Department of Geography

March 1, 2025

Nazarov Maksud Geldiyorovich

Head of the department of Geography,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography, Associate Professor
Phone: +998 99 666-38-10
Reception days: Monday, Friday

Labor activity

2001-2005 - Student of Karshi State University

2005-2006 - Teacher of  secondary school №7 in Kasbi district

2006-2008 - Master student of Samarkand State University

2008-2021. - Teacher of the  DepartmentGeography of Karshi State University

2021 - now. - Head of the Department of Geography of Karshi State University

History of the department

Although the Geography Department was founded in 1969, in fact, A.Ruziyev (1963), M.Yangiboyev (1962), R.Akhmedov (1963), I.Toirov (1964), A.Mamatov (1966), A.Najimov (1966) made great contributions to the training of geography teachers. During the past period, the Department of Geography was headed by the following professors and teachers: Mamatov Abdulla - 1960-75, 1977-78; Ruziev Abdimumin - 1975-77; Yangibayev Mahmud - 1978-1989; Suyun Abdullayev - 1990-94, 1999-2004; Kalonov Bakhriddin - 1994-98; Erdonov Latif - 1998-2012; Zhankobilov Ilkhomiddin - 2012-2015; Kurbanov Pakhlavon - 2015-2021; Nazarov Maksud - from 2021 to the present.

Main tasks

The Department of Geography is a department for training specialists in the areas "5140600-Geography," "60530400-Geography," "70530201-Geography (by object of study)."

Taught subjects

* Theory and methods of teaching geography
* General physical geography
* Hydrology and climatology
* Economic and social geography
* Fundamentals of geomorphology and geology
* Topography, cartography and GIS
* Geography of cities and geourban studies
* Soil geography
* Physical geography of continents and oceans
* Physical Geography of Central Asia
* Economic and social geography of the countries of the world
* Economic and social geography of the countries of Central Asia
* Geography of Uzbekistan
* Landscaping
* World geography
* Fundamentals of population geography and demography
* Geography of Kashkadarya
* Geoecology and landscape ecology
* Biogeography
* Toponymy
* Local history
* Basic problems of geography
* Tourist and recreational geography
* Geography of transport, industry and agriculture
* The study of the geographic shell

• General natural geography
• Hydrology and climatology
• Economic and social geography
• Fundamentals of geomorphology and geology
• Topography, cartography and GIS
• Geography of cities and geourbanistics
• Geography of soils
• Natural geography of continents and oceans
• Natural geography of Central Asia
• Economic and social geography of world countries
• Economic and social geography of Central Asian countries
• Geography of Uzbekistan
• Landscape science
• World geography
• Fundamentals of population geography and demography
• Geography of Kashkadarya
• Geoecology and landscape ecology
• Biogeography
• Toponymy
• Local studies
• Basic problems of geography
• Tourism and recreation geography
• Geography of transport, industry and agriculture

Scientific works

15 professors (candidates of sciences, associate professors, senior teachers, teachers) work in the department in 13.75 full-time units. The scientific potential of the department is 60%. As a kind of geographical school in the south of Uzbekistan, the department carries out its activities in the following areas:
1. Geographical and ecological aspects of nature management in Southern Uzbekistan
2. Scientific and methodological problems of improving the teaching of geography in secondary schools, lyceums and institutions of higher education.
During the research work, the department's teachers have published about 50 scientific, scientific-methodological, popular science, and educational-methodological manuals and textbooks in the direction of "Geographical and ecological aspects of nature management in Southern Uzbekistan" to date.
Scientific and methodological activity of the department:
Teachers of the department in the process of research work in the direction of "Geographical and ecological aspects of nature management in Southern Uzbekistan" have so far published 24 collections of scientific, scientific and methodological, popular science and textbooks. Among them:  "Recreational geography" (2015), "Field training qualification work in geography" (2016), "Laboratory classes in general earth science" (2017), "Practical classes in physical geography of continents and oceans" (2019), "Urbanization processes in Southern Uzbekistan" (2019), "Agricultural Geography of Southern Uzbekistan" (2020), "Anthropogenic landscapes of the Kashkadarya basin and their geoecological state" (2020), "Tasks and exercises in geography" (2020), "Thematic tests on economic and social geography" (2020), "Toponyms of Kashkadarya region" (2021), "Geographical and toponymic bases of world names" (2021), "Practical classes on physical geography of continents and oceans" (2021) "Practical classes on general hydrology"(2021), "Workshop on physical geography of Kashkadarya region" (2022), "Geography of the World (Physical Geography of Central Asia) " (2024), "Geography of Tourism" (2024), "Geography of Soils" (2024), "Geography of the World Economy" (2024), "Local Studies" (2024), "Topography" (2025), "Topography, Cartography and GIS" (2025).On October 25-26, 2024, the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Geography and Agronomy of Karshi State University held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Innovative Ideas in Modern Geography: Digital Economy and GIS Technologies".


Among the professors of the department,  Murtazayev Bahrom "Systematic-structural analysis of altitude regions of Kashkadarya region", Murodova Dilafroz "Important aspects of population growth and settlement of Kashkadarya region".


Currently, the department has established regular cooperation with the Altai State University of Russia, Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Samarkand State University, Bukhara State University and other higher educational institutions of the republic. Within the framework of this cooperation, lectures are regularly organized at the department by professors A.Abdulkasimov, E.Yu.Safarov, S.B.Abbosov, M.T.Mirakmalov, associate professors K.Yarashov, N.Alimkulov, M.Nazarov, H.Toshev, professors of Osh State University A.G.Nizamiyev, associate professor of Altai State University Yu.P.Krupochkin. They lecture students in the fields of "5110500-Geography Teaching Methodology," "5110500-Fundamentals of Geography and Economic Knowledge," "5140600-Geography," as well as master's students in the field of "70530402-Geography (by object of study) " and supervise master's dissertations.

Teachers of the department

• Nazarov Maksud Geldiyarovich
• Abdullaev Suyun Ismatovich
• Erdonov Latif Nuralievich
• Usmanova Rohatjon Usmanovna
• Kurbanov Pakhlavon Rustamovich
• Eshboev Bekzod Tojievich
• Zhumayev Khairulla Khaitovich
• Murtazayev Bakhrom Chorievich
• Mukumova Khusnora Ergashevna
• Murodova Dilafruz Sunnatovna
• Berdikulova Mukhayo Toshtemirovna
• Navotova Dilnoza Ibragimovna
• Boymurodov Sami Mamurovich
• Khushmurodov Farrukh Mirzomurodovich
• Safarov Isak Bozor ugli