Modern trends in the development of the educational system: relevance, problems and prospects

August 22, 2024



On Aprel 26-27, 2024, the department of primary education of Karshi State University will present an international online scientific-practical conference on the topic "Modern trends in the development of the educational system: relevance, problems and prospects".

The work of the scientific and practical conference is carried out in the following areas:

Direction 1: Proving  the relevance of  education based on international and local trends and to ensure its quality,

Direction 2: Modern foundations of the development of the preschool education system,                        

Direction 3: Development of educational content, quality, educational programs, technologies in professional educational institutions,

Direction 4: Mechanisms of higher education and development of social spheres.

The conference will be attended by international professors and teachers of higher and secondary special, general secondary education, specialists of scientific institutions, doctoral students and independent researchers.

Requirements for the content of the state and theses:

- articles and thesis should be relevant to the conference, the content, theoretical and practical significance of the ideas should be clearly stated and completed;

- the authors do not have a responsibility for the content of articles or dissertations, provided information and scientific justification, orthographic, punctuation and stylistic errors, as well as the reliability of sources;

- it is recommended not to use different abbreviations in the text of the article or thesis (if necessary, their distribution should be given in the text), not to prohibit the editing of text and tables.

Requirements for writing articles and abstracts:

- The article or thesis is prepared in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, size 14, 1.5 spacing, 2 cm above and below, 1.5 cm from the right and 3 cm from the left;

- The images in the article must be in the following format: jpg, bmp;

- The title of the article is written in capital letters between the pages. At the bottom of the title of the text the author's (s) last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree and title, place of work are indicated, and the main text is given with a space after the title;

- annotations and keywords in Uzbek, Russian, English;

- At the bottom of the title of the text the author's (s) last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree and title, place of work are indicated, and the main text is given with a space after the title;

- A list of references is given at the end of the text. References are given in the text of the article, and the order number and page in the list of references are indicated [1:10];

 - Articles and abstracts are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English languages, electronic version, A4 format and not less than 3 pages until April 15, 2024. Conference materials will be published as a collection at the expense of the authors' pre-collected fees (the fee is set at 20,000 sum per page, card number 9860010120833321-Kazakova Markhabo Kudratovna).

Articles and abstracts will be subject to additional examination. Articles and abstracts that do not meet the above requirements will not be published and will not be returned to the author.

Each participant who participates in the online conference with his / her article and thesis will be provided with an electronic collection of conference materials. Conference materials are indexed in international databases such as Google Scholar, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), OpenAIRE.

Conference Organizing Committee: Department of Primary Education, Karshi State University, Kashkadarya region. Email address.

Address: QarDU Karshi Street 17 tel .(+99875) 225-34-13.

Telephone and telegram numbers of those responsible for receiving articles and thesis:

              On the 1st direction:  Yarmanova Yu.B.  tel:+998934201383

              On the 2nd direction: Chorieva F.A         tel:+998914747154

              On the 3rd direction:  Kazakova M.K.      tel:+998916366625

              On the 4th direction:   Aslonova O.P.      tel:+998904262303