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Turayeva Matluba KholikulovnaHead of the department of History of Uzbekistan,
1986-1990 yy. - Student at Tashkent State Institute of Culture
1990-1995 yy. - Head of the lecture hall at Karshi State University
1995-1998 yy. - Postgraduate student at Karshi State University
1998-2002 yy. - Researcher at the Center for the History of Uzbekistan, Karshi State University
2002-2011 yy. - Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Uzbekistan, Karshi State University
2011-2014 yy. - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of History, Karshi State University
2015-2018 yy. - Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Karshi State University
2018-2020 yy - Associate Professor, Department of History of Uzbekistan, Karshi State University, acting.
2020 y. - h.v. - Head of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Karshi State University.
The Department of History of Uzbekistan was founded in 1993 and was headed by Professor O. Jurakulov in 1993-1997, Associate Professor N. Ismoilov in 1997-2006, and Professor A. Choriyev in 2006-2013. In 2014, the Departments of History of Uzbekistan and World History and Archaeology were merged to form the Department of History.
In accordance with the order of the rector of Karshi State University dated December 3, 2018 No. 565-X, the Department of “History of Uzbekistan” was reorganized on the basis of the Department of History of the Faculty of Social Sciences. From December 3, 2018 to February 2020, the position of the head of the department was held by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. Hasanov, and since March 2020, the position of the head of the department has been held by Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor M. Turayeva.
Since 1993, the Department of “History of Uzbekistan” has been preparing bachelors for higher education and basic specialization diplomas in history education. Given the increasing need for historians in the social development of the region, the department also trains historians in correspondence and second higher education.
In addition, the department has established training in the master's degree specialty 70220301-History (by areas and types of activity), and master's students participate in national and international conferences and scientific journals with their reports under the direct scientific guidance of professors and teachers of the department.
The curricula, developed in accordance with the State Educational Standards (SESS) of Higher Education for all forms of education, stipulate: conducting lectures, practical classes, laboratories and other types of training at a high theoretical, scientific, methodological and professional level;
Supervise students' professional practice, course projects, graduation professional works, master's theses, implement rating control of student knowledge assessment and organize independent work;
Develop and submit for approval in accordance with the established procedure curriculum in the disciplines of the department, as well as prepare reviews and conclusions on curriculum prepared by related departments;
Preparation of textbooks, study guides, methodological and methodological manuals;
Working with gifted students, preparing them for participation in Olympiads and competitions;
Organizing advanced training of professors and teachers in accordance with the established procedure and ensuring their participation in Republican and international scientific conferences with lectures;
Organizing advanced training of professors and teachers in accordance with the established procedure and ensuring their participation in Republican and international scientific conferences with lectures;
Conducting scientific research work in accordance with the approved plan, discussing completed scientific research work and introducing their results into production, ensuring effective integration of education, science and production, supervising students' scientific research work;
Establishing contacts with industrial, agricultural enterprises, cooperatives, farmers, and other enterprises in order to attract extrabudgetary funds, as well as provide scientific and technical assistance;
Monitoring and organizing regular contacts with graduates of higher education institutions and those who have completed internships, research and research in this department;
Development of international relations with foreign cooperation, scientific and educational institutions, etc.
1. History of Uzbekistan
2. Historical geography
3. The latest history of Uzbekistan
4. Museology and archival studies
5. History of culture and art of Uzbekistan
6. History of Uzbek statehood
7. History of Central Asian architecture
8. Historical local history
9. Source studies and historiography
10. Amir Temur and his place in world history
11. History of the Kashkadarya oasis
12. History of ancient and early medieval cities of Uzbekistan
13. Special historical disciplines
14. History of ancient and medieval trade routes of Uzbekistan
15. History of land-water relations in Uzbekistan
16. Cooperation of Uzbekistan and world countries in the context of globalization
17. Current issues of socio-economic and cultural processes in the southern regions of Uzbekistan
18. History of Uzbekistan in the 19th century Current issues of the history of the second half of the 20th century
19. History of embassy relations in Uzbekistan
20. History of financial policy and monetary reforms in Uzbekistan (1917-1991)
21. Interethnic relations and tolerance in Uzbekistan
On May 20-21, 2024, the Department of History of Uzbekistan held an international conference on the topic “History and Culture of Uzbekistan in the System of World Civilizations”. In recent years, a number of textbooks, teaching aids, and monographs have been published by the professors and teachers of the department. In particular, the professor of the department B. Eshov published History of Uzbekistan, parts 1-2, professor A. Hasanov published The Latest History of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Local Studies, History M. Turayeva published Current Issues of Socio-Economic and Cultural Processes in the Southern Regions of Uzbekistan, associate professor M. Kadirova., Sh. Turayev published textbooks entitled History of Uzbekistan. Scientific articles by the professors and teachers of the department have been published at the international and republican levels. In particular, they participated in 34 papers at the international conference, as well as 30 papers in international scientific journals and 42 papers published in national scientific journals.
Jabbarova Iqbol Khojamuratovna “History of irrigation of the Kashkadarya oasis” (1925-2022), Tokhtaeva Rano Nurtokhtayevna “Financial policy of the Soviet government, monetary reforms and socio-economic life of the population of Uzbekistan (1919-1991)” Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc), Oripova Laylo Zafarovna “History of the literary environment of the Kashkadarya oasis (1991-2022)” Uralov Gaybulla Aliqulovich “Issues of increasing the tourism potential of historical and cultural heritage sites of the Kashkadarya oasis: problems and solutions”. (1991-2023), Tokhtayev Shohrukh Eshpulatovich is conducting scientific research on the topics of "Socio-political, economic and cultural life of the BSSR" (on the example of Karshi, Guzar and Shahrisabz regions), and Ganiyev Bobur Ilhom oglu is conducting research on the topics of "History of theater and music in Kashkadarya" (1920-2023).
1. Marmara University, Turkey
2. Canakkale Eighteenth March University, Turkey
3. Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Panjikent
4. International Innovation University in Karshi
5. Turan University in Karshi
6. Karshi University of Economics and Pedagogy
7. Karshi University of Information Technologies and Management
8. Kashkadarya Regional State Museum of History and Culture
9. Kashkadarya Regional Department of Cultural Heritage
1. Turayeva Matluba Kholiqulovna-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
2. Eshov Bokhodir Jurayevich-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
3. Khasanov Akram Muminovich-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
4. Kodirova Mamlakat Muminovna-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
5. Urakova Nigora Salamovna-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
6. Kuvatova Nodira Kadirovna-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
7. Tukhtayeva Rano Northukhtayevna-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
8. Turayev Shukhrat Rakhmanovich-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
9. Polvonov Kozimbek Naimovich-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
10. Rakhmonkulova Oksana Alikulovna-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
11. Kucharov Jamshid Kulnazarovich-Philosophy of Historical Sciences Doctor (PhD), Associate Professor
12. Mallayeva Feruza Radjabalievna-Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD)
13. Muminov Usmon Muhammad oglu-Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
14. Sulaymanova Sokhiba Bakhodirovna-Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer
15. Nizomov Khayriddin XXX-Candidate of History, Senior Lecturer
16. Baratova Dildora Bekmurodovna-Trainee Teacher
17. Ganiyev Boburjon Ilhom oglu-Trainee Teacher
18. Uralov Gaybulla Aliqulovich-Trainee Teacher
19. Oripova Laylo Zafarovna-Trainee Teacher
20. Tokhtayev Shohrukh Eshpolatovich-Trainee Teacher
21. Khushmatova Sarvinoz Bakhodir kizi-Trainee Teacher