Russian language and literature

March 1, 2025

Pardayeva Dilfuza Raimovna

Head of the department of Russian language and literature,
Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Phone: +998 91 227-98-98
Reception days: Every day of the week from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

1996–2002 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University.

2002–2007 – Lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University.

2007–2014 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University.

2014–2015 – Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Educational Work, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Karshi State University.

2015–2021 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University.

2021–2023 – Acting Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University.

Since 2023 – PhD, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karshi State University

History of the department

The Department of Russian Language and Literature was founded in 1996 through the consolidation of several departments, namely: the Department of Russian Linguistics, the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, and the Interfaculty Department of Russian Language. This structural reorganization aimed to enhance interdisciplinary research and optimize the educational process in the field of Russian philology.

Main tasks

Training of personnel in the areas of bachelor's degree: 5112500-Russian language in foreign language groups 60230100-Philology and Language teaching (Russian language) and Master's specialties: 70230101-Linguistics (Russian language)

Taught subjects

Bachelor's subjects:

Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Literary Studies


Modern Russian History of the Russian language

History of world literature

Methods of teaching the Russian language

Methods of teaching Russian literature

Fundamentals of linguistics History of the Russian language

History of Russian literature Innovative technologies for teaching the Russian language

Modern literary process

Methods of linguistic research

Children's literature

Master's subjects:

Comparative linguistics

History of linguistics

Morphonology of the Russian language

Modern problems of lexicology and lexicography

Russian paleography

Methods of linguistic research

Scientific and pedagogical work

Research work and master's thesis

Scientific works

The teaching staff of the department regularly publishes scientific articles in journals and collections of international, national level and in university journals. In 2022-2023, the staff of the department published 1 monograph, 3 textbooks, 3 certificates and patents for electronic databases, 33 articles in foreign journals with a high impact factor, 10 articles in foreign journals, 35 articles in scientific journals belonging to the UAC, 30 abstracts published in collections of international conferences, about 10 in republican ones. In 2023, members of the department conducted an international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Intercultural communication in modern linguistics". This conference was organized offline and online, it was attended by representatives from the countries of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, as well as leading higher educational institutions of our Republic. Masters, talented students studying at the department, regularly publish articles in collaboration with their scientific supervisors.


Over the past three years, 3 members of the department: Pardaeva D.R., Buranova Zh.A., Saidullaeva R.I. defended PhD dissertations in the areas of science: 10.00.06-Comparative Literary Studies, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies and 10.00.01-Uzbek Language. At present, associate professors D.R. Pardaeva, E.N. Khamrayeva, PhD Zh.A. Buranova, R.I. Saidullaeva are working on doctoral dissertations and teachers of the department D.Kh.Khamraev, M.G. Khamrayeva are working on their PhD dissertations.


The department cooperates with such Russian universities as Belgorod State National Research University, Moscow State University of Linguistics, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Niyde O'mer Halisdemir University of Turkey, as well as such universities of Uzbekistan as NUUz, UzSWLU, TSPU. Nizami, SamSU, BukhSU, TerzGU, JizzakhSU. In addition, cooperation is being carried out with secondary educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Education of the Kashkadarya region. Since 2018, within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation concluded between KarSU and BelSU, the “Center of the Russian Language and Culture” has been operating at the department. Currently, within the framework of international cooperation, 1 graduate of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the KarSU is studying for a doctorate and 7 in the Master's program of BelSU.

Teachers of the department

Pardaeva Dilfuza Raimovna - PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department;

Khamrayeva Yorkina Nabizhanovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor;

Mirzaeva Klara Temirovna - Ph.D., Associate Professor;

Muratov Bakhodir Muratovich -Ccandidate of Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor;

Buranova Zhamila Alievna - PhD, Acting Associate Professor;

Saidullaeva Rano Ibatovna - PhD, Lecturer;

Khamraev Dilshod Khamdamovich - Senior Lecturer;

Saidova Zuhra Khudoynazarovna - Senior Lecturer;

Yuldasheva Laylo Ulugbekovna - Senior Lecturer;

Bazarova Nodira Shamsievna - Teacher;

Yuldasheva Lola Kuldashevna - Teacher;

Karimov Bolta Pattaevich - Teacher;

Muhammadiev Shukhrat Mustafakulovich - Teacher;

Berdikulova Gulchekhra Isroilovna - Teacher;

Sadinova Dilfuza Umirovna - Teacher;

Meilieva Mohiba Olmurodovna - Teacher;

Murodova Khurshida Bakhtiyorovna - Teacher;

Khamrayeva Malika Gairat kizi - Teacher;

Saidova Nilufar Zaripovna - Teacher;

Khamrayeva Dilafruz Zhuraevna - Teacher.