region, specialist, specialists of the Department of Culture and Sports Affairs of Kashkadarya Region, executive director of the Gymnastics Federation of Kashkadarya Region, director of the Information and Resource Center of Karshi State University, teacher of the Department of National Idea, Spiritual Foundations of Karshi State University, from 2022 - Karshi State to lead the department in the activities of the head of the National Idea, Spiritual Foundations of the University.
In accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 9/2 of September 17, 2005 and the order of the Rector of Karshi State University No. 253 X of December 4, 2006, at the base of the Department of Spirituality It began to operate under the name of the "National Idea, Law and Moral Foundations" department. In 2018, by order of the rector of the university, the name of the department was changed to "National idea, foundations of spirituality".
In the framework of the department of national idea, foundations of spirituality, 60212000 - "Organization and management of cultural and art institutions" ” is to teach at a high level in the subjects specified in the curriculum of the department. In addition, they are engaged in scientific research, actively participate in educational and spiritual educational work, and provide students with highly qualified theoretician professors and teachers, including doctors of philosophy (PhD) and candidates of science, as well as experienced practitioners teach. In the educational process, in addition to traditional methods of education, on the basis of unconventional creative approaches, classes are conducted and effective interactive methods are used.
1. 60212000 - "Organization and management of cultural and art institutions": "Screenwriting and organization of cultural and public events", "Organization and management of cultural and art institutions", "Intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan", "Work of cultural centers", "Work of culture and recreation parks", "Art aesthetics", "Theory and history of culture".
Also, under the authorship of docent M. Rakhmonova, the textbook "Religion" was published in 2024, and the monograph "Intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan: folk epics, folk performance art, folk games" was published in 2022. "The Way of Uzbekistan" by Associate Professor A. Erkayev. – T. 2017; "Spirituality". 2-story - T. 2018; "The way of Uzbekistan (new edition)." - T. 2021; "Freedom of thought" -T. 2021 monographs, "New Uzbekistan is the target of the third renaissance" -T. 2021; "Geniuses of Abdulla Oripov"-T. 2021 and other scientific works were published. Acting associate professor A.Yakubov authored: "Right to Education" textbook in 2024, "Spiritual and educational foundations of combating religious extremism" in 2019, and "Right to Education" textbooks in 2023 was published. Under the authorship of Associate Professor A. Roziyev: the "Education" textbook was published in 2023, the "Education" manual in 2022, and the monograph "Factors of moral and moral education in young people" in 2023. D. Sunatov: In 2023, the monograph "Dialectics of Cultural Space and Moral Consciousness" was published. In 2023, the monograph “Changes and Problems in the Spiritual Culture of Youth in Uzbekistan” was published by Associate Professor J.Boisunov.
Researcher Sh.Boybekova successfully passed the first defense of her PhD dissertation on October 26, 2024 on the topic “Spiritual Values - a Factor of Social Stability”.
Fayzullayeva Khurshida Koyliyevna "Technology for developing socio-cultural competence in future art and culture workers",
Dostyorova Sadoqat Norsubkhonovna "Researchers are conducting scientific research on the socio-philosophical problems of harmonizing the interests of the individual and society in New Uzbekistan.
The department has established cooperation with higher education institutions such as UzNU, SamSU, TerSU, BukhSU, TSPU named after Nizomi, TSUL, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Islamic University conducted lectures and seminars on teaching methodology.
There are 8 professors and teachers in the department, including: 2 candidates of sciences (2 associate professors); 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philosophy (1 associate professor); 2 associate professors; 3 assistant teachers. 1. Rakhmonova Mahfuza Kholmuradovna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor; 2. Erkayev Abdurakhim Panjiyevich - candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor; 3. Yaqubov Abdurakhmon Turayevich - associate professor; 4. Ru'ziyev Alisher Kholmurodovich - associate professor; 5. Sunatov Dilshod Hoshimovich - doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philosophy, associate professor; 6. Boybekova Shakhnoza Aliyevna - teacher; 7. Do'styorova Sadoqat Norsubkhonovna - teacher. 8. Fayzullayeva Khurshida Koyliyevna, teacher