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Umida YoziyevaHead of the section of masters,
The Master’s Program
The Master's Program at Karshi State University has been operational since the academic year 2001-2002. Currently, the university offers 25 different specializations for students to pursue their studies.The educational program for the Master's degree at the university is based on the qualification requirements approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, as well as the standard curricula for the academic 2023-2024 year, which have been discussed and approved by the Academic Council. The syllabuses and timetables for the educational process are also determined by the Academic Council. While preparing masters’ programs, the scientific capacity of the faculty of the department has also been taken into account. At present, there are 27 Doctors of Science, 52 Associate Professors with a PhD, and 5 Senior Teachers working on master's level programs. When placing orders for each specialization, the availability of Doctors of Sciences and PhDs in these specializations is ensured. The development of master's programs is carried out on a case-by-case basis, based on the requirements and needs for master's graduates in Kashkadarya region and surrounding areas.The availability of material and technical resources plays an essential role in training specialists. Scientific activities of master's students and preparation of master's dissertations are conducted at specialized departments, educational and research laboratories, and the "information resource center". It has annual and long-term plans that have been approved by the Academic Council of the Department of Master's Studies. The annual plan outlines the organization of the educational process, scientific research, and spiritual and educational activities. The long-term plan includes textbooks, manuals, translated educational materials for master's programs, lectures, collections of exercises, methodological guides for laboratory work, and other resources.Karshi State University currently has 292 undergraduate students (98 in the first year and 194 in the second year) studying in 25 different fields. The teaching staff with scientific expertise in the areas of master's studies leads research activities and advises on master's dissertations.As of the 2024-2025 academic year, three new master's degree programs have been introduced: 70230104 - Literary Studies: Uzbek Literature, 70230105 - Textual and Literary Source Studies: Uzbek Language, and 70410102 - Economics.
The following 24 specialities of the master's program offered by Karshi State University for the 2024-2025 academic year:
70230101-Linguistics (Uzbek language)
70230101-Linguistics (Russian language)
70230101-Linguistics (English language)
70230101-Linguistics (German language)
70230101-Linguistics (French language)
70230104-Literary Studies: (Uzbek literature)
70230105-Textual and literary source: (Uzbek language)
70540201-Applied Mathematics
70610103-Information Technologies
70411001-Human Resource Management
71010101-Tourism and hotel business
70810203-Soil Science
70710413-Renewable energy sources
71010201-Sports: (athletics)