Khojakulov Akbar Eshkuvatovich
Head of the section of Personnel department Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor in Pedagogical Sciences
Reception days: daily from 09:00 to 16:00
Labor activity
2002-2009 - Controller of personnel department of Karshi State University
2009-2011 - Master's student of Karshi State University
2011-2017 - Senior supervisor of the personnel department of Karshi State University, teacher of the department of pre-school and primary education methodology on a first-come
2017-2019 - Teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Methodology, Engineer of the Staff Department of Karshi State University
2019-2021 - Teacher of the Department of Pre-school Education on the basis of the engineer of the personnel department of Karshi State University
2021 - h.v. - Associate Professor of Preschool Education Department, Head of Personnel Department of Karshi State University
History of the section
"Personnel Department" was established in 1956 in Karshi State Pedagogical Institute under the name "Personnel Department". From March 11, 2021 to the present day, Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Khojakulov has been leading it.
Department members:
- Khojakulov Akbar Eshquvatovich
Head of Department Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Togaeva Nargiza Ismailovna
- Raimberdiev Askarjon Asrorovich
- Nazarova Aydin Mukhammadievna
- Togaeva Muqaddam
- Radjabova Fazilat Ostonovna
- Sadullayev Shohzod
Main tasks
- Organizing the work of the department and its employees;
- Drawing up work plans of the department and ensuring their execution;
- Ensuring and monitoring the implementation of Board decisions, orders, modemograms and telephonegrams of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Formalization of hiring and dismissal of all employees included in the nomenclature of the rector of the university, as well as preparation of personnel document for approval for the position included in the nomenclature of higher bodies;
- To control the correct use and placement of staffs by the department and other departments of the university;
- Explaining basic labor laws to employees;
- Control of compliance with internal order and labor discipline in all departments of the University;
- Elaboration of the application, notices included in the documentation and clarifying in the further formalization;
- To check the signs of professors-teachers and management apparatus, administration and educational support staff and to take measures to prevent the cases of setting working hours for employees who did not actually work;
- Accounting and submission of work notebooks, identity card forms, inspection and control of draft orders submitted to the rector for signature;
- Participation in the commissions for hiring, firing and placement of professors and teachers and employees of the administrative department;
- Verification and formalization of documents belonging to professors and teachers, control of the granting of vacations to all employees of the university based on the approved vacation schedule, working with reserve personnel, ensuring the preparation of annual and monthly reports and their submission within the specified time limits;
- Ensuring the preparation and submission of reports on the activities of the personnel department to labor bodies and higher organizations in the prescribed manner;
- Making proposals to the rector on the selection, inclusion in the personnel reserve and employment of talented young specialists with a master's degree for vacant positions.
- Thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies;
- Compliance with the requirements of the internal rules of the university, rules of etiquette and dress code.
Implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on labor and employment of the population, presidential decrees, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and orders and assignments of ministries, decisions of local authorities and regulations, guidelines and regulatory documents, internal procedures of the university Having professional and organizational skills required for a management position in higher education institutions, managerial work experience and seniority, relevant knowledge and skills within the scope of the activity and powers, and exemplary personal qualities - intelligence, civility, leadership, creative abilities, politeness, organization , having initiative skills Having sense of responsibility, independent decision-making and working, decisive action, ensuring the achievement of strategic goals based on the tasks of the department.