Mamarasulov Tulkinjon Mirzayevich
Head of the department of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Philosophy Doctor of medical sciences
Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday of the week from 15:00 to 18:00
Labor activity
Department head from 2022 y.
History of the department
Based on the order of Karshi State University No. 221-X dated May 17, 2023, the Department of General Medicine and Pediatrics was established as part of the Faculty of Medicine
Main tasks
Providing quality education to students, conducting scientific research.
Taught subjects
- Human anatomy
- Histology
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Hygiene
- Propaedeutics of internal diseases
- Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Scientific works
Causal relationships of maternal and infant mortality and risk factors (based on the material of the cities and villaged of Kashkadarya region)
Nodirov Tulqin Saidovich, Chuliyeva Mukhayyo
- Tashkent Medical Academy
- Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
- Samarkand State Medical University
Teachers of the department
- Tursunqulova Markhamat Ergashevna
- Nodirov Tulkin Saidovich
- Boybekov Sherzod Aliyevich
- Ruziev Adham Shuxratovich
- Rajabov Sherzodjon Nurmaxmadovich
- Baratov Elzodjon Bo‘ronovich
- Mustafoyev Muxammad Olimovich
- Rustamov Sardor Ulugbekovich
- Muxammadiyeva Mashkhura Mustafaqulovna
- Salimova Gulkhayo Shavkatovna
- Saidova Maftuna Qurbonaliyevna