Department of "Algorithms and Programming Technologies”

February 17, 2025

Eshkarayeva Narkhol Guzarovna

head of the department "Algorithm and technological programming" candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Phone: +998 91 215-17-71
Reception days: Thursday and Friday from 15:00 to 18:00

Labor activity

Eshkarayeva Narhol Guzarovna – scientist in the field of mathematical modeling, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. She made a great contribution to the field of mathematical modeling of the process of deformation of flexible anisotropic plates of complex configuration. N.G.Eshkarayeva has published 3 manuals, 4 methodological manuals, more than 80 scientific articles and abstracts, one of her scientific articles has been published in a journal indexed in the Scopus database. Total work experience - 37 years. Pedagogical experience at Karshi State University - 27 years. In 2014-2019 she worked as Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Educational Work of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karshi State University, in 2019-2021 - Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of Karshi State University. Since 2021, he has been working as the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

History of the department

According to the order of the rector of the Karshin State University No. 508-X on November 1, 2021, the faculty of mathematics and informatics is part of the faculty of teaching informatics, the department of "Algorithms and programming technologies".

On November 1, 2021, the department will be opened by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, (DSc) Kayumova Nasiba Ashurovna.

The department prepares undergraduate staff for training 5110700- "Methodology of informatics teaching" and 5110100- "Mathematics and informatics" and master's training for 70610204 - Information systems (by networks).

In the current period, 13 professors work in the department, 1 industrial department and one laboratory assistant, 1 doctoral student (DSc), 6 candidates, associate professors, 3 senior lecturers and 4 assistants work in the department. 

Main tasks

The tasks of the department include organizing the exchange of scientific and technical information, innovative ideas and experience between professors and teachers of the department, conducting seminars and presentations together with specialized departments of higher educational institutions abroad.

The department discusses the scientific works of scientists defending the academic councils of the republic in the specialty 13.00.02 and 13.00.06 and provides applicants with reviews from the leading organization and appendage reviews.

preparation and publication of textbooks, educational monographs and teaching aids on disciplines taught at the department.

carrying out scientific and methodological work with talented students;

active participation of professors and talented students in international and republican scientific and practical conferences, etc.

Taught subjects

Algorithms and programming technologies

Methods of teaching mathematics and computer science

Pedagogical software tools

Information Systems

Application software package

Modern technologies in education

Set of practical programs

Computational linguistics and artificial intelligence

Digital information technologies

Application of information technologies in the areas

Integration in education

Scientific works

Methodological foundations for increasing the effectiveness of education based on IT technologies;

Text processing and mining in computational linguistics.

The clubs “Algorithms”, “Computer Literacy” and “Chess and Checkers” at the department work according to plan, more than 30 talented students regularly participate in them, and students undergo practical training on scientific research topics.

Every academic year, undergraduate students in “Informatics Methodology” undergo qualifying practice in academic lyceums and secondary schools.

The department conducts scientific and methodological work with talented students assigned to professors and teachers.

Also, several talented students participate in international and republican scientific and practical conferences.

During 2022-2023, professors and teachers of the department published 4 textbooks, the Scopus database, indexed in international databases, and 18 scientific articles in journals recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission. 20 copyright certificates have been officially registered for programs created by professors and teachers in 2022-2023.


Currently, the department has a scientific and methodological seminar “Current problems of mathematics and computer science.” Discussion of scientific lectures, articles and dissertations is planned.

Also, one of the professors-teachers of the department, Juraev T., conducts scientific research for the dissertation of Doctor of Science (DSc), Daminova B., Shodiev F., Razzokov I., Saidova D. conduct scientific research. for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation.


Institutions with which the department has scientific cooperation: Institute of Technology and Digital Technologies of the Belgorod State National Research University of the Russian Federation, Kazan Federal University, Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Pedagogical University. The department also maintains contact with such higher educational institutions as UzMU, TATU, Samarkand State University, BukSU

Teachers of the department

  • Kayumova Nasiba Ashurovna – head of the department, doctor of pedagogy, (DSc.), professor.
  • Karimov Kayum Mashaevich – candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor.
  • Begmatova Nodira Hakimovna - candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor.
  • Zhuraev Tuichi Norbutaevich - doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.), associate professor.
  • Yuldoshev Ismail Abrievich - doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.), associate professor.
  • Norov Abdisait Murodovich–doctor of philosophy(Ph.D.), associate professor 
  • Safarov Laziz Saimovich is a senior teacher.
  • Daminova Barno Esanovna is a senior teacher.
  • Chodiev Faizulla Yusupovich is a senior teacher.
  • Razzakov Ilkhom Davronovich - teacher.
  • Saidova Dilfuza Ergashevna - teacher.
  • Bozorova Irina Jumanazarovna - teacher.
  • Khusanova Surayo Khamzaevna - teacher.