Oripova Nodima KhalilovnaHead of the department of preschool education,
Oripova Nodima Khalilovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor. On December 28, 2023, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation (DSс) on the topic “Systematization of the theory of the formation of pedagogical beliefs of students based on variant modeling (on the example of the specialty of primary education)”. N. Oripova is the author of more than 200 scientific articles and teaching aids. She has published more than 10 articles in scientific journals in Turkey, America, Russia and other countries, as well as in scientific journals included in the international database "Scopus" and "Web of Science". Published 2 textbook, 3 manuals and 2 monographs. From February 2020 N.Oripova works as the head of the Department of Preschool Education at Karshi State University.
The Department of "Pre-school Education" was formed in 1991 at Karshi State Pedagogical Institute under the name "Pre-school Education". In 1993, it was renamed as the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education, and since 2010 it has been called the Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pre-school Education. On April 1, 2014, due to the modification of the university, the department was included to the Department of Primary Education and renamed as the Department of “Methods of Pre-school and Primary education”. In October 2018, due to changes in the structure of Karshi State University, the department "Pre-school education" was separated from the department "Methodology of preschool and primary education" and is still operating.
BA 60110200 - Pre-school education (full-time and part-time). In 2020 Doctoral specialty (PhD) of 13.00.08-Theory and methodology of education and upbringing has been carrying in the department. Currently, there are 9 doctoral students study in this field. Future personnel who are expected to become specialists in the department will work in state and non-state kindergardens, pedagogical colleges, preschool and school education departments, as well as continue scientific research in various higher education institutions.
Technology of organizing development centers
Teaching children to stage and creative activities
Folk pedagogy
Developing children's speech
Formation of mathematical concepts
Children's physical education
Introduction to Nature
Teaching visual activity
Pedagogy of children of early and preschool age
General pedagogy
Education system abroad
Teaching technologies and design of preschool education
Current issues of education and upbringing.
Inclusive education
Correctional pedagogy
Several textbooks, manuals, and monographs were published by teaching staff of the department. The following textbook "Pedagogical professional competence and creativity" and the academic manual "Family pedagogy" (N. Oripova); "Preschool Education Management" (Khodzhakulov A.); "Introduction to Nature" (Botirova L.); "General Pedagogy" (Burieva N.); "Theory and Technology of Formation of Mathematical Imagination" (Alimardonova M.); "Teaching Children Stage and Creative Activities" (V. Kel'diyarova). In the recent years, in cooperation many textbooks and manuals were published, as "Pedagogical foundations of national feelings formation in preschool children" (R. Rashidova, M. Rajabova), "Modern methods of preschool children's worldview formation" (N. Buriyeva, S. Ashirova), "Ecology of Life" (T. Tilovova), "Theory of Formation of Professional Pedagogical Beliefs of Future Teachers Based on Variational Modeling" (N. Oripova), Monographs "Theory and Methodology of Responsibility Formation in the Process of Integration of Activities in Elementary School Students" (M. Mukhammadiyeva) were published.
In 2020 the Doctoral specialty (PhD) of 13.00.08-Theory and methodology of education and upbringing has been operating in the department. Currently, 9 doctoral students are studying.
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami;
Termez Pedagogical Institute;
Andijan State Pedagogical Institute; Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute;
Regional Department of Preschool and School Education;
A number of pre-school educational organisations in the city of Karshi;
KOICA organisation in South Korea;
Belarusian State University (Republic of Belarus);
Kazan Federal University.
Oripova Nodima Khalilovna-Head of the chair, DSs, associate professor
Xujaqulov Akbar Eshquvvatovich- PhD, dosent.
Muhammadiyeva Manzura Maratovna- PhD, dosent.
Alimardonova Mohichehra Bahromovna- PhD.
Tilovova Nargiza Turopovna-teacher
Botirova Latofat Luftillayevna-teacher
Buriyeva Nilufar Rasulovna-teacher
Rashidova Rano Ganiyevna- teacher
Rajabova Mukhayyo Yusupovna - teacher