Warm Welcome to New Academic Year: Embrace Journey of Knowledge

September 9, 2024
University news

Dear Respected Professors, Honored Colleagues, and Beloved Students,

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the young who have earned the great fortune of stepping into the world of academia with the start of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Knowledge is the key that unlocks all doors, the cornerstone of every success. In today’s world, our nation is placing immense importance on education, with every effort dedicated to fostering a generation of well-rounded and capable youth.

Your time as students is a chapter filled with unparalleled opportunities. Embrace it fully—strive for new knowledge, cultivate meaningful friendships, dream big, and plan boldly for your future. Cherish every moment along the way, and remember: the quality of your education is deeply intertwined with your determination and unwavering commitment to mastering your field of study.

As you embark on this new academic journey, I wish you all the best. May this year be filled with success, growth, and rewarding experiences.

Dilmurod Hamidullaevich Nabiev 

Rector of Karshi State University  

Doctor of Economics, Professor