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Choriev Sanjarbek AnvarovićHead of the department of Philosophy and Sociology,
33 year
The Department of Philosophy was established in December 1964. In different years, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor T.Zh. Zhovliev (1964-1969), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor (now Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor) O.E. Ergashev (1969-1977), Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor A.Ch. Choriev (1977-2005) were leaders.Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S.A. Khorev leads. In 2014, the Department of Philosophy was merged with the Department of Sociology. The Department of Sociology operated in 2005-2014 and specialized in teaching "Sociology", "Theory and Practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan" at all faculties.There are 19 professors working at the department.12 teachers of the state have academic titles and degrees. They defended doctoral and candidate dissertations in various specialties of philosophy ("dialectics and theory of knowledge", "social philosophy", "history of religion and superstition", political science). Two teachers (associate professors A. Yerkaev, M. Torakulov) are 70-75 years old, six teachers (associate professor A. Dolanov, prof. S. Choriev, associate professor B. Saidov, associate professor T. Kurbanov K. teacher A Toraeva, teacher Boymatov R.) aged 50 to 60 years, four people (assistant Bekmurodova G., associate professor Shaimanova A., teacher Akhmedova D., associate professor Boymatov S.) aged 45 to 50 years, two people (teachers Sh. Gambarov, F. Kadyrov) aged 40 to 45 years, three (L. Sohibova, S. Avazov, D. Khudoyberdiev) aged 35 to 40 years, one person (R. Nazarov) aged from 27 years -30, the average age of department employees is 43 years.Members of the department conduct theoretical and practical training of 1st-year students of all faculties in the direction of "Philosophy", 3rd-year students in the direction of "Strategy of New Uzbekistan", 1st-year graduate students in the direction of "Methodology of scientific research".Classes are conducted on the basis of curricula and standard curricula approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Working curricula, educational technologies and electronic materials have been developed on the basis of standard curricula.In order to regularly improve the educational and methodological work at the department, a clear plan has been developed, the implementation of which is discussed at a meeting of the department. Only in the 2022-2023 academic year, more than 20 issues of educational and methodological activities were considered, 4 open classes were held by the teaching staff. During the 2022-2023 academic year, 4 methodological lectures and 4 theoretical lectures were considered at the theoretical and methodological seminar regularly held at the department on the topic "Dialectics of objective conditions and subjective factors of the formation of a perfeSpiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of a plan approved by the department. The focus of the department's staff is to introduce the ideas of the ideology of national independence into the consciousness of citizens as an important task. Therefore, the conversation about various problems of national ideology has become systematic among citizens.For example, a group of speakers of the department organized more than 20 events dedicated to the idea and ideology of national independence in a number of enterprises and organizations of the city of Karshi, regional cities and districts, delivered about 100 lectures.ct human personality."For many years, the staff of the department has been conducting research work on a single scientific problem - the dialectic of objective conditions and subjective factors of the formation of a perfect human personality. Over the past years, 3 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations have been defended on this topic. Currently, more than 10 doctoral dissertations (DSc and PhD) are being prepared at the department.The Department has established links with Moscow State University, Belgorod State University, the National University of Uzbekistan and others in order to regularly improve the efficiency of research activities.
For many years, the staff of the department has been conducting research work on a single scientific problem - "The dialectic of objective conditions and subjective factors of the formation of a perfect human personality." In recent years, 3 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations have been defended on this topic. Currently, more than 10 doctoral dissertations (DSc and PhD) are being prepared at the department.
The Department has established links with Moscow State University, Belgorod State University, the National University of Uzbekistan and others in order to continuously improve research work.
Dialectics of objective conditions and subjective factors of the formation of a perfect human personality
Кадыров Ф, Авазов С, Назаров Р, Исмаилова Г, Бойбекова Ш, Курбанов А, Рахматова Н, Рахмонова Г.
BelGU, UzMU, MSU, BuhGU, Tegu, TATU, SamGU.
Choriev Sanzhar Anvarovich, Erkaev Abdurakhim Panjievich, Dulanov Abbas Egamberdievich, Kurbanov Tahir Hamdamovich, Saidov Bakhtiyor Jamolovich, Bekmurodova Gulshoda Khaitovna, Shimanova Adiba Ergashevna, Boymurodov Sanzhar Bekmurodovich, Torakulov Meili XXXXXX, Khudoydovich, Murodovich, Gulshova, Gulshoda Pulatovich, Guldevna, Guldevova, Gulatovich, Gulsheva Pulatovich, boymatov Rustam Buronovich, Kambarov Sherzod Kenzhaevich, Avazov Sergar Ergashovich, Nazarov farsh Nazarovich, Sahibova Lola Dzhoniboevna, Kadyrov Fazliddin Yuldashovich, Akhmedova Dilbar Sadullayevna, Jabborova Gayratovna, Boybekova Shakhnoza.