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Rakhmatullayev Yorkin ShokirovichHead of the department of Physiology,
1994-1999: Student at Karshi State University
1999-2000: Biology teacher at the secondary school №8 in Karshi district
2000-2001: Lecturer at the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2001-2005: Full-time postgraduate student at the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2005-2009: Lecturer at the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2009-2014: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2014-2018: Acting Associate Professor at the Department of Biotechnology, Karshi State University
2019-2021: Associate Professor at the Department of Zoology and Physiology, Karshi State University
2021-2022: Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2022-2023: Acting Head of the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
2023-present: Head of the Department of Physiology, Karshi State University
In September 2021, it was reorganized on the basis of the Department of Zoology and Physiology
Preparing 60510100 -Biology (by types) bachelor and 70510101-Biology (Human and animal physiology) master`s students
Human and animal physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular biology, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Physiology of ionizing rays, Physiology of nutrition and digestion, Age physiology and hygiene, Human physiology, Human anatomy, Pediatrics and children`s hygiene, Anatomy
Since January of 2023, 10 articles in International Journals, 10 articles in scientific journals of the republic, 2articles in the basis of Web of Science have been published. Moreover, 2monographs and 2 tutorials have been submitted to publication.
Hazratova Khulkar Normurodovna - 03.00.08 - Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "The nutrition of primary school students and its physiological analysis (a case study of rural schools in Kashkadarya region)." Sattorova Iroda Yangiboevna - 03.00.08 - Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "The effect of certain polyphenolic compounds on liver mitochondria dysfunction in experimental hyperglycemia." Qiyomova Nozigul Farhodovna - 03.00.08 - Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "The effect of the extract of Ferula asafoetida on the hydrolytic function of the small intestine (example of carbohydrases and proteases)." Jumakulova Guzal Sayfiddin qizi - 03.00.08 - Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "The effect of biologically active tissue biostimulants on the organism and their immunological comparative indicators." Avliyokulova Musharraf Bakhtiyorovna – 03.00.08 – Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "Study of physical development indicators of students in general education schools in the southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Ikromova Mukhlisa Akromovna - 03.00.08 - Physiology of Humans and Animals. Research topic: "The effect of certain polyphenols on the antioxidant system and functional parameters of mitochondria under oxidative stress."
The department has established cooperation with higher education institutions of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and Privolzhsky Research Medical University. In addition, scientific and pedagogical collaboration is being carried out with faculty members of the Faculty of Science at Ege University (Turkey). Furthermore, partnerships have been established with the National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Termez State University, the Main Department of Health of Kashkadarya Region, the Ibn Sina Medical College, several laboratories of the Kashkadarya Regional Service of Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being and Public Health, the Kashkadarya Regional Department of Preschool and School Education and its territorial branches, as well as a number of industrial enterprises and the "Apollo" Diagnostic Center.