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Yuldashev Ismail AbrievichDean of the Faculty, PhD, associate professorPhone: +998 90 187-76-52Email: yuldoshevi1983@gmail.comReception days: Every day; 14:00-16:00 (except Monday and Saturday) |
Yuldashev Ismail Abrievich was born in 1983 in the Kashkadarya region, Kasba district. In 2000-2006 graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karshi State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in computer science, in 2006-2017. Assistant of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Karshi State University, in 2018-2020. Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karshi State University and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty, as well as Senior Lecturer of the Department “Methods of Teaching Informatics”; in 2020-2021 he was the head of the Department “Methods of Teaching Informatics” of Karshi State University, and since May 2021 has been working as the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Karshi State University. In 2019, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences and received a doctoral degree. In 2021 he received the academic title of Associate Professor. Currently, she is working on a doctoral dissertation on the topic “The concept of creating and implementing pedagogical diagnostic software based on information technology”. Also, under his leadership, master's theses and more than 10 final qualifying theses were successfully defended. He is the author of: 1 monograph, 4 manuals, 8 electronic textbooks, more than 80 scientific (foreign and republican) articles and abstracts.
Since 1956, it has been operating as a Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education under the Faculty of History and Philology. Since 1960, it has been called the Faculty of Pedagogy and Primary Education, and since 2014, it has been called the Faculty of Pedagogy. In 2018, the Faculty of Preschool and Elementary Education was separated from the Faculty of Pedagogy. Since 2020, it has been called the Faculty of Pedagogy.
Organization and provision of the educational process at the faculty;
To provide information services to students on all issues of education and carry out explanatory work;
Preparation of draft orders and issuance of orders by faculty;
Preparation of relevant documents and information on the faculty based on the instructions of higher organizations;
Maintaining, collecting, storing information on student activities and issuing relevant documents;
Monitor the student contingent;
Issuance of student ID cards and delivery to students;
Issuing evaluation notebooks, monitoring the recording of students' learning results and keeping them;
Completion of assessment records, control and storage of their filling in the established order;
Summarizing the results of the semester, preparing reports and submitting them to the educational and methodological department of the higher education institution in the established order;
Based on the results of the semester and the scholarship committee's decision, preparing drafts of orders for assigning scholarships to students and transferring them from one course to another;
Submitting the student certificate, assessment book, educational and personal forms of graduating bachelor and master students to the student department of the Higher Education Institution in the established order;
Ensuring the execution of orders related to graduate students.
Primary education
Preschool education
Technological education
Pedagogy and psychology
Labor protection and technical safety
Psychology (by types of activity)
Currently, the faculty has more than 10 talented students. They have received state scholarships, participants of the "Zakovat" intellectual game, various innovative projects and "Young Reader" competition, and participants and winners of international and republican scientific-practical conferences. These are the talented students of the faculty:
Rabimov Suhrob Shirinboy o'g'li
Usmonov Avazbek Samandar o‘g‘li
Xasanova Malika Alisher qizi
Botirova Ruxshona Alik qizi
Uroqova Go‘zal Azamat qizi
Shoyimova Farangiz Mustafo qizi
Panjiyeva Shahlo Zulfixor qizi
Roziqova Farizoda Ruyiddin qizi
Ishpulotova Dinora Raxim qizi
To`xtamurodova Nafisa Salim qizi
Technological education department
Department of Primary education